
时间:2023-01-22 14:30:33

This is my model:


namespace MvcApplication2.Models
    public class CreditCard
        [CreditCard(ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Messages), ErrorMessageResourceName = "CardNumberInvalid")]
        public string CardNumber { get; set; }

This is my Messages.resx:


Name Value


CardNumberInvalid Check your card number is correct


And this is my view:


@model MvcApplication2.Models.CreditCard
@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.CardNumber);

In MVC version 3 this works without error. In MVC 4 when I go to this page I get an excpetion saying "Either ErrorMessageString or ErrorMessageResourceName must be set, but not both". This is only happening with the CreditCardAttribute. Other validation attributes such as RequiredAttribute work fine. I have only set the ErrorMessageResourceName. I have not set the ErrorMessageString, so do not understand what I have done wrong. Can anyone help please?

在MVC版本3中,这个操作没有错误。在MVC 4中,当我进入这个页面时,我得到了一个借口:“必须设置ErrorMessageString或ErrorMessageResourceName,但不是两者都设置”。这种情况只发生在信用记录中。其他验证属性,如RequiredAttribute可以很好地工作。我只设置了ErrorMessageResourceName。我没有设置ErrorMessageString,所以不理解我做错了什么。谁能帮助好吗?

6 个解决方案



It's a known issue in .Net 4.5. Adding "ErrorMessage = null" named parameter should solve this.

这是。net 4.5中的一个已知问题。添加“ErrorMessage = null”命名参数应该可以解决这个问题。

Reference: Reference link is broken now. http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/757298/emailaddress-attribute-is-unable-to-load-error-message-from-resource-mvc




[CreditCard(ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Messages), ErrorMessageResourceName = "CardNumberInvalid", ErrorMessage = null)]

Adding the ErrorMessage = null will fix your problem.

添加ErrorMessage = null将修复您的问题。



I had this problem because I had implemented a RequiredAttributeAdapter, which was setting the ErrorMessageResourceName property automatically.


You can fix it by checking to see if the ErrorMessage property has been set before setting the ErrorMessageResourceName:


/// <summary>
/// Creates a new instance of the RequiredAttributeAdapter, used for switching the default required message
/// format
/// </summary>
public CustomMessageRequiredAttributeAdapter(
    ModelMetadata metadata,
    ControllerContext context,
    RequiredAttribute attribute
    : base(metadata, context, attribute)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attribute.ErrorMessage))
        attribute.ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof (ValidationMessages);
        attribute.ErrorMessageResourceName = "PropertyValueRequired";



Since anyone who is using custom validation attributes and also wants to load error messages from resources for localization purposes, would face this problem i share my workaround here.
assume that you have a custom validation attribute like this one


public HttpPostedFileBase MyFile {get; set;}

in your custom validation attribute add this code


public override string FormatErrorMessage(string name)
        return String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
          ErrorMessageString, name, ValidFileType);

ValidFileType is name of a property which takes the input argument of custom validation attribute (jpg here),well now we can decorate our model property the way we like it to be


[FileTypeMustBe("jpg", ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Resources.Resources), ErrorMessageResourceName = "WrongFileTypeError")]
public HttpPostedFileBase MyFile {get; set;}

as you see there's no need to add ErrorMessage=null anymore cause we took care of it in custom validation class. just do not forget if you had initialized any error message string in your custom validation , you have to remove it now and use FormatErrorMessage instead.




I had a simmilar issue with a custom ValidationAttribute.


In the IsValid method I was setting the ErrorMessage. The fix was to remove the assignation to the ErrorMessage propety...


protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
    //code before ...
    this.ErrorMessage = this.FormatErrorMessage(validationContext.DisplayName); //NOT GOOD...
    ValidationResult validationResult = new ValidationResult(this.ErrorMessage, //And using the ErrorMessage Here...
        new[] { validationContext.MemberName });
    return validationResult;

I was writting Unit test and they were pasisng only if i was running/debugging one by one. But when I click "Run All", only the first one was passing? They are not Linked in any ways...

