
时间:2023-01-22 18:00:38

I have fallen in love with visual studio's code snippets toolkit. Is there anything similar on Xcode?

我已经爱上了visual studio的代码片段工具包。 Xcode上有什么类似的东西吗?

5 个解决方案


Check out any external tool for saving and managing snippets like Snippets. It's coolest Mac app for managing snippets I've seen before.



Check out this brilliant tip on how you can use code snippets in XCode 4 and also auto complete it. works like magic

查看有关如何在XCode 4中使用代码片段以及自动完成它的精彩提示。像魔术一样工作


You can also take a loot at this question which is about similar issues with XCode 3 (code templates, code completion, and more).

你也可以在这个问题上获取一个与XCode 3类似问题(代码模板,代码完成等)的问题。


Of course there are. They are under "Edit -> Insert Text Macro".

当然有。它们位于“编辑 - >插入文本宏”下。

Or you can simply start typing 'if<ctrl+.>' and this will be expanded into the full if statemenet.

或者你可以简单地开始输入'if ',这将被扩展为完整的if statemenet。


Xcode 4 has support for code snippets.

Xcode 4支持代码片段。


Check out any external tool for saving and managing snippets like Snippets. It's coolest Mac app for managing snippets I've seen before.



Check out this brilliant tip on how you can use code snippets in XCode 4 and also auto complete it. works like magic

查看有关如何在XCode 4中使用代码片段以及自动完成它的精彩提示。像魔术一样工作


You can also take a loot at this question which is about similar issues with XCode 3 (code templates, code completion, and more).

你也可以在这个问题上获取一个与XCode 3类似问题(代码模板,代码完成等)的问题。


Of course there are. They are under "Edit -> Insert Text Macro".

当然有。它们位于“编辑 - >插入文本宏”下。

Or you can simply start typing 'if<ctrl+.>' and this will be expanded into the full if statemenet.

或者你可以简单地开始输入'if ',这将被扩展为完整的if statemenet。


Xcode 4 has support for code snippets.

Xcode 4支持代码片段。