是否有任何工具可以将托管C ++转换为C ++ / CLI?

时间:2022-05-29 17:55:28

We have an old project written using Managed C++ syntax. I would like to propose to the team a reasonably pain-free (I don't mind some level of human interaction, I think I'm realistic in my expectations that we'll still have to do some work by hand) method of updating the existing code to C++/CLI syntax so that we can also add XML documentation (the project is a library into other projects and having documentation would be immensely useful).

我们有一个使用托管C ++语法编写的旧项目。我想向团队提出一个相当无痛的建议(我不介意某种程度的人机交互,我认为我的预期是现实的,我们仍然需要手工完成一些工作)更新方法现有的C ++ / CLI语法代码,以便我们也可以添加XML文档(该项目是一个库到其他项目中,并且文档非常有用)。

So, are there any good tools out there to help with this? Or is it just a case of switching to the new C++/CLI syntax compiler and fixing errors as we go?

那么,有什么好的工具来帮助解决这个问题吗?或者只是切换到新的C ++ / CLI语法编译器并修复错误的情况?

2 个解决方案



Microsoft has a tool that will help a little. Visual c++ blog post about it. Here are a couple other resources I found useful when I made our switch C++/CLI Migration Primer Managed Extensions for C++ Syntax Upgrade Checklist

微软有一个有用的工具。关于它的Visual c ++博客文章。以下是我在切换C ++ / CLI迁移入门管理扩展C ++语法升级核对表时发现有用的其他资源。

The Microsoft tool is just a start. there were many files that it could not convert.




Unfortunately, I found the migration tool from Microsoft to be two steps away from useless. However, there is the C++/CLI disassembler for Reflector, which has proved a lot more useful.

不幸的是,我发现Microsoft的迁移工具距离无用的两步之遥。但是,Reflector有C ++ / CLI反汇编程序,事实证明它更有用。

This isn't perfect as comments get lost, but I've found that re-adding the comments is much easier than trying to hand-convert the majority of the code.




Microsoft has a tool that will help a little. Visual c++ blog post about it. Here are a couple other resources I found useful when I made our switch C++/CLI Migration Primer Managed Extensions for C++ Syntax Upgrade Checklist

微软有一个有用的工具。关于它的Visual c ++博客文章。以下是我在切换C ++ / CLI迁移入门管理扩展C ++语法升级核对表时发现有用的其他资源。

The Microsoft tool is just a start. there were many files that it could not convert.




Unfortunately, I found the migration tool from Microsoft to be two steps away from useless. However, there is the C++/CLI disassembler for Reflector, which has proved a lot more useful.

不幸的是,我发现Microsoft的迁移工具距离无用的两步之遥。但是,Reflector有C ++ / CLI反汇编程序,事实证明它更有用。

This isn't perfect as comments get lost, but I've found that re-adding the comments is much easier than trying to hand-convert the majority of the code.
