I'm working through previous years ACM Programming Competition problems trying to get better at solving Graph problems.
The one I'm working on now is I'm given an arbitrary number of undirected graph nodes, their neighbors and the distances for the edges connecting the nodes. What I NEED is the distance between the two farthest nodes from eachother (the weight distance, not by # of nodes away).
Now, I do have Dijkstra's algorithm in the form of:
// Dijkstra's Single-Source Algorithm
private int cheapest(double[] distances, boolean[] visited)
int best = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++)
if (!visited[i] && ((best < 0) || (distances[i] < distances[best])))
best = i;
return best;
// Dijkstra's Continued
public double[] distancesFrom(int source)
double[] result = new double[size()];
java.util.Arrays.fill(result, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
result[source] = 0; // zero distance from itself
boolean[] visited = new boolean[size()];
for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++)
int node = cheapest(result, visited);
visited[node] = true;
for (int j = 0; j < size(); j++)
result[j] = Math.min(result[j], result[node] + getCost(node, j));
return result;
With this implementation I can give it a particular node and it will give me a list of all the distances from that node. So, I could grab the largest distance in that list of distances but I can't be sure that any particular node is one of the two furthest ones at either end.
So the only solution I can think of is to run this Dijkstra's algorithm on every node, go through each returned list of distances and looking for the largest distance. After exhausting each node returning it's list of distances I should have the value of the largest distance between any two nodes (the "road" distance between the two most widely seperated villages). There has got to be an easier way to do this because this seems really computationally expensive. The problem says that there could be sample inputs with up to 500 nodes so I wouldn't want it to take prohibitively long. Is this how I should do it?
Here is a sample input for the problem:
Total Nodes: 5
Nodes 2 - Connect - Node 4. Distance/Weight 25
Nodes 2 - Connect - Node 5. Distance/Weight 26
Nodes 3 - Connect - Node 4. Distance/Weight 16
Nodes 1 - Connect - Node 4. Distance/Weight 14
边缘:节点2 - 连接 - 节点4.距离/重量25节点2 - 连接 - 节点5.距离/重量26节点3 - 连接 - 节点4.距离/重量16节点1 - 连接 - 节点4.距离/重量14
The answer to this sample input is "67 miles". Which is the length of the road between the two most widely separated villages.
So should I do it how I described or is there a much simpler and much less computationally expensive way?
6 个解决方案
It looks like you can use either of:
- Floyd Warshall algorithm
- Johnson's algorithm.
Floyd Warshall算法
I can't give you much guidance about them though - I'm no expert.
我不能给你很多关于他们的指导 - 我不是专家。
So there's an implementation of Dijkstra which runs O(VlogV + E) giving your approach a complexity of roughly V^2logV + VE. See DADS. But perhaps more intuitive would be to run one of the all pairs shortest path algorithms like Floyd-Warshall or Johnsons. Unfortunately they're all roughly O(V^3) for dense graphs (close to the complete graph where E = V^2).
所以Dijkstra的实现运行O(VlogV + E),使您的方法具有大致V ^ 2logV + VE的复杂性。见DADS。但也许更直观的是运行像Floyd-Warshall或Johnsons这样的所有对最短路径算法之一。不幸的是,对于密集图,它们都大致为O(V ^ 3)(接近E = V ^ 2的完整图)。
You can use your Dijkstra's implementation as follows:
- Pick a random node,(a), run Dijkstra from node a, and find the furthest node from it. Mark that node as node b.
- Run Dijkstra again starting at node b, and find the furthest node from it. Mark that node as node c.
I don't have proof for this, but I think b and c will be furthest away nodes. You might need to run one more iteration (I'm still thinking about it).
Multiply the edge weights by -1 and find the shortest path on the new graph. That would be the longest path on the original graph
If you want the longest shortest path that is
sup i,j {inf i,j {n : n=length of a path between i and j}}
sup i,j {inf i,j {n:n = i和j之间路径的长度}}
you should certainly consider a all nodes shortest path algorithm like Flyod-Warshall as mentioned by others. This would be in the order of O(V^3).
你应该考虑像其他人提到的所有节点最短路径算法,如Flyod-Warshall。这将是O(V ^ 3)的量级。
If you want the longest possible path that is
sup i,j {n : n=length of a path between i and j}
sup i,j {n:n = i和j之间路径的长度}
you could try to use Midhat's idea. (which really is as complex as the original problem as pointed out in the comments) I would recommend to invert the weights with 1/w though, to retain positive weights, given the original weights were strict positive.
你可以尝试使用Midhat的想法。 (这实际上和评论中指出的原始问题一样复杂)我会建议用1 / w来反转权重,以保持正权重,因为原始权重是严格的正数。
Another algorithm you might want to look up when dealing with negative weights is the algorithm of Bellman and Ford
It looks like you can use either of:
- Floyd Warshall algorithm
- Johnson's algorithm.
Floyd Warshall算法
I can't give you much guidance about them though - I'm no expert.
我不能给你很多关于他们的指导 - 我不是专家。
So there's an implementation of Dijkstra which runs O(VlogV + E) giving your approach a complexity of roughly V^2logV + VE. See DADS. But perhaps more intuitive would be to run one of the all pairs shortest path algorithms like Floyd-Warshall or Johnsons. Unfortunately they're all roughly O(V^3) for dense graphs (close to the complete graph where E = V^2).
所以Dijkstra的实现运行O(VlogV + E),使您的方法具有大致V ^ 2logV + VE的复杂性。见DADS。但也许更直观的是运行像Floyd-Warshall或Johnsons这样的所有对最短路径算法之一。不幸的是,对于密集图,它们都大致为O(V ^ 3)(接近E = V ^ 2的完整图)。
You can use your Dijkstra's implementation as follows:
- Pick a random node,(a), run Dijkstra from node a, and find the furthest node from it. Mark that node as node b.
- Run Dijkstra again starting at node b, and find the furthest node from it. Mark that node as node c.
I don't have proof for this, but I think b and c will be furthest away nodes. You might need to run one more iteration (I'm still thinking about it).
Multiply the edge weights by -1 and find the shortest path on the new graph. That would be the longest path on the original graph
If you want the longest shortest path that is
sup i,j {inf i,j {n : n=length of a path between i and j}}
sup i,j {inf i,j {n:n = i和j之间路径的长度}}
you should certainly consider a all nodes shortest path algorithm like Flyod-Warshall as mentioned by others. This would be in the order of O(V^3).
你应该考虑像其他人提到的所有节点最短路径算法,如Flyod-Warshall。这将是O(V ^ 3)的量级。
If you want the longest possible path that is
sup i,j {n : n=length of a path between i and j}
sup i,j {n:n = i和j之间路径的长度}
you could try to use Midhat's idea. (which really is as complex as the original problem as pointed out in the comments) I would recommend to invert the weights with 1/w though, to retain positive weights, given the original weights were strict positive.
你可以尝试使用Midhat的想法。 (这实际上和评论中指出的原始问题一样复杂)我会建议用1 / w来反转权重,以保持正权重,因为原始权重是严格的正数。
Another algorithm you might want to look up when dealing with negative weights is the algorithm of Bellman and Ford