从第一篇java JNI 的实现(1)-又进一步加深对JVM实现的理解对JNI有了大致的理解之后,并知道JNI中java如何调用C/C++等,这篇文章我们进一步将JNI中,java和C/C++的相互调用.
package juk.demo; public class JSay {
//member/class field.
public static String country = "cn"; public int age = 20; //native method.
public native void changeAge(); public static native void staticSay(); //member method.
public void getVoid() { } public String getString() {
return "json";
} public int getInt() {
return 1;
} private void getUnknown() { } public int[] getIntArray() {
return new int[]{1,2};
} //static method.
public static void javaStatic() {
System.out.println(country + ", center china");;
} static {
} public static void main(String[] args) {
//invoke native method.
JSay.staticSay(); JSay jSay = new JSay();
System.out.println("before invoke native,age=" + jSay.age);
System.out.println("after invoke native,age=" + jSay.age); } }
我们这次的目的,一是在java中调用'changeAge' native方法的时候,在C/C++代码中对其对象的age属性进行更改(当然,一般成员变量都是封装的,这里只是为了测试);二是在java调用'staticSay' native方法的时候,在C/C++代码中,反过来调用java的'javaStatic'方法.
/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated */
#include "jni.h"
/* Header for class juk_demo_JSay */ #ifndef _Included_juk_demo_JSay
#define _Included_juk_demo_JSay
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Class: juk_demo_JSay
* Method: changeAge
* Signature: ()V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_juk_demo_JSay_changeAge
(JNIEnv *, jobject); /*
* Class: juk_demo_JSay
* Method: staticSay
* Signature: ()V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_juk_demo_JSay_staticSay
(JNIEnv *, jclass); #ifdef __cplusplus
我们发现,通过javah命令生成的C/C++.h头文件,不会在.h头文件中出现(这其实也是很合情理的,但是我们却可以通过java中的native方法对应的.h中的方法的参数'JNIEnv *'去获得java中所有的成员).
#include <iostream>
#include "juk_demo_JSay.h"
using namespace std; //3 ways to get jclass:
1,(JNIEnv *)->FindClass(class-name),which find the class by the classpath.
2,(JNIEnv *)->GetObjectClass(jobject).
3,(JNIEnv *)->GetSuperclass(jobject).
*/ /*
* Class: juk_demo_JSay
* Method: changeAge
* Signature: ()V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_juk_demo_JSay_changeAge
(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj) {
jclass JSayClass = env->GetObjectClass(obj);
jfieldID ageId = env->GetFieldID(JSayClass, "age", "I");
//env->GetIntField(obj, ageId);
env->SetIntField(obj, ageId, ); //set the age with a new value.
} /*
* Class: juk_demo_JSay
* Method: staticSay
* Signature: ()V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_juk_demo_JSay_staticSay
(JNIEnv *env, jclass clz) {
//jclass JSayClass = env->FindClass("juk.demo.JSay"); //javaStatic method.
//the third argument,can be fetch with 'javap' command.
jmethodID getStaticMethodId = env->GetStaticMethodID(clz, "javaStatic", "()V");
env->CallStaticVoidMethod(clz, getStaticMethodId, NULL); //get age field.
/*jfieldID countryId = env->GetStaticFieldID(JSayClass, "country", "Ljava/lang/String;");
env->GetStaticObjectField(JSayClass, countryId);*/
,(JNIEnv *)->FindClass(class-name),which find the class by the classpath.
,(JNIEnv *)->GetObjectClass(jobject).
,(JNIEnv *)->GetSuperclass(jobject).
然后可以通过(JNIEnv *)获得属性的ID,并修改.稍微注意的是'env->GetFieldID'方法中的第3个参数,是为了区别方法的重载问题,
如下表(来自oracle的Chapter 3: JNI Types and Data Structures)
Type Signature | Java Type |
Z | boolean |
B | byte |
C | char |
S | short |
I | int |
J | long |
F | float |
D | double |
L fully-qualified-class ; | fully-qualified-class |
[ type | type[] |
( arg-types ) ret-type | method type |
sun为了方便我们程序员,写一个工具(即,jdk中的javap),而不用我们记忆那些类型签名,例如,我们可以在包含该java的class的目录上(通过命令行),输入 'javap -s -public juk.demo.JSay',即可得到对应的签名,如:
Compiled from "JSay.java"
public class juk.demo.JSay extends java.lang.Object{
public static java.lang.String country;
Signature: Ljava/lang/String;
public int age;
Signature: I
public juk.demo.JSay();
Signature: ()V
public native void changeAge();
Signature: ()V
public static native void staticSay();
Signature: ()V
public void getVoid();
Signature: ()V
public java.lang.String getString();
Signature: ()Ljava/lang/String;
public int getInt();
Signature: ()I
public int[] getIntArray();
Signature: ()[I
public static void javaStatic();
Signature: ()V
public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
Signature: ([Ljava/lang/String;)V
2,调用java中的'javaStatic'方法,和上面C/C+实现方法相似,不过由于在java源码中,native被定义成了类方法,所以不用获得jclass,而直接从参数获取.同理,通过(JNIEnv *)获得java中的javaStatic方法,并调用.
cn, center china
before invoke native,age=
after invoke native,age=