
时间:2023-01-26 15:11:41

It's not safe to require $input . '.php'. To then institate a class. How can I make it secure, without needing to use say a whitelist of classes that can be inistiated.

要求$输入是不安全的。 '.PHP'。然后开始上课。如何使其安全,无需使用可以被提及的类的白名单。

Ex 1. (bad code).



$input = $_GET['controller'];

require $input . '.php';

new $input;


10 个解决方案





I should start by saying that defining static routes in your system is secure by design whereas this answer, even though I've made efforts to mitigate security issues, should be thoroughly tested and understood before trusting its operation.


The basics


First, make sure the controller contains a valid variable name using a regular expression as taken from the manual; this weeds out obvious erroneous entries:


$controller = filter_input(INPUT_GET, FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, [
    'options' => [
        'regexp' => '/^[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*$/',
        'flags' => FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE,

if ($controller !== null) {
    // load and use controller
    $c = new $controller();

Enforcing hierarchy


This works well, but what if someone tries to load an internal class instead? It might horribly fail the application.


You could introduce an abstract base class or interface that all your controllers must extend or implement:


abstract class Controller {}

// e.g. controller for '?controller=admin'
class Admin extends Controller {}

Btw, to avoid name conflicts, you could define these inside a separate namespace.


And this is how you would enforce such a hierarchy:


if ($controller !== null) {
    // load and use controller
    if (is_subclass_of($controller, 'Controller')) {
        $c = new $controller();

I'm using is_subclass_of() to type check before instantiating the class.


Auto loading


Instead of using a require_once() in this case, you could use an auto loader instead:


// register our custom auto loader
spl_autoload_register(function($class) {
    $file = "$class.php"; // admin -> admin.class.php
    if (file_exists($file)) {
        require_once $file; // this can be changed

This is also the place where you can normalize the class name, so that it maps better to a file name, as well as enforcing a custom namespace, e.g. "App\\$class.php".

这也是您可以规范化类名称的地方,以便它更好地映射到文件名,以及强制执行自定义命名空间,例如“应用程序\\ $ class.php”。

This reduces the code by one line, but making the loading more flexible:


if ($controller !== null) {
    // check hierarchy (this will attempt auto loading)
    if (class_exists($controller) && is_subclass_of($controller, 'Controller')) {
        $c = new $controller();

All this code assumes you have proper error handling code in place; for implementation suggestions you can look at this answer.




A couple of suggestions:


  • Put your controller classes in its own dedicated folder, containing ONLY controller classes
  • 将控制器类放在其自己的专用文件夹中,该文件夹仅包含控制器类
  • Make your filter as strict as possible eg.


    /* is $_GET['controller'] set? */
    if (!isset($_GET['controller'])) {
        // load error or default controller???
    $loadController = $_GET['controller'];
    /* replace any characters NOT matching a-z or _ (whitelist approach), case insensitive */
    $loadController = preg_replace('/[^a-z_]+/i', '', $loadController);
    /* verify var is not empty now :) */
    if (!$loadController) {
        // load error or default controller???
    /* if your classes are named in a certain fashion, eg. "Classname", format the incoming text to match ** NEVER TRUST USER INPUT ** */
    $loadController = ucfirst(strtolower($loadController));
  • Check if the file exists Why not file_exists? see desc


    /* avoiding using file_exists as it also matches folders... */
    if (!is_file($myControllerClassesPath.$loadController.'.php')) {
        // load error or default controller???
  • Then require the file, and verify that the class itself exists


    /* of course, this assumes filename === classname, adjust accordingly */
    if (!class_exists($loadController)) {
        // load error or default controller???
  • Then of course, new instance of X


    new $loadController;



Most anwsers are using a variation of auto_load instead of include to make it more secure. But the provided examples fail to mention that the way they use it, auto_load is just a fancy include. Instead of including the file manually and then calling the class, the file is included automatically. This offers no security advantage as one could still call any available class.


