I updated my Xcode to 6.0.1 from the App Store update notification in the morning in the os X 10.9.5, and then restarted my mac.
我在早上的os X 10.9.5中从App Store更新通知中将我的Xcode更新到6.0.1,然后重新启动我的mac。
Then i found the Xcode has been updated to the 6.0.1 ,But when i tried to run my app on it i am getting only iOS device as the device,not simulators.
in my simulator menu manage devices there is no simulators only my mac is present ,then i tried to add simulators but it has given me error of path is not found,i tried every solutions found in the web search like locations tab command line tools,everything is fine,
But still i am not getting the simulators?Can anybody help me on this?
5 个解决方案
Might be that resolve by tap Xcode6--> Window--> Device
like following image:
When you select Device Option you get following window open:
There is appear all simulator or connected devices. If you found No simulator you can add by click on + Button then you get following window create simulator.
click an option there is simulator list and you get simulator. Hope that solve you issue.
Choose Preview > iOS Simulator Version > iOS 6.0 or 6.1.* Choose Preview > Preview in iOS Simulator.
选择预览> iOS模拟器版本> ios6.0或6.1。*在iOS模拟器中选择预览>
- If you don't see iOS 6.0 or iOS 6.1, see Downloading and Installing Xcode Components in the iOS Developer Library.
- 如果您没有看到iOS 6.0或iOS 6.1,请参阅在iOS开发人员库中下载和安装Xcode组件。
What is the output of 'xcrun simctl list'? Is there anything interesting in ~/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/CoreSimulator.log to indicate a problem? Are you able to add and delete simulator devices from the device manager? Can you add and delete devices from the command line 'xcrun simctl create ...'?
xcrun simctl list的输出是什么?在~/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/CoreSimulator有什么有趣的东西吗?log表示问题?是否可以从设备管理器中添加和删除模拟器设备?你能从命令行“xcrun simctl创建…”中添加和删除设备吗?
The one thing I can suggest is checking xcode-select from a Terminal. Type xcode-select -p and look at the output. This should be the Contents/Developer directory within your Xcode application. On my machine - because I don't leave Xcode in the Application folder, it reads /Applications/Developer/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/. Make sure it's actually pointing at where Xcode is installed. For example you may be putting Xcode in a directory other than the usual /Applications, while xcode-select is looking for the Xcode internals in a different place than where Xcode is. I've been caught out by this before now.
我可以建议从终端检查xcode-select。输入xcode-select -p并查看输出。这应该是Xcode应用程序中的content /Developer目录。在我的机器上——因为我没有在应用程序文件夹中留下Xcode,所以它读取/应用程序/开发人员/Xcode.app/内容/开发人员/。确保它实际上指向Xcode的安装位置。例如,您可能将Xcode放在普通/应用程序之外的目录中,而Xcode -select将在与Xcode不同的位置查找Xcode的内部信息。我以前就被这事弄糊涂了。
Follow these steps to add a (new) simulator
- Click on Simulator icon and open simulator list.
- 单击模拟器图标并打开模拟器列表。
- At the end of list, there is an option to add new simulator "Add Additional Simulator". That will open 'Device & Simulator' window.
- 在列表的末尾,有一个选项可以添加新的模拟器“添加额外的模拟器”。这将打开“设备和模拟器”窗口。
- Switch to 'Simulator' tab.
- 切换到“模拟器”选项卡。
- There are three field in simulator tab.
- 模拟器选项卡有三个字段。
- Click on '+' icon, on left bottom corner of window.
- 点击“+”图标,在窗口的左下角。
- Simulator Name: Enter simulator name here
- 模拟器名称:在这里输入模拟器名称
- Device Type: Select iPad from this dropdown list
- 设备类型:从下拉列表中选择iPad。
- OS Version: Select OS version from this dropdown list
- 操作系统版本:从下拉列表中选择操作系统版本
- Click on 'Create'
- 点击“创建”
A new simulator will be added in your Simulator option list.
Look at this snapshot to understand flow of above steps:
And if there is no simulator/OS version in simulator list, you're looking for,
- Click on Simulator icon and open simulator list.
- 单击模拟器图标并打开模拟器列表。
- At the end of list, there is an option to add new simulator "Download Simulator". That will open 'Component' window (from Xcode >> Preferences).
