I've uploaded the 2.0 version to the appstore having to support both iPhone and iPad.but the previous version does supports only iPhone. This version having the resolution issues in the iPad. I've created the version 3.0 for iPhone only, but the iTunes connect is not accepting this build and saying that " This bundle does not support one or more of the devices supported by the previous app version. Your app update must continue to support all the devices previously supported.You declare supported devices in Xcode with the Targeted Device Family build setting."
我已经将2.0版本上传到appstore,必须同时支持iPhone和iPad。但之前的版本只支持iPhone。这个版本在iPad上有分辨率问题。我只为iPhone创建了3.0版本,但是iTunes connect不接受这个版本,并且说“这个bundle不支持一个或多个前一个应用版本支持的设备”。应用程序更新必须继续支持以前支持的所有设备。您在Xcode中使用目标设备族构建设置声明受支持的设备。
any one please suggest me the best solution.
1 个解决方案
You can't change an app from universal to iPhone or iPad only once it has been approved and was live in the App Store. Your only option is to remove the app from the App Store completely and submit a new one that's iPhone only but then you lose most of your customers probably.
你不能只在一个应用程序被批准并在应用程序商店中运行后,就把它从universal换成iPhone或iPad。你唯一的选择就是完全从app Store中删除这个应用,然后提交一个只有iPhone的新应用,然后你可能会失去大部分客户。
I'd suggest that you just solve whatever issues you have with the universal version as soon as possible and submit an update.
我建议您尽快解决universal version存在的任何问题并提交更新。
You can't change an app from universal to iPhone or iPad only once it has been approved and was live in the App Store. Your only option is to remove the app from the App Store completely and submit a new one that's iPhone only but then you lose most of your customers probably.
你不能只在一个应用程序被批准并在应用程序商店中运行后,就把它从universal换成iPhone或iPad。你唯一的选择就是完全从app Store中删除这个应用,然后提交一个只有iPhone的新应用,然后你可能会失去大部分客户。
I'd suggest that you just solve whatever issues you have with the universal version as soon as possible and submit an update.
我建议您尽快解决universal version存在的任何问题并提交更新。