public class Solution { public int[] findOrder(int numCourses, int[][] prerequisites) { int[] incLinkCounts = new int[numCourses]; List<List<Integer>> adjs = new ArrayList<>(numCourses); initialiseGraph(incLinkCounts, adjs, prerequisites); //return solveByBFS(incLinkCounts, adjs); return solveByBFS(incLinkCounts,adjs); } private void initialiseGraph(int[] incLinkCounts, List<List<Integer>> adjs, int[][] prerequisites){ int n = incLinkCounts.length; while (n-- > 0) adjs.add(new ArrayList<>()); for (int[] edge : prerequisites) { incLinkCounts[edge[0]]++; adjs.get(edge[1]).add(edge[0]); } } private int[] solveByBFS(int[] incLinkCounts, List<List<Integer>> adjs){ int[] order = new int[incLinkCounts.length]; Queue<Integer> toVisit = new ArrayDeque<>(); for (int i = 0; i < incLinkCounts.length; i++) { if (incLinkCounts[i] == 0) toVisit.offer(i); } int visited = 0; while (!toVisit.isEmpty()) { int from = toVisit.poll(); order[visited++] = from; for (int to : adjs.get(from)) { incLinkCounts[to]--; if (incLinkCounts[to] == 0) toVisit.offer(to); } } return visited == incLinkCounts.length ? order : new int[0]; } }
public class Solution { public int[] findOrder(int numCourses, int[][] prerequisites) { int[] incLinkCounts = new int[numCourses]; List<List<Integer>> adjs = new ArrayList<>(numCourses); initialiseGraph(incLinkCounts, adjs, prerequisites); //return solveByBFS(incLinkCounts, adjs); return solveByDFS(adjs); } private void initialiseGraph(int[] incLinkCounts, List<List<Integer>> adjs, int[][] prerequisites){ int n = incLinkCounts.length; while (n-- > 0) adjs.add(new ArrayList<>()); for (int[] edge : prerequisites) { incLinkCounts[edge[0]]++; adjs.get(edge[1]).add(edge[0]); } } private int[] solveByBFS(int[] incLinkCounts, List<List<Integer>> adjs){ int[] order = new int[incLinkCounts.length]; Queue<Integer> toVisit = new ArrayDeque<>(); for (int i = 0; i < incLinkCounts.length; i++) { if (incLinkCounts[i] == 0) toVisit.offer(i); } int visited = 0; while (!toVisit.isEmpty()) { int from = toVisit.poll(); order[visited++] = from; for (int to : adjs.get(from)) { incLinkCounts[to]--; if (incLinkCounts[to] == 0) toVisit.offer(to); } } return visited == incLinkCounts.length ? order : new int[0]; } private int[] solveByDFS(List<List<Integer>> adjs) { BitSet hasCycle = new BitSet(1); BitSet visited = new BitSet(adjs.size()); BitSet onStack = new BitSet(adjs.size()); Deque<Integer> order = new ArrayDeque<>(); for (int i = adjs.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (visited.get(i) == false && hasOrder(i, adjs, visited, onStack, order) == false) return new int[0]; } int[] orderArray = new int[adjs.size()]; for (int i = 0; !order.isEmpty(); i++) orderArray[i] = order.pop(); return orderArray; } private boolean hasOrder(int from, List<List<Integer>> adjs, BitSet visited, BitSet onStack, Deque<Integer> order) { visited.set(from); onStack.set(from); for (int to : adjs.get(from)) { if (visited.get(to) == false) { if (hasOrder(to, adjs, visited, onStack, order) == false) return false; } else if (onStack.get(to) == true) { return false; } } onStack.clear(from); order.push(from); return true; } }