
时间:2023-01-20 17:36:02

I just had an interview, and I was asked to create a memory leak with Java. Needless to say I felt pretty dumb having no clue on how to even start creating one.


What would an example be?


51 个解决方案



Here's a good way to create a true memory leak (objects inaccessible by running code but still stored in memory) in pure Java:


  1. The application creates a long-running thread (or use a thread pool to leak even faster).
  2. 应用程序创建一个长时间运行的线程(或者使用线程池来更快地泄漏)。
  3. The thread loads a class via an (optionally custom) ClassLoader.
  4. 线程通过一个(可选自定义的)类装入器装入一个类。
  5. The class allocates a large chunk of memory (e.g. new byte[1000000]), stores a strong reference to it in a static field, and then stores a reference to itself in a ThreadLocal. Allocating the extra memory is optional (leaking the Class instance is enough), but it will make the leak work that much faster.
  6. 类分配了大量内存(例如,new byte[1000000]),在静态字段中存储强引用,然后在ThreadLocal中存储对自身的引用。分配额外内存是可选的(泄漏类实例就足够了),但是它会使泄漏工作更快。
  7. The thread clears all references to the custom class or the ClassLoader it was loaded from.
  8. 该线程清除所有对自定义类或其加载的类加载器的引用。
  9. Repeat.
  10. 重复。

This works because the ThreadLocal keeps a reference to the object, which keeps a reference to its Class, which in turn keeps a reference to its ClassLoader. The ClassLoader, in turn, keeps a reference to all the Classes it has loaded.


(It was worse in many JVM implementations, especially prior to Java 7, because Classes and ClassLoaders were allocated straight into permgen and were never GC'd at all. However, regardless of how the JVM handles class unloading, a ThreadLocal will still prevent a Class object from being reclaimed.)

(在许多JVM实现中,尤其是在Java 7之前,情况更糟,因为类和类加载器被直接分配到permgen中,而从来没有GC。然而,不管JVM如何处理类卸载,ThreadLocal仍然会阻止类对象被回收。

A variation on this pattern is why application containers (like Tomcat) can leak memory like a sieve if you frequently redeploy applications that happen to use ThreadLocals in any way. (Since the application container uses Threads as described, and each time you redeploy the application a new ClassLoader is used.)


Update: Since lots of people keep asking for it, here's some example code that shows this behavior in action.




Static field holding object reference [esp final field]

静态字段保存对象引用[esp final字段]

class MemorableClass {
    static final ArrayList list = new ArrayList(100);

Calling String.intern() on lengthy String


String str=readString(); // read lengthy string any source db,textbox/jsp etc..
// This will place the string in memory pool from which you can't remove

(Unclosed) open streams ( file , network etc... )


try {
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFile));
} catch (Exception e) {

Unclosed connections


try {
    Connection conn = ConnectionFactory.getConnection();
} catch (Exception e) {

Areas that are unreachable from JVM's garbage collector, such as memory allocated through native methods


In web applications, some objects are stored in application scope until the application is explicitly stopped or removed.


getServletContext().setAttribute("SOME_MAP", map);

Incorrect or inappropriate JVM options, such as the noclassgc option on IBM JDK that prevents unused class garbage collection

不正确或不适当的JVM选项,例如IBM JDK上的noclassgc选项,可以防止未使用的类垃圾收集。

See IBM jdk settings.

看到IBM jdk设置。



A simple thing to do is to use a HashSet with an incorrect (or non-existent) hashCode() or equals(), and then keep adding "duplicates". Instead of ignoring duplicates as it should, the set will only ever grow and you won't be able to remove them.


If you want these bad keys/elements to hang around you can use a static field like


class BadKey {
   // no hashCode or equals();
   public final String key;
   public BadKey(String key) { this.key = key; }

Map map = System.getProperties();
map.put(new BadKey("key"), "value"); // Memory leak even if your threads die.



Below there will be a non-obvious case where Java leaks, besides the standard case of forgotten listeners, static references, bogus/modifiable keys in hashmaps, or just threads stuck without any chance to end their life-cycle.


  • File.deleteOnExit() - always leaks the string, if the string is a substring, the leak is even worse (the underlying char[] is also leaked) - in Java 7 substring also copies the char[], so the later doesn't apply; @Daniel, no needs for votes, though.
  • File.deleteOnExit()—总是泄漏字符串,如果字符串是子字符串,则泄漏更严重(底层的char[]也被泄漏)——在Java 7子字符串中也会复制char[],因此后面不应用;但是,丹尼尔,不需要投票。

I'll concentrate on threads to show the danger of unmanaged threads mostly, don't wish to even touch swing.


