
时间:2021-12-16 06:19:21

I am trying to create an interactive tour using hopscotch.js. The standard data structure that the JavaScript library requires the tour to be in to work is as follows:

我正在尝试使用hopscotch.js创建一个交互式游览。 JavaScript库要求巡视工作的标准数据结构如下:

// Define the tour!
    var tour = {
      id: "hello-hopscotch",
      steps: [
          title: "My Header",
          content: "This is the header of my page.",
          target: "header",
          placement: "right"
          title: "My content",
          content: "Here is where I put my content.",
          target: document.querySelector("#content p"),
          placement: "bottom"

Putting the tour steps directly into a JavaScript library works perfectly well but ideally I want to be able to hold all these details in a database and use AJAX to pass the data through to hopscotch.js. (This is so tours can be created dynamically and the content can be changed without a code release).

将巡回步骤直接放入JavaScript库中可以很好地工作,但理想情况下我希望能够将所有这些细节保存在数据库中并使用AJAX将数据传递给hopscotch.js。 (这样可以动态创建游览,无需代码发布即可更改内容)。

Everything is working fine apart from when my target is using the document.querySelector() element selector.


My basic C# Model for each tour step is as follows:


public class MockTourSteps
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Content { get; set; }
    public string Target { get; set; }
    public string Placement { get; set; }

As Target is a string, I have to pass the value in double-quotes.


The problem with this is that when it is serialized to JSON, the following error is being kicked-out when viewing the page with Chrome Developer Tools:


Syntax error, unrecognized expression: document.querySelector(".btn-primary")


Exploring the JSON data that has been returned to the page, I can see that the double-quotes around my document.querySelector() are causing the problem.


I need these double quotes to be removed from my target when I am specifying the target via document.querySelector() but the double-quotes are to remain when I am specifying a target based on a HTML tag such as header.


Any ideas how I can achieve this?


1 个解决方案


The main problem that in provided example you are using javascript object but you will get JSON from your server. You will need to use some kind of JSON processing at client side.


I think you can add more info in your model:


public class MockTourStep
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Content { get; set; }
    public TargetC Target { get; set; }
    public string Placement { get; set; }

    public enum TargetType

    public class TargetC
        public TargetType Type { get; set; }

        public string Value { get; set; } 

And sample response:


var tour = new
    Id = "hello-hopscotch",
    Steps = new List<MockTourStep>
        new MockTourStep
            Title = "My Header",
            Content = "This is the header of my page.",
            Target = new MockTourStep.TargetC
                Type = MockTourStep.TargetType.ElementName,
                Value = "header"
            Placement = "bottom"
        new MockTourStep
            Title = "My content",
            Content = "Here is where I put my content.",
            Target = new MockTourStep.TargetC
                Type = MockTourStep.TargetType.QuerySelector,
                Value = "document.querySelector('#content p')"
            Placement = "bottom"

Then, at client side you can check target type and set it to be a valid value:


$.getJSON("url", function (tour) {
    for (var i = 0; i < tour.steps.length; i++) {
        var step = tour.steps[i];

        switch (step.target.type) {
            case "ElementName":
                step.target = step.target.value;
            case "QuerySelector":
                step.target = eval(step.target.value);
                throw Error;


Please note eval use for QuerySelector. Using of eval is dangerous, so you need to check what you are serving to client.



The main problem that in provided example you are using javascript object but you will get JSON from your server. You will need to use some kind of JSON processing at client side.


I think you can add more info in your model:


public class MockTourStep
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Content { get; set; }
    public TargetC Target { get; set; }
    public string Placement { get; set; }

    public enum TargetType

    public class TargetC
        public TargetType Type { get; set; }

        public string Value { get; set; } 

And sample response:


var tour = new
    Id = "hello-hopscotch",
    Steps = new List<MockTourStep>
        new MockTourStep
            Title = "My Header",
            Content = "This is the header of my page.",
            Target = new MockTourStep.TargetC
                Type = MockTourStep.TargetType.ElementName,
                Value = "header"
            Placement = "bottom"
        new MockTourStep
            Title = "My content",
            Content = "Here is where I put my content.",
            Target = new MockTourStep.TargetC
                Type = MockTourStep.TargetType.QuerySelector,
                Value = "document.querySelector('#content p')"
            Placement = "bottom"

Then, at client side you can check target type and set it to be a valid value:


$.getJSON("url", function (tour) {
    for (var i = 0; i < tour.steps.length; i++) {
        var step = tour.steps[i];

        switch (step.target.type) {
            case "ElementName":
                step.target = step.target.value;
            case "QuerySelector":
                step.target = eval(step.target.value);
                throw Error;


Please note eval use for QuerySelector. Using of eval is dangerous, so you need to check what you are serving to client.
