
时间:2023-01-23 22:52:54

How to play a youtube video in swift using AVPlayer?


I am using the below code to play a youtube video but nothing happens in avplayer. It remains blank.


var urlstring = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMba_c-VSkI"
var url = NSURL(string: urlstring)
var av:AVPlayerViewController = segue.destinationViewController as AVPlayerViewController
av.player = AVPlayer(URL: url)

3 个解决方案



The url you are using is not the url to the video, it is the url to a webpage which has the video embedded. There are tools out there that can help you get the actual url of the video file.




AVPlayer only plays movie files, and YouTube videos aren't directly exposed as movie files at their URL. You can handle youtube videos in your own WebView.


You can use IFrame Player API.

您可以使用IFrame Player API。



You will need to use a like YoutubeParser to get it to work. But please note this will go against Youtube's T&C

您将需要使用like YoutubeParser来让它工作。但请注意,这将与Youtube的T&C背道而驰。



The url you are using is not the url to the video, it is the url to a webpage which has the video embedded. There are tools out there that can help you get the actual url of the video file.




AVPlayer only plays movie files, and YouTube videos aren't directly exposed as movie files at their URL. You can handle youtube videos in your own WebView.


You can use IFrame Player API.

您可以使用IFrame Player API。



You will need to use a like YoutubeParser to get it to work. But please note this will go against Youtube's T&C

您将需要使用like YoutubeParser来让它工作。但请注意,这将与Youtube的T&C背道而驰。