java JNI错误java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:

时间:2023-01-21 15:42:46
java -Djava.library.path=. TestJNI

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: TestJNI.calibrate([D[DII)[D
 at TestJNI.calibrate(Native Method)
 at TestJNI.main(

I know the library is getting loaded otherwise the error says cant find calibrate library. what does the above error mean?




this is my implementation-


JNIEXPORT jdoubleArray JNICALL Java_TestJNI_cailbrate (JNIEnv * env, jobject jobj, jdoubleArray rtt, jdoubleArray distance ,jint activecount,jint passivecount) {
jdoubleArray jresult = (*env)->NewDoubleArray(env,3);
return jresult;

are the parameters declared correctly?


2 个解决方案



This message means that Java is looking for a native method that looks like the Java method


double[] calibrate(double[], double[], int, int)

If you have generated your header files correctly, and built the library, this most likely means you are missing the implementation of that method.


Some things that come to mind:


  • Did you rebuild the library after you implemented the method?
  • 在实现该方法之后,您重新构建了库吗?
  • Did you happen to change the interface of the Java method after you built the library?
  • 在构建库之后,您是否碰巧更改了Java方法的接口?



Another cause of this cryptic error is when you import the incorrect <jni.h> file. For instance, if you are compiling against x86 but point your includes path to the x64 flavor of the header.

这个神秘错误的另一个原因是当您导入不正确的 文件。例如,如果您正在编译x86,但是将包含路径指向header的x64风格。 时。h>



This message means that Java is looking for a native method that looks like the Java method


double[] calibrate(double[], double[], int, int)

If you have generated your header files correctly, and built the library, this most likely means you are missing the implementation of that method.


Some things that come to mind:


  • Did you rebuild the library after you implemented the method?
  • 在实现该方法之后,您重新构建了库吗?
  • Did you happen to change the interface of the Java method after you built the library?
  • 在构建库之后,您是否碰巧更改了Java方法的接口?



Another cause of this cryptic error is when you import the incorrect <jni.h> file. For instance, if you are compiling against x86 but point your includes path to the x64 flavor of the header.

这个神秘错误的另一个原因是当您导入不正确的 文件。例如,如果您正在编译x86,但是将包含路径指向header的x64风格。 时。h>