
时间:2021-11-13 23:13:10

I have 3 buttons which call the same function. I want to know inside the function which button called it. Is it possible to know it?


1 个解决方案



Yes, you can use the sender argument. If you have an IBOutlet called buttonOne, you can check inside the IBAction method like this:


- (IBAction) buttonClicked:(id) sender
    if (sender == buttonOne)
        NSLog(@"Button one was pressed.");

Alternatively, assign each of your buttons a tag, and use the sender's tag property (the following example assumes that buttonOne was assigned the tag value “1”):


- (IBAction) buttonClicked:(id) sender
    if ([sender tag] == 1)
        NSLog(@"Button one was pressed.");



Yes, you can use the sender argument. If you have an IBOutlet called buttonOne, you can check inside the IBAction method like this:


- (IBAction) buttonClicked:(id) sender
    if (sender == buttonOne)
        NSLog(@"Button one was pressed.");

Alternatively, assign each of your buttons a tag, and use the sender's tag property (the following example assumes that buttonOne was assigned the tag value “1”):


- (IBAction) buttonClicked:(id) sender
    if ([sender tag] == 1)
        NSLog(@"Button one was pressed.");