我正在编写单元测试,只有当我一个一个地运行/调试时,它们才是pasisng。但是当我点击“Run All”时,只有第一个在传递?它们之间没有任何联系……

So yeah, just remove the remove the assignation to the ErrorMessage propety


I hope it will help someone!




I had this same problem on a property that I was localizing. I had defined the ErrorMessageResourceType and then the ErrorMessageResourceName but by mistake put the ErrorMessage atrtribute on as well which threw the exception


[NotEqualTo("User_Name", ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(LROResources.Global), ErrorMessageResourceName = "UserPasswordCannotBeUsername", ErrorMessage = "The password cannot be the same as your Username.")]

So in my case by just removing ErrorMessage I fixed the problem.




It's a known issue in .Net 4.5. Adding "ErrorMessage = null" named parameter should solve this.

这是。net 4.5中的一个已知问题。添加“ErrorMessage = null”命名参数应该可以解决这个问题。

Reference: Reference link is broken now. http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/757298/emailaddress-attribute-is-unable-to-load-error-message-from-resource-mvc




[CreditCard(ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Messages), ErrorMessageResourceName = "CardNumberInvalid", ErrorMessage = null)]

Adding the ErrorMessage = null will fix your problem.

添加ErrorMessage = null将修复您的问题。



I had this problem because I had implemented a RequiredAttributeAdapter, which was setting the ErrorMessageResourceName property automatically.


You can fix it by checking to see if the ErrorMessage property has been set before setting the ErrorMessageResourceName:


/// <summary>
/// Creates a new instance of the RequiredAttributeAdapter, used for switching the default required message
/// format
/// </summary>
public CustomMessageRequiredAttributeAdapter(
    ModelMetadata metadata,
    ControllerContext context,
    RequiredAttribute attribute
    : base(metadata, context, attribute)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attribute.ErrorMessage))
        attribute.ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof (ValidationMessages);
        attribute.ErrorMessageResourceName = "PropertyValueRequired";



Since anyone who is using custom validation attributes and also wants to load error messages from resources for localization purposes, would face this problem i share my workaround here.
assume that you have a custom validation attribute like this one


public HttpPostedFileBase MyFile {get; set;}

in your custom validation attribute add this code


public override string FormatErrorMessage(string name)
        return String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
          ErrorMessageString, name, ValidFileType);

ValidFileType is name of a property which takes the input argument of custom validation attribute (jpg here),well now we can decorate our model property the way we like it to be


[FileTypeMustBe("jpg", ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Resources.Resources), ErrorMessageResourceName = "WrongFileTypeError")]
public HttpPostedFileBase MyFile {get; set;}

as you see there's no need to add ErrorMessage=null anymore cause we took care of it in custom validation class. just do not forget if you had initialized any error message string in your custom validation , you have to remove it now and use FormatErrorMessage instead.




I had a simmilar issue with a custom ValidationAttribute.


In the IsValid method I was setting the ErrorMessage. The fix was to remove the assignation to the ErrorMessage propety...


protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
    //code before ...
    this.ErrorMessage = this.FormatErrorMessage(validationContext.DisplayName); //NOT GOOD...
    ValidationResult validationResult = new ValidationResult(this.ErrorMessage, //And using the ErrorMessage Here...
        new[] { validationContext.MemberName });
    return validationResult;

I was writting Unit test and they were pasisng only if i was running/debugging one by one. But when I click "Run All", only the first one was passing? They are not Linked in any ways...

我正在编写单元测试,只有当我一个一个地运行/调试时,它们才是pasisng。但是当我点击“Run All”时,只有第一个在传递?它们之间没有任何联系……

So yeah, just remove the remove the assignation to the ErrorMessage propety


I hope it will help someone!




I had this same problem on a property that I was localizing. I had defined the ErrorMessageResourceType and then the ErrorMessageResourceName but by mistake put the ErrorMessage atrtribute on as well which threw the exception


[NotEqualTo("User_Name", ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(LROResources.Global), ErrorMessageResourceName = "UserPasswordCannotBeUsername", ErrorMessage = "The password cannot be the same as your Username.")]

So in my case by just removing ErrorMessage I fixed the problem.
