I'm very familiar with using Enums in other languages, but I'm having some difficulty in Java with a particular use.
The Sun documentation for Enums boldly states:
"Java programming language enums are far more powerful than their counterparts in other languages, which are little more than glorified integers."
Well, that's dandy, but I kind of need to have a constant datatype representation for each of the Enums, for comparison reasons in a switch statement. The situation is as follows: I'm constructing nodes which will represent a given space, or 'slot' in a maze graph, and these nodes must be able to be constructed from a 2D integer array which represents the maze. Here's what I've got for the MazeNode class, which is currently where the problem is (the switch statement barks):
NOTE: I know this code does not function, due to the dynamic item in the case statement. It is there to illustrate what I'm after.
public class MazeNode
public enum SlotValue
private int m_representation;
SlotValue(int representation)
m_representation = representation;
public int getRepresentation()
return m_representation;
private SlotValue m_mazeNodeSlotValue;
public MazeNode(SlotValue s)
m_mazeNodeSlotValue = s;
public MazeNode(int s)
case SlotValue.empty.getRepresentation():
m_mazeNodeSlotValue = SlotValue.start;
case SlotValue.end.getRepresentation():
m_mazeNodeSlotValue = SlotValue.end;
public SlotValue getSlotValue()
return m_mazeNodeSlotValue;
So the code complains on the switch statement with "case expressions must be constant expressions" -- I can see why the compiler might have trouble, since technically they are dynamic, but I'm not sure what approach to take to resolve this. Is there a better way?
因此,代码在switch语句中抱怨“case表达式必须是常量表达式” - 我可以看到为什么编译器可能有问题,因为从技术上讲它们是动态的,但我不知道采取什么方法来解决这个问题。有没有更好的办法?
The bottom line is I need the Enum to have corresponding integer values for comparison against the incoming 2D array of integers in the program.
7 个解决方案
You can use something like this:
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class MazeNode {
public enum SlotValue {
empty(0), start(1), wall(2), visited(3), end(9);
protected int m_representation;
SlotValue(int representation) {
m_representation = representation;
private static final Map<Integer, SlotValue> mapping = new HashMap<Integer, SlotValue>();
static {
for (SlotValue slotValue : SlotValue.values()) {
mapping.put(slotValue.m_representation, slotValue);
public static SlotValue fromRepresentation(int representation) {
SlotValue slotValue = SlotValue.mapping.get(representation);
if (slotValue == null)
// throw your own exception
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid representation:" + representation);
return slotValue;
private SlotValue m_mazeNodeSlotValue;
public MazeNode(SlotValue s) {
m_mazeNodeSlotValue = s;
public MazeNode(int s) {
m_mazeNodeSlotValue = SlotValue.fromRepresentation(s);
public SlotValue getSlotValue() {
return m_mazeNodeSlotValue;
public static void main(String[] args) {
MazeNode m = new MazeNode(2);
m = new MazeNode(9);
An alternate approach to the other suggestions is that you can enter the values in the enum constructors rather than having to loop over afterwards:
public class MazeNode {
private static final Map<Integer, SlotValue> mapping = new HashMap<Integer, SlotValue>();
enum SlotValue {
private final int m_representation;
SlotValue(int representation) {
m_representation = representation;
mapping.put(Integer.valueOf(representation), this);
SlotValue getSlotValue(int representation) {
return mapping.get(Integer.valueOf(representation));
It appears that there's no easy way to do what you want. Constants must be both final and assigned when they're declared; something you cannot do in the member of an enum.
By way of a solution I've added a static decode() method to the SlotValue enum. This does a comparison of each SlotValue's m_representation field and returns the first match. It'll work, and it might not be the most efficient approach, but it does the job in only a few lines of code.
public class MazeNode {
public enum SlotValue {
private int m_representation;
SlotValue(int representation) {
m_representation = representation;
private static SlotValue decode( int in ) {
for ( SlotValue slot : values() ) {
if ( slot.m_representation == in ) {
return slot;
return empty;
private SlotValue m_mazeNodeSlotValue;
public MazeNode(SlotValue s) {
m_mazeNodeSlotValue = s;
public MazeNode(int s) {
m_mazeNodeSlotValue = SlotValue.decode( s );
public SlotValue getSlotValue() {
return m_mazeNodeSlotValue;
I'm with olliej that you should probably accept a getter. Java (unlike C#) does not allow you to cast between a primitive (int in your case) and a enum. The internal representation (m_representation here) is just another field, not an accessible constant.