  • Runtime.addShutdownHook and not remove... and then even with removeShutdownHook due to a bug in ThreadGroup class regarding unstarted threads it may not get collected, effectively leak the ThreadGroup. JGroup has the leak in GossipRouter.


  • Creating, but not starting, a Thread goes into the same category as above.


  • Creating a thread inherits the ContextClassLoader and AccessControlContext, plus the ThreadGroup and any InheritedThreadLocal, all those references are potential leaks, along with the entire classes loaded by the classloader and all static references, and ja-ja. The effect is especially visible with the entire j.u.c.Executor framework that features a super simple ThreadFactory interface, yet most developers have no clue of the lurking danger. Also a lot of libraries do start threads upon request (way too many industry popular libraries).


  • ThreadLocal caches; those are evil in many cases. I am sure everyone has seen quite a bit of simple caches based on ThreadLocal, well the bad news: if the thread keeps going more than expected the life the context ClassLoader, it is a pure nice little leak. Do not use ThreadLocal caches unless really needed.


  • Calling ThreadGroup.destroy() when the ThreadGroup has no threads itself, but it still keeps child ThreadGroups. A bad leak that will prevent the ThreadGroup to remove from its parent, but all the children become un-enumerateable.


  • Using WeakHashMap and the value (in)directly references the key. This is a hard one to find without a heap dump. That applies to all extended Weak/SoftReference that might keep a hard reference back to the guarded object.


  • Using java.net.URL with the HTTP(S) protocol and loading the resource from(!). This one is special, the KeepAliveCache creates a new thread in the system ThreadGroup which leaks the current thread's context classloader. The thread is created upon the first request when no alive thread exists, so either you may get lucky or just leak. The leak is already fixed in Java 7 and the code that creates thread properly removes the context classloader. There are few more cases (like ImageFetcher, also fixed) of creating similar threads.

    使用java.net.URL与HTTP(S)协议并从(!)加载资源。这个是特殊的,KeepAliveCache在系统ThreadGroup中创建一个新线程,该线程会泄漏当前线程的上下文类加载器。线程是在没有生命线程存在时创建的,因此您可能会幸运或只是泄漏。泄漏已经在Java 7中修复了,而创建线程的代码将正确地删除上下文类加载器。在创建类似的线程时,很少有其他的情况(像ImageFetcher,同样是固定的)。

  • Using InflaterInputStream passing new java.util.zip.Inflater() in the constructor (PNGImageDecoder for instance) and not calling end() of the inflater. Well, if you pass in the constructor with just new, no chance... And yes, calling close() on the stream does not close the inflater if it's manually passed as constructor parameter. This is not a true leak since it'd be released by the finalizer... when it deems it necessary. Till that moment it eats native memory so badly it can cause Linux oom_killer to kill the process with impunity. The main issue is that finalization in Java is very unreliable and G1 made it worse till 7.0.2. Moral of the story: release native resources as soon as you can; the finalizer is just too poor.

    使用InflaterInputStream在构造函数(例如PNGImageDecoder)中传递新的java.util.zip.Inflater(),而不是调用膨胀器的end()。好吧,如果你在构造函数中使用新的,没有机会……是的,如果手动传递为构造函数参数,那么在流上调用close()不会关闭该扩展器。这不是一个真正的泄漏,因为它将由终结器发布……当它认为有必要时。直到那一刻,它严重地吞噬了本机内存,它会导致Linux oom_killer在不受惩罚的情况下杀死进程。主要的问题是,在Java中终结是非常不可靠的,G1使它变得更糟,直到7.0.2。故事的寓意:尽可能快地释放本地资源;终结器太穷了。

  • The same case with java.util.zip.Deflater. This one is far worse since Deflater is memory hungry in Java, i.e. always uses 15 bits (max) and 8 memory levels (9 is max) allocating several hundreds KB of native memory. Fortunately, Deflater is not widely used and to my knowledge JDK contains no misuses. Always call end() if you manually create a Deflater or Inflater. The best part of the last two: you can't find them via normal profiling tools available.


(I can add some more time wasters I have encountered upon request.)


Good luck and stay safe; leaks are evil!




Most examples here are "too complex". They are edge cases. With these examples, the programmer made a mistake (like don't redefining equals/hashcode), or has been bitten by a corner case of the JVM/JAVA (load of class with static...). I think that's not the type of example an interviewer want or even the most common case.


