trove instance service 总结

时间:2023-01-23 09:46:25
def create(self, req, body, tenant_id):
# TODO(hub-cap): turn this into middleware"Creating a database instance for tenant '%s'"),
LOG.debug("req : '%s'\n\n", strutils.mask_password(req))
LOG.debug("body : '%s'\n\n", strutils.mask_password(body))
context = req.environ[wsgi.CONTEXT_KEY]
context.notification = notification.DBaaSInstanceCreate(context,
datastore_args = body['instance'].get('datastore', {})
datastore, datastore_version = (
image_id = datastore_version.image_id
name = body['instance']['name']
flavor_ref = body['instance']['flavorRef']
flavor_id = utils.get_id_from_href(flavor_ref) configuration = self._configuration_parse(context, body)
databases = populate_validated_databases(
body['instance'].get('databases', []))
database_names = [database.get('_name', '') for database in databases]
users = None
users = populate_users(body['instance'].get('users', []),
except ValueError as ve:
raise exception.BadRequest(msg=ve) if 'volume' in body['instance']:
volume_info = body['instance']['volume']
volume_size = int(volume_info['size'])
volume_type = volume_info.get('type')
volume_size = None
volume_type = None if 'restorePoint' in body['instance']:
backupRef = body['instance']['restorePoint']['backupRef']
backup_id = utils.get_id_from_href(backupRef)
backup_id = None availability_zone = body['instance'].get('availability_zone')
nics = body['instance'].get('nics') slave_of_id = body['instance'].get('replica_of',
# also check for older name
replica_count = body['instance'].get('replica_count')
modules = body['instance'].get('modules')
locality = body['instance'].get('locality')
if locality:
locality_domain = ['affinity', 'anti-affinity']
locality_domain_msg = ("Invalid locality '%s'. "
"Must be one of ['%s']" %
"', '".join(locality_domain)))
if locality not in locality_domain:
raise exception.BadRequest(msg=locality_domain_msg)
if slave_of_id:
dupe_locality_msg = (
'Cannot specify locality when adding replicas to existing '
raise exception.BadRequest(msg=dupe_locality_msg) instance = models.Instance.create(context, name, flavor_id,
image_id, databases, users,
datastore, datastore_version,
volume_size, backup_id,
availability_zone, nics,
configuration, slave_of_id,
locality=locality) view = views.InstanceDetailView(instance, req=req)
return wsgi.Result(, 200) 基本就是四步走,首先是请求上下文,然后创建实例对象,然后操作,最后返回wsgi

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