我和olliej说你应该接受一个吸气剂。 Java(与C#不同)不允许您在基元(在您的情况下为int)和枚举之间进行转换。内部表示(此处为m_representation)只是另一个字段,而不是可访问的常量。
This is good (genuinely type-safe) or bad (harder to serialize and deserialize, among other things) depending how you look at it. The method below obviously is not as efficient as a switch, but I believe it's the only way to avoid redundancy.
As you probably realize, it's best to keep the data in enum form as much as possible.
public enum SlotValue
private int m_representation;
SlotValue(int representation)
m_representation = representation;
public static SlotValue fromInt(int intSerialization)
for(SlotValue sv : SlotValue.values())
if(sv.m_representation == intSerialization)
return sv;
return null;
private SlotValue m_mazeNodeSlotValue;
public MazeNode(SlotValue s)
m_mazeNodeSlotValue = s;
public MazeNode(int s)
m_mazeNodeSlotValue = SlotValue.fromInt(s);
All languages (with the exception of JS because it's insane :D ) require switch statements to be constant expressions.
What are you trying to do? You can easily go from SlotValue to int by adding a getter to SlotValue.
consider doing something like this:
public class Node {
public enum Slot {
empty, start, wall, visited, end;
static Slot fromInt(int s) {
for (Slot slot : Slot.values())
if (slot.ordinal() == s)
return slot;
throw new RuntimeException("" + s + " is illegal value!");
public Node(Slot slot) {
this.slot = slot;
public Node(int s) {
switch(slot) {
case empty: /* special stuff for empty */ break;
case start: /* special stuff for start */ break;
/* ... */
private Slot slot;
I am not sure what's the purpose of SlotValue in your program but it seems that you are not using their full power. You can invoke methods on enum instances or query their state. Thus you translate a switch on enum value into method invocation/state querying, as show below.
Side note: Once you get used to this kind of thinking (which is quite different from the thinking induced by C's enums) you realize that there's much less need for "magic numbers" in your code. Instead of specifying an value and then giving it some meaning you just specify the enum constant and invoke methods on it. Specifcially, my feeling is that there's no real need for associating each of your enum instances with a value (empty is 0, start is 1, etc.).
Anyway, here's the code:
public class MazeNode
public enum SlotValue
private int m_representation;
SlotValue(int representation)
m_representation = representation;
public int getRepresentation()
return m_representation;
private SlotValue next = null;
empty.next = start;
end.next = end;
private SlotValue m_mazeNodeSlotValue;
public MazeNode(SlotValue s)
m_mazeNodeSlotValue = s;
public MazeNode(int s)
m_mazeNodeSlotValue = SlotValue.values()[s].next;
public SlotValue getSlotValue()
return m_mazeNodeSlotValue;
You can use something like this:
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class MazeNode {
public enum SlotValue {
empty(0), start(1), wall(2), visited(3), end(9);
protected int m_representation;
SlotValue(int representation) {
m_representation = representation;
private static final Map<Integer, SlotValue> mapping = new HashMap<Integer, SlotValue>();
static {
for (SlotValue slotValue : SlotValue.values()) {
mapping.put(slotValue.m_representation, slotValue);
public static SlotValue fromRepresentation(int representation) {
SlotValue slotValue = SlotValue.mapping.get(representation);
if (slotValue == null)
// throw your own exception
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid representation:" + representation);
return slotValue;
private SlotValue m_mazeNodeSlotValue;
public MazeNode(SlotValue s) {
m_mazeNodeSlotValue = s;
public MazeNode(int s) {
m_mazeNodeSlotValue = SlotValue.fromRepresentation(s);
public SlotValue getSlotValue() {
return m_mazeNodeSlotValue;
public static void main(String[] args) {
MazeNode m = new MazeNode(2);
m = new MazeNode(9);
An alternate approach to the other suggestions is that you can enter the values in the enum constructors rather than having to loop over afterwards:
public class MazeNode {
private static final Map<Integer, SlotValue> mapping = new HashMap<Integer, SlotValue>();
enum SlotValue {
private final int m_representation;
SlotValue(int representation) {
m_representation = representation;
mapping.put(Integer.valueOf(representation), this);
SlotValue getSlotValue(int representation) {
return mapping.get(Integer.valueOf(representation));
It appears that there's no easy way to do what you want. Constants must be both final and assigned when they're declared; something you cannot do in the member of an enum.