In my opion using include instead of require and then catching the error is the best practise and easiest to implement. To make it secure you must add an extra part to the filenames you allow to be included. EG: "Controller". Now if you have a class called Home, then you call the file homeController.php. This way we can only require files that end with 'Controller.php'.

在我的opion中使用include而不是require然后捕获错误是最佳实践并且最容易实现。为了确保安全,您必须在允许包含的文件名中添加额外的部分。 EG:“控制器”。现在,如果您有一个名为Home的类,则调用homeController.php文件。这样我们只能要求以'Controller.php'结尾的文件。

Just as an extra precaution I added basename() to the input to prevent network access on windows systems


//EG GET ?controller=home
$input = isset($_GET['controller']) ? $_GET['controller'] : "";
if (empty($input))
  die('No controller');

$input = basename($input);
$filename = $input.'Controller.php';

//since only valid files can be included, you dont need to check for valid chars or anything. Just make sure that only your controller files end with 'Controller.php'
//use the @ to hide the warning when the file does not exist
if ((@include $filename) !== 1)
  die('Unknown controller');

//no error, so we included a valid controller and now we can call it.
$controller = new $input();

keep in mind that if you run on a none Windows server, your filenames are case-sensitive while your PHP classes are not. so if somebody would enter controller=HOME then the include would fail.

请记住,如果您在无Windows服务器上运行,则您的文件名区分大小写,而PHP类则不区分大小写。所以,如果有人进入controller = HOME,则包含将失败。

You could prevent this issue by makeing all files like 'homeController.php' with a lower case class prefix. Then you can use $filename = strtolower($input).'Controller.php';

您可以通过使用小写类前缀来生成所有类似'homeController.php'的文件来防止此问题。然后你可以使用$ filename = strtolower($ input)。'Controller.php';



If you have few classes/files, you can get all php files within the folder where classes are stored and check if the class you want to include/require is one of them.


So something like this:


$classDir = '/path/to/classes';
$classList = glob($classDir.'/*.php');
$classAbsolutePath = $classDir.'/'.$_GET['class'];

if (in_array($classAbsolutePath, $classList)) {
    require $classAbsolutePath;

If you have sub directories you have to modify this code according to that. By the way, this is not the best solution, regarding performances, especially if you have a lot of files and a lot of subdirectories. Also, in_array() is not very efficient so you should avoid it if you have big arrays.


In my opinion the best way to do something like this is to have a whitelist. You can generate it automatically via code. Every time you rebuild or deploy your project you can regenerate the list so that you will always have a valid one.




I would suggest you to introduce special tag into allowed files. Then before you include the file, read it as plain text and look for the tag. Only if the tag is present, include it. The tag can be inside PHP comment at the beginning of allowed files.


$class = $_GET['class'];
if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z]+$/', $class))
    $file = $class.".php";
    if (is_file($file)) {
        $content = file_get_contents($file);
        if (strpos($content, "THECLASSMAGIC") !== false)



Consider using spl_autoload_register(). This would you save a lot of effort in validating files/classes etc.


function autoloadClasses($class) {
    if (file_exists('core/'.$class.'.php')) {
        include 'core/'.$class . '.php';


Then save a file name dart.php in core-folder (filename and classname has to be the same)


When you then create an object: new dart(); the file will be included when needed.

然后,当您创建一个对象时:new dart();必要时将包含该文件。

More information about this: http://php.net/manual/en/function.spl-autoload-register.php




First add this function.


function __autoload ( $class ) {
     $path = "../path/to/class/dir/" . $class . TOKEN . ".php";
     if ( file_exists ($path) ) {
          require_once ( $path );
     } else {
          // class not found.

Then simply access class,


$class = new input();

It will check if file "../path/to/class/dir/input_secretToken.php" exists, and include it automatically.


Here TOKEN is a secret word defined in config file, and used as suffix to all class files. So, only class file with token suffix will load.




