Java 7u51不接受带有自签名证书的JNLP吗?

时间:2023-01-21 09:01:15

I read on the web that Java version 7u51 (to be released in January 2014) will no longer accept Java Webstart applications that are self-signed by me.

我在网上看到Java版本7u51(将于2014年1月发布)将不再接受我自签名的Java Webstart应用程序。

Is that true?


In case it is true, do I have any chance to build a workaround for my JNLP application, so that I am able to start the application even after January 2014?


I have seen that the option to suppress the security warnings because of the usage of a self-signed certificate was removed in 7u40.


7 个解决方案



Yes, this is true. This blog entry from Oracle has the details.


As I understand it, you have three options for continuing to work:


  1. Sign your app with a trusted cert
    • Normally, this is done by acquiring a cert from one of the vendors whose root certs are trusted by Java by default.
    • 通常,这是通过从默认情况下由Java信任其根证书的供应商之一获取证书来完成的。
    • You can also use a self-signed certificate if your community of users is controlled (e.g. all within a managed corporate network, or all students in the same intro to programming class).
    • 如果您的用户社区受到控制,您也可以使用自签名证书(例如,在托管公司网络中,或者在编程类的同一介绍中的所有学生)。
  2. 使用受信任的证书对您的应用进行签名通常,这是通过从默认情况下由Java信任其根证书的供应商之一获取证书来完成的。如果您的用户社区受到控制,您也可以使用自签名证书(例如,在托管公司网络中,或者在编程类的同一介绍中的所有学生)。
  3. Have your end users configure their machines to trust your app despite it being self-signed
    • via deployment rule sets (Oracle's intention is that DRSs are only to be used in corporate environments, where you can push out this configuration update via a centralized management technology)
    • 通过部署规则集(Oracle的意图是DRS仅用于企业环境,您可以通过集中管理技术推出此配置更新)
    • via the exception site list (I believe this is intended to be analogous to DRSes, but for individual end users without centralized management)
    • 通过例外站点列表(我相信这与DRS类似,但对于没有集中管理的个别最终用户)
  4. 让最终用户配置他们的机器以信任您的应用程序,尽管它是通过部署规则集进行自签名的(Oracle的意图是DRS仅用于企业环境,您可以通过集中管理技术推出此配置更新)通过例外站点列表(我相信这与DRS类似,但对于没有集中管理的个别最终用户)
  5. Have your users lower their security slider from High (the default) to Medium
  6. 让您的用户将安全性滑块从“高”(默认值)降低到“中”

See also my question about obtaining pre-release versions of these updates to test with.




Oracle just announced that a new feature called the Exception Site List will be available in 7u51.

甲骨文刚宣布将在7u51中推出名为Exception Site List的新功能。

If it means what I think it means, then in-house-only apps who are currently self-signing their jars can simply ask their users to whitelist the app without the user having to do anything "complicated" for an end user, like importing a cert (for example).




Java 7u51 was just released, and I can confirm that the Exception Site List solution works quite easily. Just go to Java Control Panel -> Security -> Edit Site List, and add the URL of the self-signed JNLP app to the list of Locations.

Java 7u51刚刚发布,我可以确认异常站点列表解决方案非常容易。只需转到Java控制面板 - >安全性 - >编辑站点列表,然后将自签名JNLP应用程序的URL添加到位置列表中。



This is for Windows ONLY


Go to Java configuration in Windows, "java configure", choose "Security" tab and Choose "Edit Site List", add your self signed url into the list.

转到Windows中的Java配置,“java configure”,选择“安全”选项卡并选择“编辑站点列表”,将自签名URL添加到列表中。

Sometimes you need to add the full url of the java application into the list to make it work, you cannot just add, should be instead.


After added the url, restart the java application by input that url in the browser, it will work.




Is that true?


Don't know, but had heard the same. What is your source?


In case it is true, do I have any chance to build a workaround for my JNLP application, so that I am able to start the application even after January 2014?


The only realistic way to deploy code in that situation is have it signed using a digital certificate from a Certification Authority (i.e. signed, but not self-signed).


Any 'workaround' would be a security bug. So if you find one, please let us know so we can raise a bug report and get it fixed.




I have a self-signed app that just needs to run through the end of the semester (December), so I won't be affected by the January deadline. However, we are experiencing trouble even with earlier builds. This just started last week (perhaps due to some kind of automatic update). The JRE is build 40.

我有一个自签名的应用程序,只需要在学期结束(12月),所以我不会受到1月截止日期的影响。但是,即使使用早期版本,我们也遇到了麻烦。这刚刚开始于上周(可能是由于某种自动更新)。 JRE是40。

I changed the manifest file to include the required attributes of permission and codebase and then re-signed the jar, but it still causes a security block to appear at our school.