But there are really simpler cases for memory leaks. The garbage collector only frees what is no longer referenced. We as Java developers don't care about memory. We allocate it when needed and let it be freed automatically. Fine.


But any long-lived application tend to have shared state. It can be anything, statics, singletons... Often non-trivial applications tend to make complex objects graphs. Just forgetting to set a reference to null or more often forgetting to remove one object from a collection is enough to make a memory leak.


Of course all sort of listeners (like UI listeners), caches, or any long-lived shared state tend to produce memory leak if not properly handled. What shall be understood is that this is not a Java corner case, or a problem with the garbage collector. It is a design problem. We design that we add a listener to a long-lived object, but we don't remove the listener when no longer needed. We cache objects, but we have no strategy to remove them from the cache.


We maybe have a complex graph that store the previous state that is needed by a computation. But the previous state is itself linked to the state before and so on.


Like we have to close SQL connections or files. We need to set proper references to null and remove elements from the collection. We shall have proper caching strategies (maximum memory size, number of elements, or timers). All objects that allow a listener to be notified must provide both a addListener and removeListener method. And when these notifiers are no longer used, they must clear their listener list.


A memory leak is indeed truly possible and is perfectly predictable. No need for special language features or corner cases. Memory leaks are either an indicator that something is maybe missing or even of design problems.




The answer depends entirely on what the interviewer thought they were asking.


Is it possible in practice to make Java leak? Of course it is, and there are plenty of examples in the other answers.


But there are multiple meta-questions that may have been being asked?


  • Is a theoretically "perfect" Java implementation vulnerable to leaks?
  • 从理论上说,“完美”的Java实现容易被泄露吗?
  • Does the candidate understand the difference between theory and reality?
  • 候选人是否了解理论与现实的区别?
  • Does the candidate understand how garbage collection works?
  • 候选人是否了解垃圾收集的工作原理?
  • Or how garbage collection is supposed to work in an ideal case?
  • 或者垃圾收集在理想情况下应该如何工作?
  • Do they know they can call other languages through native interfaces?
  • 他们知道他们可以通过本地接口调用其他语言吗?
  • Do they know to leak memory in those other languages?
  • 他们知道用其他语言泄露内存吗?
  • Does the candidate even know what memory management is, and what is going on behind the scene in Java?
  • 这位候选人是否知道什么是内存管理,以及在Java的幕后发生了什么?

I'm reading your meta-question as "What's an answer I could have used in this interview situation". And hence, I'm going to focus on interview skills instead of Java. I believe your more likely to repeat the situation of not knowing the answer to a question in an interview than you are to be in a place of needing to know how to make Java leak. So, hopefully, this will help.


One of the most important skills you can develop for interviewing is learning to actively listen to the questions and working with the interviewer to extract their intent. Not only does this let you answer their question the way they want, but also shows that you have some vital communication skills. And when it comes down to a choice between many equally talented developers, I'll hire the one who listens, thinks, and understands before they respond every time.




The following is a pretty pointless example, if you do not understand JDBC. Or at least how JDBC expects a developer to close Connection, Statement and ResultSet instances before discarding them or losing references to them, instead of relying on the implementation of finalize.


void doWork()
       Connection conn = ConnectionFactory.getConnection();
       PreparedStatement stmt = conn.preparedStatement("some query"); // executes a valid query
       ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
          ... process the result set
   catch(SQLException sqlEx)

The problem with the above is that the Connection object is not closed, and hence the physical connection will remain open, until the garbage collector comes around and sees that it is unreachable. GC will invoke the finalize method, but there are JDBC drivers that do not implement the finalize, at least not in the same way that Connection.close is implemented. The resulting behavior is that while memory will be reclaimed due to unreachable objects being collected, resources (including memory) associated with the Connection object might simply not be reclaimed.


In such an event where the Connection's finalize method does not clean up everything, one might actually find that the physical connection to the database server will last several garbage collection cycles, until the database server eventually figures out that the connection is not alive (if it does), and should be closed.


Even if the JDBC driver were to implement finalize, it is possible for exceptions to be thrown during finalization. The resulting behavior is that any memory associated with the now "dormant" object will not be reclaimed, as finalize is guaranteed to be invoked only once.


The above scenario of encountering exceptions during object finalization is related to another other scenario that could possibly lead to a memory leak - object resurrection. Object resurrection is often done intentionally by creating a strong reference to the object from being finalized, from another object. When object resurrection is misused it will lead to a memory leak in combination with other sources of memory leaks.