By way of a solution I've added a static decode() method to the SlotValue enum. This does a comparison of each SlotValue's m_representation field and returns the first match. It'll work, and it might not be the most efficient approach, but it does the job in only a few lines of code.
public class MazeNode {
public enum SlotValue {
private int m_representation;
SlotValue(int representation) {
m_representation = representation;
private static SlotValue decode( int in ) {
for ( SlotValue slot : values() ) {
if ( slot.m_representation == in ) {
return slot;
return empty;
private SlotValue m_mazeNodeSlotValue;
public MazeNode(SlotValue s) {
m_mazeNodeSlotValue = s;
public MazeNode(int s) {
m_mazeNodeSlotValue = SlotValue.decode( s );
public SlotValue getSlotValue() {
return m_mazeNodeSlotValue;
I'm with olliej that you should probably accept a getter. Java (unlike C#) does not allow you to cast between a primitive (int in your case) and a enum. The internal representation (m_representation here) is just another field, not an accessible constant.
我和olliej说你应该接受一个吸气剂。 Java(与C#不同)不允许您在基元(在您的情况下为int)和枚举之间进行转换。内部表示(此处为m_representation)只是另一个字段,而不是可访问的常量。
This is good (genuinely type-safe) or bad (harder to serialize and deserialize, among other things) depending how you look at it. The method below obviously is not as efficient as a switch, but I believe it's the only way to avoid redundancy.
As you probably realize, it's best to keep the data in enum form as much as possible.
public enum SlotValue
private int m_representation;
SlotValue(int representation)
m_representation = representation;
public static SlotValue fromInt(int intSerialization)
for(SlotValue sv : SlotValue.values())
if(sv.m_representation == intSerialization)
return sv;
return null;
private SlotValue m_mazeNodeSlotValue;
public MazeNode(SlotValue s)
m_mazeNodeSlotValue = s;
public MazeNode(int s)
m_mazeNodeSlotValue = SlotValue.fromInt(s);
All languages (with the exception of JS because it's insane :D ) require switch statements to be constant expressions.
What are you trying to do? You can easily go from SlotValue to int by adding a getter to SlotValue.
consider doing something like this:
public class Node {
public enum Slot {
empty, start, wall, visited, end;
static Slot fromInt(int s) {
for (Slot slot : Slot.values())
if (slot.ordinal() == s)
return slot;
throw new RuntimeException("" + s + " is illegal value!");
public Node(Slot slot) {
this.slot = slot;
public Node(int s) {
switch(slot) {
case empty: /* special stuff for empty */ break;
case start: /* special stuff for start */ break;
/* ... */
private Slot slot;
I am not sure what's the purpose of SlotValue in your program but it seems that you are not using their full power. You can invoke methods on enum instances or query their state. Thus you translate a switch on enum value into method invocation/state querying, as show below.
Side note: Once you get used to this kind of thinking (which is quite different from the thinking induced by C's enums) you realize that there's much less need for "magic numbers" in your code. Instead of specifying an value and then giving it some meaning you just specify the enum constant and invoke methods on it. Specifcially, my feeling is that there's no real need for associating each of your enum instances with a value (empty is 0, start is 1, etc.).
Anyway, here's the code:
public class MazeNode
public enum SlotValue
private int m_representation;
SlotValue(int representation)
m_representation = representation;
public int getRepresentation()
return m_representation;
private SlotValue next = null;
empty.next = start;
end.next = end;
private SlotValue m_mazeNodeSlotValue;
public MazeNode(SlotValue s)
m_mazeNodeSlotValue = s;
public MazeNode(int s)
m_mazeNodeSlotValue = SlotValue.values()[s].next;
public SlotValue getSlotValue()
return m_mazeNodeSlotValue;