Can anyone suggest other steps I should take? Is a commercial certificate my only option?


Thanks, Nina




for me..sel-signed web is working when changed security setting to Medium..




Check out Java official help to allow the access:


Control untrusted programs




Yes, this is true. This blog entry from Oracle has the details.


As I understand it, you have three options for continuing to work:


  1. Sign your app with a trusted cert
    • Normally, this is done by acquiring a cert from one of the vendors whose root certs are trusted by Java by default.
    • 通常,这是通过从默认情况下由Java信任其根证书的供应商之一获取证书来完成的。
    • You can also use a self-signed certificate if your community of users is controlled (e.g. all within a managed corporate network, or all students in the same intro to programming class).
    • 如果您的用户社区受到控制,您也可以使用自签名证书(例如,在托管公司网络中,或者在编程类的同一介绍中的所有学生)。
  2. 使用受信任的证书对您的应用进行签名通常,这是通过从默认情况下由Java信任其根证书的供应商之一获取证书来完成的。如果您的用户社区受到控制,您也可以使用自签名证书(例如,在托管公司网络中,或者在编程类的同一介绍中的所有学生)。
  3. Have your end users configure their machines to trust your app despite it being self-signed
    • via deployment rule sets (Oracle's intention is that DRSs are only to be used in corporate environments, where you can push out this configuration update via a centralized management technology)
    • 通过部署规则集(Oracle的意图是DRS仅用于企业环境,您可以通过集中管理技术推出此配置更新)
    • via the exception site list (I believe this is intended to be analogous to DRSes, but for individual end users without centralized management)
    • 通过例外站点列表(我相信这与DRS类似,但对于没有集中管理的个别最终用户)
  4. 让最终用户配置他们的机器以信任您的应用程序,尽管它是通过部署规则集进行自签名的(Oracle的意图是DRS仅用于企业环境,您可以通过集中管理技术推出此配置更新)通过例外站点列表(我相信这与DRS类似,但对于没有集中管理的个别最终用户)
  5. Have your users lower their security slider from High (the default) to Medium
  6. 让您的用户将安全性滑块从“高”(默认值)降低到“中”

See also my question about obtaining pre-release versions of these updates to test with.




Oracle just announced that a new feature called the Exception Site List will be available in 7u51.

甲骨文刚宣布将在7u51中推出名为Exception Site List的新功能。

If it means what I think it means, then in-house-only apps who are currently self-signing their jars can simply ask their users to whitelist the app without the user having to do anything "complicated" for an end user, like importing a cert (for example).




Java 7u51 was just released, and I can confirm that the Exception Site List solution works quite easily. Just go to Java Control Panel -> Security -> Edit Site List, and add the URL of the self-signed JNLP app to the list of Locations.

Java 7u51刚刚发布,我可以确认异常站点列表解决方案非常容易。只需转到Java控制面板 - >安全性 - >编辑站点列表,然后将自签名JNLP应用程序的URL添加到位置列表中。



This is for Windows ONLY


Go to Java configuration in Windows, "java configure", choose "Security" tab and Choose "Edit Site List", add your self signed url into the list.

转到Windows中的Java配置,“java configure”,选择“安全”选项卡并选择“编辑站点列表”,将自签名URL添加到列表中。

Sometimes you need to add the full url of the java application into the list to make it work, you cannot just add, should be instead.


After added the url, restart the java application by input that url in the browser, it will work.




Is that true?


Don't know, but had heard the same. What is your source?


In case it is true, do I have any chance to build a workaround for my JNLP application, so that I am able to start the application even after January 2014?


The only realistic way to deploy code in that situation is have it signed using a digital certificate from a Certification Authority (i.e. signed, but not self-signed).


Any 'workaround' would be a security bug. So if you find one, please let us know so we can raise a bug report and get it fixed.




I have a self-signed app that just needs to run through the end of the semester (December), so I won't be affected by the January deadline. However, we are experiencing trouble even with earlier builds. This just started last week (perhaps due to some kind of automatic update). The JRE is build 40.

我有一个自签名的应用程序,只需要在学期结束(12月),所以我不会受到1月截止日期的影响。但是,即使使用早期版本,我们也遇到了麻烦。这刚刚开始于上周(可能是由于某种自动更新)。 JRE是40。

I changed the manifest file to include the required attributes of permission and codebase and then re-signed the jar, but it still causes a security block to appear at our school.


Can anyone suggest other steps I should take? Is a commercial certificate my only option?


Thanks, Nina




for me..sel-signed web is working when changed security setting to Medium..




Check out Java official help to allow the access:


Control untrusted programs