- 在列表的末尾,有一个选项可以添加新的模拟器“下载模拟器”。这将打开“组件”窗口(来自Xcode >>首选项)。
- Select/click simulator from list, which you need to download.
- 从列表中选择/单击模拟器,需要下载。
Might be that resolve by tap Xcode6--> Window--> Device
like following image:
When you select Device Option you get following window open:
There is appear all simulator or connected devices. If you found No simulator you can add by click on + Button then you get following window create simulator.
click an option there is simulator list and you get simulator. Hope that solve you issue.
Choose Preview > iOS Simulator Version > iOS 6.0 or 6.1.* Choose Preview > Preview in iOS Simulator.
选择预览> iOS模拟器版本> ios6.0或6.1。*在iOS模拟器中选择预览>
- If you don't see iOS 6.0 or iOS 6.1, see Downloading and Installing Xcode Components in the iOS Developer Library.
- 如果您没有看到iOS 6.0或iOS 6.1,请参阅在iOS开发人员库中下载和安装Xcode组件。
What is the output of 'xcrun simctl list'? Is there anything interesting in ~/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/CoreSimulator.log to indicate a problem? Are you able to add and delete simulator devices from the device manager? Can you add and delete devices from the command line 'xcrun simctl create ...'?
xcrun simctl list的输出是什么?在~/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/CoreSimulator有什么有趣的东西吗?log表示问题?是否可以从设备管理器中添加和删除模拟器设备?你能从命令行“xcrun simctl创建…”中添加和删除设备吗?
The one thing I can suggest is checking xcode-select from a Terminal. Type xcode-select -p and look at the output. This should be the Contents/Developer directory within your Xcode application. On my machine - because I don't leave Xcode in the Application folder, it reads /Applications/Developer/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/. Make sure it's actually pointing at where Xcode is installed. For example you may be putting Xcode in a directory other than the usual /Applications, while xcode-select is looking for the Xcode internals in a different place than where Xcode is. I've been caught out by this before now.
我可以建议从终端检查xcode-select。输入xcode-select -p并查看输出。这应该是Xcode应用程序中的content /Developer目录。在我的机器上——因为我没有在应用程序文件夹中留下Xcode,所以它读取/应用程序/开发人员/Xcode.app/内容/开发人员/。确保它实际上指向Xcode的安装位置。例如,您可能将Xcode放在普通/应用程序之外的目录中,而Xcode -select将在与Xcode不同的位置查找Xcode的内部信息。我以前就被这事弄糊涂了。
Follow these steps to add a (new) simulator
- Click on Simulator icon and open simulator list.
- 单击模拟器图标并打开模拟器列表。
- At the end of list, there is an option to add new simulator "Add Additional Simulator". That will open 'Device & Simulator' window.
- 在列表的末尾,有一个选项可以添加新的模拟器“添加额外的模拟器”。这将打开“设备和模拟器”窗口。
- Switch to 'Simulator' tab.
- 切换到“模拟器”选项卡。
- There are three field in simulator tab.
- 模拟器选项卡有三个字段。
- Click on '+' icon, on left bottom corner of window.
- 点击“+”图标,在窗口的左下角。
- Simulator Name: Enter simulator name here
- 模拟器名称:在这里输入模拟器名称
- Device Type: Select iPad from this dropdown list
- 设备类型:从下拉列表中选择iPad。
- OS Version: Select OS version from this dropdown list
- 操作系统版本:从下拉列表中选择操作系统版本
- Click on 'Create'
- 点击“创建”
A new simulator will be added in your Simulator option list.
Look at this snapshot to understand flow of above steps:
And if there is no simulator/OS version in simulator list, you're looking for,
- Click on Simulator icon and open simulator list.
- 单击模拟器图标并打开模拟器列表。
- At the end of list, there is an option to add new simulator "Download Simulator". That will open 'Component' window (from Xcode >> Preferences).
- 在列表的末尾,有一个选项可以添加新的模拟器“下载模拟器”。这将打开“组件”窗口(来自Xcode >>首选项)。
- Select/click simulator from list, which you need to download.
- 从列表中选择/单击模拟器,需要下载。