Xcode 6 Beta / Swift - Playground不更新

时间:2023-01-23 17:52:38

I was playing around with the Playground feature of Xcode 6's first beta - and I notice half the time the Playground doesn't update (simply doesn't display the result calculation or how many loop iterations are happening) simple code/loops/functions that are in there. Even the Swift Tour https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/Swift_Programming_Language/GuidedTour.html

我正在玩Xcode 6的第一个测试版的Playground功能 - 我注意到Playground没有更新的一半时间(根本不显示结果计算或发生了多少循环迭代)简单的代码/循环/函数在那里。甚至是Swift Tour https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/Swift_Programming_Language/GuidedTour.html

has several lines of code that don't show up in Playground. If you mess with the code sometimes it will show up, by moving the code around or placing it elsewhere. Anyone else? Any fixes? Is this just a beta problem?


4 个解决方案



Make sure you haven't inadvertently added an error to your Playground code. Unfortunately, there is no inline notification of an error, and after an error is created, nothing in the Playground will update.


To help with this, open up the Assistant Editor (File > View > Assistant Editor > Show Assistant Editor), which should include a Console Output box. If there are any errors in your Playground, they will show up there. Once corrected, your Playground should hopefully update once more.


That said, it can be a bit slow depending on the complexity of your Playground and its size.




This answer (Undeclared Type 'NSView' in Playground) did it for me (restarting Xcode and the machine didn't help):

这个答案(Playground中的Undeclared Type'NSView')为我做了(重启Xcode并且机器没有帮助):

rm -rf "$(getconf DARWIN_USER_CACHE_DIR)/org.llvm.clang/ModuleCache"



Had the same strange errors after upgrading to xcode 6 beta 6. For me the problem got fixed with a Product -> Clean. And if that does not fix the errors hold down option key and click again on Product in the Menubar then you will see in the dropdown menu Clean Build Folder... click on that. Or you could download Watchdog app from appstore. This little helper automatically cleans your xcode projects.

升级到xcode 6 beta 6之后有同样的奇怪错误。对我来说,问题已通过产品 - >清理修复。如果这不能解决错误按住选项键并再次单击菜单栏中的产品,那么您将在下拉菜单中看到清洁构建文件夹...单击它。或者您可以从appstore下载Watchdog应用程序。这个小助手会自动清理你的xcode项目。



You have to be very careful with swift. the language is very case sensitive so while using playground make sure all things are spaced out. The following code will NOT give you a syntax error but it will stop processing the rest of your code in playground :


for index in 1...5 {
    if index %2 !=0{

The error in the code above is in line 2. The code has to be written


    for index in 1...5 {
       if index % 2 != 0 {

Hope that answers your question :)

希望这能回答你的问题 :)



Make sure you haven't inadvertently added an error to your Playground code. Unfortunately, there is no inline notification of an error, and after an error is created, nothing in the Playground will update.


To help with this, open up the Assistant Editor (File > View > Assistant Editor > Show Assistant Editor), which should include a Console Output box. If there are any errors in your Playground, they will show up there. Once corrected, your Playground should hopefully update once more.


That said, it can be a bit slow depending on the complexity of your Playground and its size.




This answer (Undeclared Type 'NSView' in Playground) did it for me (restarting Xcode and the machine didn't help):

这个答案(Playground中的Undeclared Type'NSView')为我做了(重启Xcode并且机器没有帮助):

rm -rf "$(getconf DARWIN_USER_CACHE_DIR)/org.llvm.clang/ModuleCache"



Had the same strange errors after upgrading to xcode 6 beta 6. For me the problem got fixed with a Product -> Clean. And if that does not fix the errors hold down option key and click again on Product in the Menubar then you will see in the dropdown menu Clean Build Folder... click on that. Or you could download Watchdog app from appstore. This little helper automatically cleans your xcode projects.

升级到xcode 6 beta 6之后有同样的奇怪错误。对我来说,问题已通过产品 - >清理修复。如果这不能解决错误按住选项键并再次单击菜单栏中的产品,那么您将在下拉菜单中看到清洁构建文件夹...单击它。或者您可以从appstore下载Watchdog应用程序。这个小助手会自动清理你的xcode项目。



You have to be very careful with swift. the language is very case sensitive so while using playground make sure all things are spaced out. The following code will NOT give you a syntax error but it will stop processing the rest of your code in playground :


for index in 1...5 {
    if index %2 !=0{

The error in the code above is in line 2. The code has to be written


    for index in 1...5 {
       if index % 2 != 0 {

Hope that answers your question :)

希望这能回答你的问题 :)