sqlplus 请输入用户名:dpp_data as sysdba
请输入口令:dpp_data //创建账号
create user techrpt_data identified by techrpt_data; //创建临时表空间
create temporary tablespace TECHRPT_DATA_TEMP
size 32m
autoextend on
next 32m maxsize 2048m
extent management local; //将临时表空间分配给用户
alter user techrpt_data temporary tablespace TECHRPT_DATA_TEMP; //创建表空间
create tablespace TECHRPT_DATA
size 50m
autoextend on
next 50m maxsize 2048m
extent management local; //将表空间分配给用户
alter user techrpt_data default tablespace TECHRPT_DATA; //授权
grant dba to techrpt_data;
grant connect,resource to techrpt_data;
grant create session to techrpt_data;
grant create any sequence to techrpt_data;
grant create any table to techrpt_data;
grant delete any table to techrpt_data;
grant insert any table to techrpt_data;
grant select any table to techrpt_data;
grant update any table to techrpt_data;
grant unlimited tablespace to techrpt_data;
grant execute any procedure to techrpt_data;
grant create any view to techrpt_data; grant select on v_$statname to techrpt_data;
grant select on v_$sesstat to techrpt_data;
grant select on v_$session to techrpt_data;
grant select on v_$mystat to techrpt_data; //提交
commit; //退出
quit; //删除用户
drop user techrpt_data cascade; //删除表空间
drop tablespace techrpt_data including contents and datafiles; //修改密码
alter user system identified by system;