There are plenty more examples that you can conjure up - like


  • Managing a List instance where you are only adding to the list and not deleting from it (although you should be getting rid of elements you no longer need), or
  • 管理一个列表实例,其中您只添加到列表中,而不是从它中删除(尽管您应该删除不再需要的元素),或者。
  • Opening Sockets or Files, but not closing them when they are no longer needed (similar to the above example involving the Connection class).
  • 打开套接字或文件,但在不再需要时关闭它们(类似于上面的连接类示例)。
  • Not unloading Singletons when bringing down a Java EE application. Apparently, the Classloader that loaded the singleton class will retain a reference to the class, and hence the singleton instance will never be collected. When a new instance of the application is deployed, a new class loader is usually created, and the former class loader will continue to exist due to the singleton.
  • 在引入Java EE应用程序时,不卸载单例。显然,加载单例类的类加载器将保留对类的引用,因此不会收集singleton实例。当应用程序的新实例被部署时,通常会创建一个新的类装入器,而以前的类装入器将继续存在,因为单例。



Probably one of the simplest examples of a potential memory leak, and how to avoid it, is the implementation of ArrayList.remove(int):


public E remove(int index) {

    E oldValue = (E) elementData[index];

    int numMoved = size - index - 1;
    if (numMoved > 0)
        System.arraycopy(elementData, index + 1, elementData, index,
    elementData[--size] = null; // (!) Let gc do its work

    return oldValue;

If you were implementing it yourself, would you have thought to clear the array element that is no longer used (elementData[--size] = null)? That reference might keep a huge object alive ...

如果您自己正在实现它,您是否想要清除已不再使用的数组元素(elementData[- size] = null)?这个引用可能会让一个巨大的对象存活……



Any time you keep references around to objects that you no longer need you have a memory leak. See Handling memory leaks in Java programs for examples of how memory leaks manifest themselves in Java and what you can do about it.




You are able to make memory leak with sun.misc.Unsafe class. In fact this service class is used in different standard classes (for example in java.nio classes). You can't create instance of this class directly, but you may use reflection to do that.


Code doesn't compile in Eclipse IDE - compile it using command javac (during compilation you'll get warnings)

代码不能在Eclipse IDE中编译—使用命令javac编译它(在编译期间您将得到警告)

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import sun.misc.Unsafe;

public class TestUnsafe {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
        Class unsafeClass = Class.forName("sun.misc.Unsafe");
        Field f = unsafeClass.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe");
        Unsafe unsafe = (Unsafe) f.get(null);
        } catch(Error e) {
            System.out.println("Boom :)");




I can copy my answer from here: Easiest way to cause memory leak in Java?


"A memory leak, in computer science (or leakage, in this context), occurs when a computer program consumes memory but is unable to release it back to the operating system." (Wikipedia)


The easy answer is: You can't. Java does automatic memory management and will free resources that are not needed for you. You can't stop this from happening. It will ALWAYS be able to release the resources. In programs with manual memory management, this is different. You cann get some memory in C using malloc(). To free the memory, you need the pointer that malloc returned and call free() on it. But if you don't have the pointer anymore (overwritten, or lifetime exceeded), then you are unfortunately incapable of freeing this memory and thus you have a memory leak.


All the other answers so far are in my definition not really memory leaks. They all aim at filling the memory with pointless stuff real fast. But at any time you could still dereference the objects you created and thus freeing the memory --> NO LEAK. acconrad's answer comes pretty close though as I have to admit since his solution is effectively to just "crash" the garbage collector by forcing it in an endless loop).


The long answer is: You can get a memory leak by writing a library for Java using the JNI, which can have manual memory management and thus have memory leaks. If you call this library, your java process will leak memory. Or, you can have bugs in the JVM, so that the JVM looses memory. There are probably bugs in the JVM, there may even be some known ones since garbage collection is not that trivial, but then it's still a bug. By design this is not possible. You may be asking for some java code that is effected by such a bug. Sorry I don't know one and it might well not be a bug anymore in the next Java version anyway.




