I have a bidirectional graph. Some of the vertices are unconnected. I use boost::depth_first_search to traverse the vertices. I also supply the starting source node. I see that the unconnected vertices are also processed after the connected nodes are done. How can I prevent visiting such nodes? In fact, how can I tell DFS to only visit those nodes reachable from the source node and don't visit anything else?
我有一个双向图。一些顶点是未连接的。我使用boost :: depth_first_search来遍历顶点。我还提供了起始源节点。我看到在连接的节点完成后也会处理未连接的顶点。如何防止访问此类节点?实际上,如何告诉DFS只访问从源节点可以访问的节点而不访问其他任何节点?
I have the following code:
/// Define vertex properties.
struct NodeProperty
unsigned id; /// Id.
unsigned kind; /// Kind.
unsigned depth; /// Depth.
unsigned layer_color; /// Layer color.
unsigned signal_color; /// Signal color.
unsigned sch_color; /// Sch color.
CBoundingBox bounds; /// Bounds of polygon.
: id(0), kind(0), depth(0), layer_color(0), signal_color(0), sch_color(0), bounds(0,0,0,0)
/// Define net topology graph.
typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::bidirectionalS, NodeProperty> Graph;
class receiver_visitor : public boost::default_dfs_visitor
receiver_visitor(std::vector<Vertex>& r)
: res(r)
void discover_vertex(Vertex v, Graph const& g) const
std::cout << "Visit: " << v << std::endl;
if (g[v].sch_color) {
std::vector<Vertex>& res;
NetTopology::getReceivers(std::size_t src) const
std::vector<Vertex> r;
receiver_visitor vis(r);
boost::depth_first_search(data_->g, boost::visitor(vis).root_vertex(src));
return r;
1 个解决方案
You want to use depth_first_visit
, not depth_first_search
You want to use depth_first_visit
, not depth_first_search