
时间:2023-01-21 15:15:02

Is there a way to get the Process.TotalProcessorTime that reflects a process PLUS any processes that it has spawned?


Alternatively, how can I verify that the process (or it's descendants) are still "actively" running?


My app is spawning an external process and waiting for it to exit. With sample data it takes 5-20 minutes to complete; I don't have a guess for a reasonable maximum timeout. So my app checks the Process.TotalProcessorTime value on the other process at intervals, to ensure that it keeps rising.


This works fine, but I've discovered that the process is simply a "wrapper" that spawns a sub-process, which in turn spawns a handful of other sub-process that consume all of the CPU time.


And I've found that TotalProcessorTime returns only a small fraction of a second after several minutes of 100% CPU utilization.


2 个解决方案


You can use a performance counter to retrieve the parent process like this:


PerformanceCounter pc = new PerformanceCounter("Process", 
    "Creating Process Id", " windbg");
Process p = Process.GetProcessById((int)pc.RawValue);

Having that information you can monitor processes in the system, maintain a structure of the whole process tree and calculate TotalProcessorTime for tree. Hope that helps



I haven't implemented this, but have figured out how it might work. It's tedious but not all that complicated.


  1. Spawn a background thread that every few seconds will:


    • Build the process tree (see this answer for a simplified version of the code),
    • 构建流程树(有关代码的简化版本,请参阅此答案),

    • Terminate (the monitor thread) if the process has exited.
    • 如果进程已退出,则终止(监视器线程)。

    • Maintain a hash of the accumulated CPU Usage by PID,
    • 通过PID维护累计CPU使用率的哈希值,

    • Maintain a sum of all values by all processes,
    • 保持所有过程的所有值的总和,

    • Maintain the difference of the sum from the last time the thread fired.
    • 保持线程触发的最后一次总和的差异。

  2. This should allow the calling code to easily check that the process (tree) is not hung (I/O bound processes might have problems here, but that doesn't apply to my case).

    这应该允许调用代码轻松检查进程(树)是否未挂起(I / O绑定进程可能在这里有问题,但这不适用于我的情况)。

None of this seems difficult, with the possible exception of getting CPU usage of a process not spawned (directly) by the monitoring thread.


I'll update this answer if/when I implement the code, but it may be a long time.



You can use a performance counter to retrieve the parent process like this:


PerformanceCounter pc = new PerformanceCounter("Process", 
    "Creating Process Id", " windbg");
Process p = Process.GetProcessById((int)pc.RawValue);

Having that information you can monitor processes in the system, maintain a structure of the whole process tree and calculate TotalProcessorTime for tree. Hope that helps



I haven't implemented this, but have figured out how it might work. It's tedious but not all that complicated.


  1. Spawn a background thread that every few seconds will:


    • Build the process tree (see this answer for a simplified version of the code),
    • 构建流程树(有关代码的简化版本,请参阅此答案),

    • Terminate (the monitor thread) if the process has exited.
    • 如果进程已退出,则终止(监视器线程)。

    • Maintain a hash of the accumulated CPU Usage by PID,
    • 通过PID维护累计CPU使用率的哈希值,

    • Maintain a sum of all values by all processes,
    • 保持所有过程的所有值的总和,

    • Maintain the difference of the sum from the last time the thread fired.
    • 保持线程触发的最后一次总和的差异。

  2. This should allow the calling code to easily check that the process (tree) is not hung (I/O bound processes might have problems here, but that doesn't apply to my case).

    这应该允许调用代码轻松检查进程(树)是否未挂起(I / O绑定进程可能在这里有问题,但这不适用于我的情况)。

None of this seems difficult, with the possible exception of getting CPU usage of a process not spawned (directly) by the monitoring thread.


I'll update this answer if/when I implement the code, but it may be a long time.
