class MyIterator: def __init__(self, element): self.element = element def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if self.element: return self.element.pop(0) else: raise StopIteration itrtr = MyIterator([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) print(next(itrtr)) print(next(itrtr)) print(next(itrtr)) print(next(itrtr)) print(next(itrtr)) print("===============") def my_generator(n): while n: n -= 1 yield n for i in my_generator(3): print(i) print("===============") print(my_generator(5)) g = my_generator(4) print(next(g)) print(next(g)) print(next(g)) print(next(g)) print("===============") def complain_about(substring): print('Please talk to me!') try: while True: text = (yield ) if substring in text: print('Oh no: I found a %s again!' % (substring)) except GeneratorExit: print('OK, ok: I am quitting.') c = complain_about('Ruby') next(c) c.send('Test data') c.send('Some more random text') c.send('Test data with Ruby somewhere in it') c.send('Stop complaining about Ruby or else!') c.close() print("===============") def coroutine(fn): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): c = fn(*args, **kwargs) next(c) return c return wrapper @coroutine def complain_about2(substring): print('Please talk to me!') while True: text = (yield ) if substring in text: print('Oh no: I found a %s again!' % (substring)) c = complain_about2('JavaScript') c.send("hello") c.send("Test data with JavaScript") c.close()
=============== =============== <generator object my_generator at 0x0000000002631BA0> =============== Please talk to me! Oh no: I found a Ruby again! Oh no: I found a Ruby again! OK, ok: I am quitting. =============== Please talk to me! Oh no: I found a JavaScript again! Process finished with exit code