You could use the spl_autoload_register()


function my_autoload($className) {
    $phpFolders = array('models', 'controllers');
    foreach($phpFolders as $folder) {
        if(file_exists($folder . '/' . $className . '.php')) {
            require_once $folder . '/' . $className . '.php';

$input = $_GET['controller'];
new $input();



As far as security goes, there's nothing wrong with accepting resources' identifier from input, whether it's an image or some code. But it is inevitable to avoid some sort of authorization if one is expected (obviously it's a paradox to have authorization but not to have one). So if you insist on not having an ACL (or 'white list' as you call it) I have to say that what you want is not possible.


On the other hand, if you can come to terms with ACL, then the rest is straightforward. All you need to do is to see your controllers as resources and group your users into roles (this last part is optional). Then specify which role or user can access which controller. Here's how it's done using Zend Framework.

另一方面,如果您可以接受ACL,那么其余的就是直截了当的。您需要做的就是将控制器视为资源并将用户分组为角色(最后一部分是可选的)。然后指定哪个角色或用户可以访问哪个控制器。以下是使用Zend Framework完成的工作。

$acl = new Zend_Acl();

$acl->addRole(new Zend_Acl_Role('guest'))
    ->addRole(new Zend_Acl_Role('member'))
    ->addRole(new Zend_Acl_Role('admin'));

$parents = array('guest', 'member', 'admin');
$acl->addRole(new Zend_Acl_Role('someUser'), $parents);

$acl->add(new Zend_Acl_Resource('someController'));

$acl->deny('guest', 'someController');
$acl->allow('member', 'someController');

Then when some requests is arrived you can question its authorization simply like this:


if ($acl->isAllowed('currentUser', $_GET['controller'])) {
    $ctrlClass = $_GET['controller'];
    $controller = new $ctrlClass();

Assuming that some autoloader is already set.




In what instance are you going to allow a user to instantiate a controller via a query string paramater, but not have an idea of what they’re actually trying to instantiate? Sounds like a recipe for disaster.


Saying that, I’d just restrict input to letters only (assuming your classes are named MyClass.php, MyOtherClass.php etc) and locked to a particular directory.



$className = $_GET['file'];
$dir = '/path/to/classes/';
$file = $dir . $className . '.php';

if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z]+$/', $className) && is_file($file)) {
    $class = new $className;
else {
    die('Class not found');





I should start by saying that defining static routes in your system is secure by design whereas this answer, even though I've made efforts to mitigate security issues, should be thoroughly tested and understood before trusting its operation.


The basics


First, make sure the controller contains a valid variable name using a regular expression as taken from the manual; this weeds out obvious erroneous entries:


$controller = filter_input(INPUT_GET, FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, [
    'options' => [
        'regexp' => '/^[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*$/',
        'flags' => FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE,

if ($controller !== null) {
    // load and use controller
    $c = new $controller();

Enforcing hierarchy


This works well, but what if someone tries to load an internal class instead? It might horribly fail the application.


You could introduce an abstract base class or interface that all your controllers must extend or implement:


abstract class Controller {}

// e.g. controller for '?controller=admin'
class Admin extends Controller {}

Btw, to avoid name conflicts, you could define these inside a separate namespace.


And this is how you would enforce such a hierarchy:


if ($controller !== null) {
    // load and use controller
    if (is_subclass_of($controller, 'Controller')) {
        $c = new $controller();

I'm using is_subclass_of() to type check before instantiating the class.


Auto loading


Instead of using a require_once() in this case, you could use an auto loader instead:


// register our custom auto loader
spl_autoload_register(function($class) {
    $file = "$class.php"; // admin -> admin.class.php
    if (file_exists($file)) {
        require_once $file; // this can be changed

This is also the place where you can normalize the class name, so that it maps better to a file name, as well as enforcing a custom namespace, e.g. "App\\$class.php".

这也是您可以规范化类名称的地方,以便它更好地映射到文件名,以及强制执行自定义命名空间,例如“应用程序\\ $ class.php”。

This reduces the code by one line, but making the loading more flexible:


if ($controller !== null) {
    // check hierarchy (this will attempt auto loading)
    if (class_exists($controller) && is_subclass_of($controller, 'Controller')) {
        $c = new $controller();

All this code assumes you have proper error handling code in place; for implementation suggestions you can look at this answer.




