在自定义命令/函数检查当前缓冲区是否有“已选择”的文本(v/ v/ C-v)

时间:2021-08-01 23:28:38

I am having a custom command, in the command a function would be called.


I want to make sure that, the command is executed only if current buffer is in VISUAL mode (v, V or C-V). or, say, the function is executed only if some text in current buffer is currently selected.


  • visualmode() I cannot use, because it gives the last visual mode type.
  • 我不能使用visualmode(),因为它提供了最后的可视模式类型。
  • I tried putting echo mode() in the function, it gives always n.
  • 我尝试在函数中加入echo模式(),它总是给出n。
  • and I am not sure, if I selected something, and press : it has already entered command mode, how can I check if the buffer has something in selection right now?
  • 我不确定,如果我选择了什么,然后按:它已经进入命令模式,我怎么能检查缓冲区现在是否有选择的东西?

The solution could be easy, but I am stuck here.... can someone shed me some light? thank you.


2 个解决方案



If you want that kind of functionality, you have to use a mapping (or two different mappings for normal and visual mode).


As you said, as soon as you press :, visual mode is left for command-line mode. However, as the :'<,'> range is automatically inserted, you can pass that range to your function and operate on that. That would allow use from normal mode via an explicit range, too, but this is just sensible and consistent with the built-in commands.

正如您所说的,一旦您按下:,可视模式将被保留为命令行模式。但是,作为:'<,' '>范围是自动插入的,您可以将该范围传递到您的函数并对其进行操作。这将允许通过显式范围使用普通模式,但这只是合理的,与内置命令一致。



I've been trying to figure out the same problem myself, and I came up with this.


With this autocmd:


autocmd CursorMoved * let s:Mode = mode()

A command like the following that also uses range option -range=0 that alters the <count> argument (0 when no range is passed, other wise the same number as the line the command is called on):

如下所示的命令也使用range选项-range=0修改 参数(当没有传递范围时,为0,否则与命令调用的行相同):

command! -range=0 CmdName call FuncName(<count>, <line1>, <line2>)

Then with logic like this you can check for either a visual selection, a normal range being passed, and no range passed at all:


function! FuncName(count, firstLine, lastLine)
    if a:count == 0 "no range given 
            "do stuff for no given range
        if s:Mode  =~ '\vV|v|'  "range was given
            "do stuff for visual selection
            "do stuff for normal range
            " w/ a:firstLine & a:lastLine 



  • Known Problem - The only case I have found this doesn't work is when a visual selection is only one character ( the cursor wasn't moved), but for most cases this shouldn't be an issue.


  • Command Note - You have to pass and as arguments rather than using the before call, so a invalid range isn't passed.




If you want that kind of functionality, you have to use a mapping (or two different mappings for normal and visual mode).


As you said, as soon as you press :, visual mode is left for command-line mode. However, as the :'<,'> range is automatically inserted, you can pass that range to your function and operate on that. That would allow use from normal mode via an explicit range, too, but this is just sensible and consistent with the built-in commands.

正如您所说的,一旦您按下:,可视模式将被保留为命令行模式。但是,作为:'<,' '>范围是自动插入的,您可以将该范围传递到您的函数并对其进行操作。这将允许通过显式范围使用普通模式,但这只是合理的,与内置命令一致。



I've been trying to figure out the same problem myself, and I came up with this.


With this autocmd:


autocmd CursorMoved * let s:Mode = mode()

A command like the following that also uses range option -range=0 that alters the <count> argument (0 when no range is passed, other wise the same number as the line the command is called on):

如下所示的命令也使用range选项-range=0修改 参数(当没有传递范围时,为0,否则与命令调用的行相同):

command! -range=0 CmdName call FuncName(<count>, <line1>, <line2>)

Then with logic like this you can check for either a visual selection, a normal range being passed, and no range passed at all:


function! FuncName(count, firstLine, lastLine)
    if a:count == 0 "no range given 
            "do stuff for no given range
        if s:Mode  =~ '\vV|v|'  "range was given
            "do stuff for visual selection
            "do stuff for normal range
            " w/ a:firstLine & a:lastLine 



  • Known Problem - The only case I have found this doesn't work is when a visual selection is only one character ( the cursor wasn't moved), but for most cases this shouldn't be an issue.


  • Command Note - You have to pass and as arguments rather than using the before call, so a invalid range isn't passed.
