
时间:2023-01-24 13:05:32

I have several rails applications that will use the same core set of Models and data, for example:


  • Apps
  • 应用
  • Developers
  • 开发商
  • Categories
  • 分类

Each app builds on top of this core data and uses it in different ways. For example, I might have something like this in another app:


  • Activity
  • 活动
  • Users
  • 用户
  • Apps (shared)
  • 应用(共享)
  • Developers (shared)
  • 开发人员(共享)
  • Categories (shared)
  • 分类(共享)

What is the best way to share the Models and data between them? The Apps, Developers and Category data will all be the same for every app so I would rather not have to duplicate the data in every app's database.


EDIT: I'm thinking through a couple of possible solutions:


  • Rails engines (would solve the duplicate Models in different apps problem, but not the shared data issue)
  • Rails引擎(可以解决不同应用程序中的重复模型问题,但不会解决共享数据问题)
  • Using ActiveResource to access the core data (solves the shared data, but not the shared model issue)
  • 使用ActiveResource访问核心数据(解决共享数据,但不解决共享模型问题)

1 个解决方案



I'm using a shared database to solve the shared data problem between heroku and a server on EC2 which does some background processing I can't do on heroku. In my case I'm using the same application, but really all I'm doing is using delayed_job on the EC2, so I'm only using the models from the app there. If I were going to use them in another application, I would probably go through the trouble of creating a gem to use between them.




I'm using a shared database to solve the shared data problem between heroku and a server on EC2 which does some background processing I can't do on heroku. In my case I'm using the same application, but really all I'm doing is using delayed_job on the EC2, so I'm only using the models from the app there. If I were going to use them in another application, I would probably go through the trouble of creating a gem to use between them.
