
时间:2022-06-22 05:45:01

type TNetDiskMapper=class private FNetResource: TNetResource; FUserName,FPassWord:PWideChar; public constructor Create(DriveName,ShareURI,UserName,Password:PWideChar); destructor Destory(); function ConnectDiskMap:boolean; function disConnectDiskMap:boolean; end; var NetDiskMap: TNetDiskMapper; { TNetDiskMapper } constructor TNetDiskMapper.Create(DriveName, ShareURI, UserName, Password: PWideChar); begin FNetResource.dwType := RESOURCETYPE_DISK{磁盘资源}; FNetResource.lpLocalName :=driveName { 指定本地设备 }; FNetResource.lpRemoteName := PChar(ShareURI) { 指定远程网络名 }; FNetResource.lpProvider := nil { 指定提供网络资源的供应商。如为空,则表示供应商未知。 }; FUserName:=UserName { 远程资源的用户名 }; FPassword:=Password { 远程资源的口令 }; end; function TNetDiskMapper.ConnectDiskMap: boolean; begin

{ WNetAddConnection2 的参数说明:


result:=false; case WNetAddConnection2(FNetResource,FPassword,FUserName,CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE) of NO_ERROR:begin result:=true; ShowMessage(映射成功) ; end; ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: showmessage(Access is denied.); ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNED:ShowMessage(The device specified in the lpLocalName parameter is already connected.); ERROR_BAD_DEV_TYPE: ShowMessage(The device type and the resource type do not match.); ERROR_BAD_DEVICE: ShowMessage(The value specified in lpLocalName is invalid); ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME: ShowMessage(The value specified in the lpRemoteName parameter is not valid or cannot be located.); ERROR_BAD_PROFILE : ShowMessage( The user profile is in an incorrect format.) ; ERROR_CANNOT_OPEN_PROFILE : ShowMessage( The system is unable to open the user profile to process persistent connections. ); ERROR_DEVICE_ALREADY_REMEMBERED : ShowMessage(An entry for the device specified in lpLocalName is already in the user profile.) ; ERROR_EXTENDED_ERROR :ShowMessage(A network-specific error occurred. To get a description of the error, use the WNetGetLastError function. ); ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD:ShowMessage( The specified password is invalid. ); ERROR_NO_NET_OR_BAD_PATH:ShowMessage( The operation cannot be performed because either a network component is not started or the specified name cannot be used.); ERROR_NO_NETWORK:ShowMessage( The network is not present. ); else ShowMessage(其他意外终止!); end; end; destructor TNetDiskMapper.Destory; begin disConnectDiskMap; end; function TNetDiskMapper.disConnectDiskMap: boolean; begin if NO_ERROR= WNetCancelConnection2(FNetResource.lpLocalName,CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE,True) then begin result:=true; end else result:=false; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin //映射网络驱动器 NetDiskMap:=TNetDiskMapper.Create(Z:,\\\2016年安规调考,nil,nil); showmessage(booltostr(NetDiskMap.ConnectDiskMap,true)); end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin //断开网络驱动器

if assigned(NetDiskMap) and ( NetDiskMap<>nil) then showmessage(booltostr(NetDiskMap.disConnectDiskMap,true)); end;