I see the following discrepancy in Playgrounds for Swift 1.2 and 2.0 when I want to print the value of a parameter in a block I am passing as input to a function. Any help in understanding what is going on would be appreciated!
当我想在我传递给函数的块中打印参数的值时,我看到了Swift 1.2和2.0的不同之处。任何有助于理解正在发生的事情的帮助都是值得感激的!
func blockSample(myInput: String, myOutput: (answer: String) -> ()) {
myOutput(answer: myInput)
blockSample("testthis") { (answer) -> () in
print(answer) // This should print "testthis" but it doesn't
blockSample("testthis") { (answer) -> () in
print("test") // print something before the next line
print(answer) // this works. prints "testthis"
blockSample("testthis") { (answer) -> () in
let printedAnswer = answer
print(answer) // this works. prints "testthis". Note that I am printing answer and not printedAnswer
1 个解决方案
Your first example indeed doesn't print in the live panel of the Playground contrary to the others.
But with Xcode 7 Playgrounds if you open the menu:
但是如果你打开菜单的话,有Xcode 7的游戏场:
View / Debug Area / Show Debug Area
you will see in the console that everything is printed properly.
In Xcode 6 Playgrounds you can achieve the same by displaying the Assistant Editor:
在Xcode 6游戏场中,你可以通过显示助理编辑器来达到同样的效果:
View / Assistant Editor / Show Assistant Editor
Also, remember that in Playgrounds you can force the display of a value in the live panel by just stating your variable on a separate line:
blockSample("testthis") { (answer) -> () in
answer // this will force the live display of the value for 'answer'
Your first example indeed doesn't print in the live panel of the Playground contrary to the others.
But with Xcode 7 Playgrounds if you open the menu:
但是如果你打开菜单的话,有Xcode 7的游戏场:
View / Debug Area / Show Debug Area
you will see in the console that everything is printed properly.
In Xcode 6 Playgrounds you can achieve the same by displaying the Assistant Editor:
在Xcode 6游戏场中,你可以通过显示助理编辑器来达到同样的效果:
View / Assistant Editor / Show Assistant Editor
Also, remember that in Playgrounds you can force the display of a value in the live panel by just stating your variable on a separate line:
blockSample("testthis") { (answer) -> () in
answer // this will force the live display of the value for 'answer'