gulp-nunjucks-html + gulp-data not compiling on watch

时间:2023-01-24 11:23:53

I've written a gulp task to take data from json files and process it as html. When I first run the build this works like a charm, however I've set up a watch task to also do this and although it will rebuild the nunjucks file into html, it seems to ignore the json until the next full build (even though all the watch does is run the same task)


here is my task:


// Process nunjucks html files (.nunjucks)
gulp.task('nunjucks', function() {
  'use strict';
  return gulp.src('src/html/pages/**/*.nunjucks')
      { errorHandler: onError }
    .pipe(data(function(file) {
      return require('./src/model/' + path.basename(file.path) + '.json');
    .pipe(data(function() {
      return require('./src/model/globals.json');
      searchPaths: ['src/html/templates']

and here is my entire gulpfile in case the problem lies elsewhere and I've just not spotted it:


Any ideas?


1 个解决方案



It took a while but I found a fix for it. I just replaced the commented out line with the line below it:


 .pipe(data(function(file) {
    //return require('./src/model/' + path.basename(file.path) + '.json');
    return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./src/model/' + path.basename(file.path, '.nunjucks') + '.json'));

Edit: I also had to add var fs = require('fs') to the top of the gulpfile, it's a node package so no additional dependencies were needed.

编辑:我还必须将var fs = require('fs')添加到gulp文件的顶部,它是一个节点包,因此不需要额外的依赖项。



It took a while but I found a fix for it. I just replaced the commented out line with the line below it:


 .pipe(data(function(file) {
    //return require('./src/model/' + path.basename(file.path) + '.json');
    return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./src/model/' + path.basename(file.path, '.nunjucks') + '.json'));

Edit: I also had to add var fs = require('fs') to the top of the gulpfile, it's a node package so no additional dependencies were needed.

编辑:我还必须将var fs = require('fs')添加到gulp文件的顶部,它是一个节点包,因此不需要额外的依赖项。