I have an open source Swift camera framework called Lumina, and I would like to be able to use it with all three main iOS dependency management systems. (Cocoapods and Carthage work fine.)
All of my tags follow semantic versioning rules, but the titles have the letter "v" before them, like so:
For the library, the manifest Package.swift
file reads like so:
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "Lumina")
In another project, I wanted to test that SPM works and uses the latest version of my framework (currently v0.8.4). I created a Single View Application in Xcode 9.0 from scratch, and added the following Package.swift
file to the root directory:
在另一个项目中,我想测试SPM是否有效,并使用我的框架的最新版本(目前是v0.8.4)。我从头开始在Xcode 9.0中创建了一个视图应用程序,并添加了以下包。swift文件到根目录:
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "SwiftPMLumina",
targets: [],
dependencies: [
.Package(url: "https://github.com/dokun1/Lumina.git", majorVersion: 0, minor: 8)
When I do this, the CLI says error: unsatisfiable
I have also tried not specifying a minor version, and specifying a specific version string (such as "v0.8.4"
) to no avail.
当我这样做的时候,CLI说:error: unsatisatable,我还尝试过不指定次要版本,并指定一个特定的版本字符串(如“v0.8.4”),但没有效果。
What do I have to do to properly build this library with SwiftPM, and/or what support do I have to add to the library itself?
1 个解决方案
Just add tags without initial "v" to your framework, like "0.8.4".
Just add tags without initial "v" to your framework, like "0.8.4".