- 多进程概念
- Process类
- 进程间通讯
- 进程同步
- 进程池
multiprocessing is a package that supports spawning processes using an API similar to the threading module. The multiprocessing package offers both local and remote concurrency,effectively side-stepping the Global Interpreter Lock by using subprocesses instead of threads. Due to this, the multiprocessing module allows the programmer to fully leverage multiple processors on a given machine. It runs on both Unix and Windows.
multiprocessing包是Python中的多进程管理包。与threading.Thread类似,它可以利用multiprocessing.Process对象来创建一个进程。该进程可以运行在Python程序内部编写的函数。该Process对象与Thread对象的用法相同,也有start(), run(), join()的方法。此外multiprocessing包中也有Lock/Event/Semaphore/Condition类 (这些对象可以像多线程那样,通过参数传递给各个进程),用以同步进程,其用法与threading包中的同名类一致。所以,multiprocessing的很大一部份与threading使用同一套API,只不过换到了多进程的情境。
在UNIX平台上,当某个进程终结之后,该进程需要被其父进程调用wait,否则进程成为僵尸进程(Zombie)。所以,有必要对每个Process对象调用join()方法 (实际上等同于wait)。对于多线程来说,由于只有一个进程,所以不存在此必要性。
multiprocessing提供了threading包中没有的IPC(比如Pipe和Queue),效率上更高。应优先考虑Pipe和Queue,避免使用Lock/Event/Semaphore/Condition等同步方式 (因为它们占据的不是用户进程的资源)。
window系统下,需要注意的是要想启动一个子进程,必须加上那句if name == "main",进程相关的要写在这句下面。
1 from multiprocessing import Process 2 import time 3 def f(name): 4 time.sleep(1) 5 print('hello', name,time.ctime()) 6 7 if __name__ == '__main__': 8 p_list=[] 9 for i in range(3): 10 p = Process(target=f, args=('alvin',)) 11 p_list.append(p) 12 p.start() 13 for i in p_list: 14 p.join() 15 print('end')
1 from multiprocessing import Process 2 import time 3 4 class MyProcess(Process): 5 def __init__(self): 6 super(MyProcess, self).__init__() 7 = name 8 9 def run(self): 10 time.sleep(1) 11 print ('hello',,time.ctime()) 12 13 14 if __name__ == '__main__': 15 p_list=[] 16 for i in range(3): 17 p = MyProcess() 18 p.start() 19 p_list.append(p) 20 21 for p in p_list: 22 p.join() 23 24 print('end')
1 from multiprocessing import Process 2 import os 3 import time 4 def info(title): 5 print(title) 6 print('module name:', __name__) 7 print('parent process:', os.getppid()) 8 print('process id:', os.getpid()) 9 10 11 def f(name): 12 info('\033[31;1mfunction f\033[0m') 13 print('hello', name) 14 15 if __name__ == '__main__': 16 info('\033[32;1mmain process line\033[0m') 17 time.sleep(100) 18 p = Process(target=info, args=('bob',)) 19 p.start() 20 p.join()
Process([group [, target [, name [, args [, kwargs]]]]])
- group: 线程组,目前还没有实现,库引用中提示必须是None;
- target: 要执行的方法;
- name: 进程名;
- args/kwargs: 要传入方法的参数。
- is_alive():返回进程是否在运行。
- join([timeout]):阻塞当前上下文环境的进程程,直到调用此方法的进程终止或到达指定的timeout(可选参数)。
- start():进程准备就绪,等待CPU调度
- run():strat()调用run方法,如果实例进程时未制定传入target,这star执行t默认run()方法。
- terminate():不管任务是否完成,立即停止工作进程
- authkey
- daemon:和线程的setDeamon功能一样
- exitcode(进程在运行时为None、如果为–N,表示被信号N结束)
- name:进程名字。
- pid:进程号。
1 import time 2 from multiprocessing import Process 3 4 def foo(i): 5 time.sleep(1) 6 print (p.is_alive(),i, 7 time.sleep(1) 8 9 if __name__ == '__main__': 10 p_list=[] 11 for i in range(10): 12 p = Process(target=foo, args=(i,)) 13 #p.daemon=True 14 p_list.append(p) 15 16 for p in p_list: 17 p.start() 18 # for p in p_list: 19 # p.join() 20 21 print('main process end')
1 from multiprocessing import Process, Queue 2 3 def f(q,n): 4 q.put([42, n, 'hello']) 5 6 if __name__ == '__main__': 7 q = Queue() 8 p_list=[] 9 for i in range(3): 10 p = Process(target=f, args=(q,i)) 11 p_list.append(p) 12 p.start() 13 print(q.get()) 14 print(q.get()) 15 print(q.get()) 16 for i in p_list: 17 i.join()
The Pipe() function returns a pair of connection objects connected by a pipe which by default is duplex (two-way).
For example:
1 from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe 2 3 def f(conn): 4 conn.send([42, None, 'hello']) 5 conn.close() 6 7 if __name__ == '__main__': 8 parent_conn, child_conn = Pipe() 9 p = Process(target=f, args=(child_conn,)) 10 p.start() 11 print(parent_conn.recv()) # prints "[42, None, 'hello']" 12 p.join()
The two connection objects returned by Pipe() represent the two ends of the pipe. Each connection object has send() and recv() methods (among others). Note that data in a pipe may become corrupted if two processes (or threads) try to read from or write to the same end of the pipe at the same time. Of course there is no risk of corruption from processes using different ends of the pipe at the same time.
Managers A manager object returned by Manager() controls a server process which holds Python objects and allows other processes to manipulate them using proxies.
A manager returned by Manager() will support types list, dict, Namespace, Lock, RLock, Semaphore, BoundedSemaphore, Condition, Event, Barrier, Queue, Value and Array. For example,
1 from multiprocessing import Process, Manager 2 3 def f(d, l,n): 4 d[n] = '1' 5 d['2'] = 2 6 d[0.25] = None 7 l.append(n) 8 print(l) 9 10 if __name__ == '__main__': 11 with Manager() as manager: 12 d = manager.dict() 13 14 l = manager.list(range(5)) 15 p_list = [] 16 for i in range(10): 17 p = Process(target=f, args=(d, l,i)) 18 p.start() 19 p_list.append(p) 20 for res in p_list: 21 res.join() 22 23 print(d) 24 print(l)
1 from multiprocessing import Process, Lock 2 3 def f(l, i): 4 l.acquire() 5 try: 6 print('hello world', i) 7 finally: 8 l.release() 9 10 if __name__ == '__main__': 11 lock = Lock() 12 13 for num in range(10): 14 Process(target=f, args=(lock, num)).start()
- apply # 一个一个执行子进程
- apply_async # 并发执行子进程
1 from multiprocessing import Process,Pool 2 import time 3 4 def Foo(i): 5 time.sleep(2) 6 return i+100 7 8 def Bar(arg): 9 print('-->exec done:',arg) 10 11 pool = Pool(5) 12 13 for i in range(10): 14 pool.apply_async(func=Foo, args=(i,),callback=Bar) 15 #pool.apply(func=Foo, args=(i,)) 16 17 print('end') 18 pool.close() 19 pool.join()