
时间:2023-01-24 10:05:12

I have a factory which loads datas from array, or a selected element from this array. But if I move it to an external .json file, I just get errors - i am newbie to angular in all but trying hard, keep in mind ^^ So if I use the simple

我有一个工厂从数组加载数据,或从该数组中选择一个元素。但是,如果我将它移动到外部.json文件,我只是得到错误 - 我是新手,除了努力,但仍然记住^^所以,如果我使用简单

$http.get('ports.json').success (function(data){
  var works = data;

code, I get "ReferenceError: works is not defined". And if I try the

代码,我得到“ReferenceError:works not defined”。如果我试试

    var works = res.data;

I get the "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token {" error. But that code in not a factory, on a whole different page works, so no idea what can be wrong now :/ Here is the .json filet, and @ the link, you can check the plunker. Plunker - http://plnkr.co/edit/tMrJMjzc4pl7fQ1PIEiO?p=info

我得到“Uncaught SyntaxError:Unexpected token {”错误。但是那个代码不是工厂,在一个完全不同的页面上工作,所以不知道现在可能出现什么问题:/这里是.json文件,而@链接,你可以查看plunker。 Plunker - http://plnkr.co/edit/tMrJMjzc4pl7fQ1PIEiO?p=info

    "Title": "Sprite",
    "subTitle": "",
    "Link": "sprite",
    "Thumbnail": "img/portfolio02.png",
    "Image": "img/ismont.png"
    "Title": "Pepsi",
    "subTitle": "Kristályvíz",
    "Link": "pepsi",
    "Thumbnail": "img/portfolio03.png",
    "Image": "img/sanofimont.png"

EDIT: So I tried all what u wrote till now but nothing seemd to work... So I have thiw well-working factor now, which I want to transfer to an external .json file, to be very very clear for understand.


  portApp.factory("workFactory", function($http) {  
  var works = [
      Title: "Sprite",
      subTitle: "",
      Link: "sprite",
      Thumbnail: "img/portfolio02.png",
      Image: "img/ismont.png"
      Title: "Pepsi",
      subTitle: "Kristályvíz",
      Link: "pepsi",
      Thumbnail: "img/portfolio03.png",
      Image: "img/sanofimont.png"
  return {
      list: function() {
          return works;
      selected: function(detPath) {
          selected = works.filter(function(work) {
              return work.Link == detPath;
          return selected;

4 个解决方案



You have lot's of problems with the Plunker you posted.


But the main problem was with this code:


portApp.factory("workFactory", function($http) {
        $http.get('ports.json').then((portRes) {
            var works = res.data;
        return {
            list: function() {
                return works;
            selected: function(detPath) {
                selected = works.filter(function(work) {
                    return work.Link == detPath;
                return selected;

1. the then method expects a function. Change (portRes) to function(portRes).

2. Doing var works = res.data creates a local var inside the callback function. You can't access it outside. Plus change res to portRes.

3. Returning the works var wont work technically since it's a local var that isn't in the same scope. It wont work logically since the $http.get is an async process and you have no idea when it will finish.

问题:1。then方法需要一个函数。将(portRes)更改为function(portRes)。 2.做var works = res.data在回调函数中创建一个局部var。你不能在外面访问它。另外将res更改为portRes。 3.返回工作var在技术上不起作用,因为它是不在同一范围内的局部变量。它不会在逻辑上工作,因为$ http.get是一个异步过程,你不知道什么时候会完成。

After you edited, I believe you need something like this(I didn't check this so there may be some errors but that's the way to do things):


portApp.factory("workFactory", function($http) {      
    var state = {
          works: null,

          list: function() {
              return this.works;

          selected: function(detPath) {
              return this.works.filter(function(work) {
                  return work.Link == detPath;

    $http.get('myJson.json').success(function(data) {
        state.works = data;

    return state;



You could use angular resource:


angular.module('portApp').factory('Port', function ($resource) {
    return $resource('ports.json');



From another Stack Overflow thread:

从另一个Stack Overflow线程:

theApp.factory('mainInfo', function($http) { 

    var obj = {content:null};

    $http.get('content.json').success(function(data) {
        // you can do some processing here
        obj.content = data;

    return obj;    

You can see it here:
AngularJS: factory $http.get JSON file

你可以在这里看到它:AngularJS:factory $ http.get JSON文件



You forgot the function keyword in the $http.get and also the wrong variable name

您忘记了$ http.get中的function关键字以及错误的变量名称

$http.get('ports.json').then(function(res) { // <--- THIS
    var works = res.data;



You have lot's of problems with the Plunker you posted.


But the main problem was with this code:


portApp.factory("workFactory", function($http) {
        $http.get('ports.json').then((portRes) {
            var works = res.data;
        return {
            list: function() {
                return works;
            selected: function(detPath) {
                selected = works.filter(function(work) {
                    return work.Link == detPath;
                return selected;

1. the then method expects a function. Change (portRes) to function(portRes).

2. Doing var works = res.data creates a local var inside the callback function. You can't access it outside. Plus change res to portRes.

3. Returning the works var wont work technically since it's a local var that isn't in the same scope. It wont work logically since the $http.get is an async process and you have no idea when it will finish.

问题:1。then方法需要一个函数。将(portRes)更改为function(portRes)。 2.做var works = res.data在回调函数中创建一个局部var。你不能在外面访问它。另外将res更改为portRes。 3.返回工作var在技术上不起作用,因为它是不在同一范围内的局部变量。它不会在逻辑上工作,因为$ http.get是一个异步过程,你不知道什么时候会完成。

After you edited, I believe you need something like this(I didn't check this so there may be some errors but that's the way to do things):


portApp.factory("workFactory", function($http) {      
    var state = {
          works: null,

          list: function() {
              return this.works;

          selected: function(detPath) {
              return this.works.filter(function(work) {
                  return work.Link == detPath;

    $http.get('myJson.json').success(function(data) {
        state.works = data;

    return state;



You could use angular resource:


angular.module('portApp').factory('Port', function ($resource) {
    return $resource('ports.json');



From another Stack Overflow thread:

从另一个Stack Overflow线程:

theApp.factory('mainInfo', function($http) { 

    var obj = {content:null};

    $http.get('content.json').success(function(data) {
        // you can do some processing here
        obj.content = data;

    return obj;    

You can see it here:
AngularJS: factory $http.get JSON file

你可以在这里看到它:AngularJS:factory $ http.get JSON文件



You forgot the function keyword in the $http.get and also the wrong variable name

您忘记了$ http.get中的function关键字以及错误的变量名称

$http.get('ports.json').then(function(res) { // <--- THIS
    var works = res.data;