A couple of suggestions:


  • Put your controller classes in its own dedicated folder, containing ONLY controller classes
  • 将控制器类放在其自己的专用文件夹中,该文件夹仅包含控制器类
  • Make your filter as strict as possible eg.


    /* is $_GET['controller'] set? */
    if (!isset($_GET['controller'])) {
        // load error or default controller???
    $loadController = $_GET['controller'];
    /* replace any characters NOT matching a-z or _ (whitelist approach), case insensitive */
    $loadController = preg_replace('/[^a-z_]+/i', '', $loadController);
    /* verify var is not empty now :) */
    if (!$loadController) {
        // load error or default controller???
    /* if your classes are named in a certain fashion, eg. "Classname", format the incoming text to match ** NEVER TRUST USER INPUT ** */
    $loadController = ucfirst(strtolower($loadController));
  • Check if the file exists Why not file_exists? see desc


    /* avoiding using file_exists as it also matches folders... */
    if (!is_file($myControllerClassesPath.$loadController.'.php')) {
        // load error or default controller???
  • Then require the file, and verify that the class itself exists


    /* of course, this assumes filename === classname, adjust accordingly */
    if (!class_exists($loadController)) {
        // load error or default controller???
  • Then of course, new instance of X


    new $loadController;



Most anwsers are using a variation of auto_load instead of include to make it more secure. But the provided examples fail to mention that the way they use it, auto_load is just a fancy include. Instead of including the file manually and then calling the class, the file is included automatically. This offers no security advantage as one could still call any available class.


In my opion using include instead of require and then catching the error is the best practise and easiest to implement. To make it secure you must add an extra part to the filenames you allow to be included. EG: "Controller". Now if you have a class called Home, then you call the file homeController.php. This way we can only require files that end with 'Controller.php'.

在我的opion中使用include而不是require然后捕获错误是最佳实践并且最容易实现。为了确保安全,您必须在允许包含的文件名中添加额外的部分。 EG:“控制器”。现在,如果您有一个名为Home的类,则调用homeController.php文件。这样我们只能要求以'Controller.php'结尾的文件。

Just as an extra precaution I added basename() to the input to prevent network access on windows systems


//EG GET ?controller=home
$input = isset($_GET['controller']) ? $_GET['controller'] : "";
if (empty($input))
  die('No controller');

$input = basename($input);
$filename = $input.'Controller.php';

//since only valid files can be included, you dont need to check for valid chars or anything. Just make sure that only your controller files end with 'Controller.php'
//use the @ to hide the warning when the file does not exist
if ((@include $filename) !== 1)
  die('Unknown controller');

//no error, so we included a valid controller and now we can call it.
$controller = new $input();

keep in mind that if you run on a none Windows server, your filenames are case-sensitive while your PHP classes are not. so if somebody would enter controller=HOME then the include would fail.

请记住,如果您在无Windows服务器上运行,则您的文件名区分大小写,而PHP类则不区分大小写。所以,如果有人进入controller = HOME,则包含将失败。

You could prevent this issue by makeing all files like 'homeController.php' with a lower case class prefix. Then you can use $filename = strtolower($input).'Controller.php';

您可以通过使用小写类前缀来生成所有类似'homeController.php'的文件来防止此问题。然后你可以使用$ filename = strtolower($ input)。'Controller.php';



If you have few classes/files, you can get all php files within the folder where classes are stored and check if the class you want to include/require is one of them.


So something like this:


$classDir = '/path/to/classes';
$classList = glob($classDir.'/*.php');
$classAbsolutePath = $classDir.'/'.$_GET['class'];

if (in_array($classAbsolutePath, $classList)) {
    require $classAbsolutePath;

If you have sub directories you have to modify this code according to that. By the way, this is not the best solution, regarding performances, especially if you have a lot of files and a lot of subdirectories. Also, in_array() is not very efficient so you should avoid it if you have big arrays.


