我将如何模仿express / connections next()功能?

时间:2023-01-27 11:26:07

I was given a task to recreate Express' middleware architecture and I think I'm getting lost in callback land at the moment. I'm able to respond to the requests and everything, but what I'm having trouble with is implementing the next() functionality the Express provides. Here is the relevant code I've got so far:


using my middleware:


app.use(function(req, res, next){
    res.write("Humpty "); 
app.use(function(req, res, next){
    res.write("Dumpty "); 
app.use("/sat", function(req, res, next){
    res.end("sat on a wall \n");

then in the actual middleware file I have:


module.exports = {
    use: function(url, cb){    // how do i add a next() arg to cb?
        if(cb === undefined){    // if 1 arg passed, must be function
            cb = url;   
        server.on("request", cb);

basically what I thinkk I need is access to cb's arguments, which are the request and the response to filter out the request url and write the appropriate message, but I can't access them. Logging cb.length works, but thats just getting the length of the arguments passed to it, I can't access the actual values of the arguments. Also, Node's server.on event only has two arguments, request and response, so I'm a bit confused as to how Connect / Express introduce the 3rd argument next. Am I doing this the right way? or way off track?

基本上我认为我需要的是访问cb的参数,这是请求和过滤掉请求URL并写入相应消息的响应,但我无法访问它们。记录cb.length是有效的,但那只是获取传递给它的参数的长度,我无法访问参数的实际值。另外,Node的server.on事件只有两个参数,request和response,所以我对Connect / Express接下来如何引入第三个参数感到有点困惑。我这样做是对的吗?还是偏离轨道?

1 个解决方案


One way you can append arguments to a function is to invoke it explicitly inside an anonymous function.


// cb and next must be defined in this scope.
// then...

server.on("request", function (req, res) {
    cb(req, res, next);

You can also look at bind, call, and apply for some other possible options.



One way you can append arguments to a function is to invoke it explicitly inside an anonymous function.


// cb and next must be defined in this scope.
// then...

server.on("request", function (req, res) {
    cb(req, res, next);

You can also look at bind, call, and apply for some other possible options.