In my opinion the best way to do something like this is to have a whitelist. You can generate it automatically via code. Every time you rebuild or deploy your project you can regenerate the list so that you will always have a valid one.




I would suggest you to introduce special tag into allowed files. Then before you include the file, read it as plain text and look for the tag. Only if the tag is present, include it. The tag can be inside PHP comment at the beginning of allowed files.


$class = $_GET['class'];
if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z]+$/', $class))
    $file = $class.".php";
    if (is_file($file)) {
        $content = file_get_contents($file);
        if (strpos($content, "THECLASSMAGIC") !== false)



Consider using spl_autoload_register(). This would you save a lot of effort in validating files/classes etc.


function autoloadClasses($class) {
    if (file_exists('core/'.$class.'.php')) {
        include 'core/'.$class . '.php';


Then save a file name dart.php in core-folder (filename and classname has to be the same)


When you then create an object: new dart(); the file will be included when needed.

然后,当您创建一个对象时:new dart();必要时将包含该文件。

More information about this: http://php.net/manual/en/function.spl-autoload-register.php




First add this function.


function __autoload ( $class ) {
     $path = "../path/to/class/dir/" . $class . TOKEN . ".php";
     if ( file_exists ($path) ) {
          require_once ( $path );
     } else {
          // class not found.

Then simply access class,


$class = new input();

It will check if file "../path/to/class/dir/input_secretToken.php" exists, and include it automatically.


Here TOKEN is a secret word defined in config file, and used as suffix to all class files. So, only class file with token suffix will load.




You could use the spl_autoload_register()


function my_autoload($className) {
    $phpFolders = array('models', 'controllers');
    foreach($phpFolders as $folder) {
        if(file_exists($folder . '/' . $className . '.php')) {
            require_once $folder . '/' . $className . '.php';

$input = $_GET['controller'];
new $input();



As far as security goes, there's nothing wrong with accepting resources' identifier from input, whether it's an image or some code. But it is inevitable to avoid some sort of authorization if one is expected (obviously it's a paradox to have authorization but not to have one). So if you insist on not having an ACL (or 'white list' as you call it) I have to say that what you want is not possible.


On the other hand, if you can come to terms with ACL, then the rest is straightforward. All you need to do is to see your controllers as resources and group your users into roles (this last part is optional). Then specify which role or user can access which controller. Here's how it's done using Zend Framework.

另一方面,如果您可以接受ACL,那么其余的就是直截了当的。您需要做的就是将控制器视为资源并将用户分组为角色(最后一部分是可选的)。然后指定哪个角色或用户可以访问哪个控制器。以下是使用Zend Framework完成的工作。

$acl = new Zend_Acl();

$acl->addRole(new Zend_Acl_Role('guest'))
    ->addRole(new Zend_Acl_Role('member'))
    ->addRole(new Zend_Acl_Role('admin'));

$parents = array('guest', 'member', 'admin');
$acl->addRole(new Zend_Acl_Role('someUser'), $parents);

$acl->add(new Zend_Acl_Resource('someController'));

$acl->deny('guest', 'someController');
$acl->allow('member', 'someController');

Then when some requests is arrived you can question its authorization simply like this:


if ($acl->isAllowed('currentUser', $_GET['controller'])) {
    $ctrlClass = $_GET['controller'];
    $controller = new $ctrlClass();

Assuming that some autoloader is already set.




In what instance are you going to allow a user to instantiate a controller via a query string paramater, but not have an idea of what they’re actually trying to instantiate? Sounds like a recipe for disaster.


Saying that, I’d just restrict input to letters only (assuming your classes are named MyClass.php, MyOtherClass.php etc) and locked to a particular directory.



$className = $_GET['file'];
$dir = '/path/to/classes/';
$file = $dir . $className . '.php';

if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z]+$/', $className) && is_file($file)) {
    $class = new $className;
else {
    die('Class not found');