Here's a simple/sinister one via http://wiki.eclipse.org/Performance_Bloopers#String.substring.28.29.


public class StringLeaker
    private final String muchSmallerString;

    public StringLeaker()
        // Imagine the whole Declaration of Independence here
        String veryLongString = "We hold these truths to be self-evident...";

        // The substring here maintains a reference to the internal char[]
        // representation of the original string.
        this.muchSmallerString = veryLongString.substring(0, 1);

Because the substring refers to the internal representation of the original, much longer string, the original stays in memory. Thus, as long as you have a StringLeaker in play, you have the whole original string in memory, too, even though you might think you're just holding on to a single-character string.


The way to avoid storing an unwanted reference to the original string is to do something like this:


this.muchSmallerString = new String(veryLongString.substring(0, 1));

For added badness, you might also .intern() the substring:


this.muchSmallerString = veryLongString.substring(0, 1).intern();

Doing so will keep both the original long string and the derived substring in memory even after the StringLeaker instance has been discarded.




Take any web application running in any servlet container (Tomcat, Jetty, Glassfish, whatever...). Redeploy the app 10 or 20 times in a row (it may be enough to simply touch the WAR in the server's autodeploy directory.


Unless anybody has actually tested this, chances are high that you'll get an OutOfMemoryError after a couple of redeployments, because the application did not take care to clean up after itself. You may even find a bug in your server with this test.


The problem is, the lifetime of the container is longer than the lifetime of your application. You have to make sure that all references the container might have to objects or classes of your application can be garbage collected.


If there is just one reference surviving the undeployment of your web app, the corresponding classloader and by consequence all classes of your web app cannot be garbage collected.


Threads started by your application, ThreadLocal variables, logging appenders are some of the usual suspects to cause classloader leaks.




A common example of this in GUI code is when creating a widget/component and adding a listener to some static/application scoped object and then not removing the listener when the widget is destroyed. Not only do you get a memory leak, but also a performance hit as when whatever you are listening to fires events, all your old listeners are called too.




Maybe by using external native code through JNI?


With pure Java, it is almost impossible.


But that is about a "standard" type of memory leak, when you cannot access the memory anymore, but it is still owned by the application. You can instead keep references to unused objects, or open streams without closing them afterwards.




I have had a nice "memory leak" in relation to PermGen and XML parsing once. The XML parser we used (I can't remember which one it was) did a String.intern() on tag names, to make comparison faster. One of our customers had the great idea to store data values not in XML attributes or text, but as tagnames, so we had a document like:



In fact, they did not use numbers but longer textual IDs (around 20 characters), which were unique and came in at a rate of 10-15 million a day. That makes 200 MB of rubbish a day, which is never needed again, and never GCed (since it is in PermGen). We had permgen set to 512 MB, so it took around two days for the out-of-memory exception (OOME) to arrive...

事实上,他们没有使用数字,而是使用了更长的文本id(大约20个字符),这是唯一的,并且以每天10-15万的速度出现。这使得每天有200 MB的垃圾,再也不需要了,而且从来没有GCed(因为它在PermGen中)。我们将permgen设置为512 MB,因此内存溢出异常(OOME)在大约2天内到达……



I recently encountered a memory leak situation caused in a way by log4j.


Log4j has this mechanism called Nested Diagnostic Context(NDC) which is an instrument to distinguish interleaved log output from different sources. The granularity at which NDC works is threads, so it distinguishes log outputs from different threads separately.


In order to store thread specific tags, log4j's NDC class uses a Hashtable which is keyed by the Thread object itself (as opposed to say the thread id), and thus till the NDC tag stays in memory all the objects that hang off of the thread object also stay in memory. In our web application we use NDC to tag logoutputs with a request id to distinguish logs from a single request separately. The container that associates the NDC tag with a thread, also removes it while returning the response from a request. The problem occurred when during the course of processing a request, a child thread was spawned, something like the following code:

为了存储线程特定标记,log4j NDC类使用一个哈希表的键控的线程对象本身(而不是说线程id),因此直到NDC标签保持在内存中所有挂起的线程对象的对象也保持在内存中。在我们的web应用程序中,我们使用NDC来标记带有请求id的日志输出,以分别从单个请求中区分日志。将NDC标记与一个线程关联的容器,在返回请求的响应时也删除它。问题发生在处理请求的过程中,生成了一个子线程,类似以下代码:

pubclic class RequestProcessor {
    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RequestProcessor.class);
    public void doSomething()  {
        final List<String> hugeList = new ArrayList<String>(10000);
        new Thread() {
           public void run() {
               logger.info("Child thread spawned")
               for(String s:hugeList) {

So an NDC context was associated with inline thread that was spawned. The thread object that was the key for this NDC context, is the inline thread which has the hugeList object hanging off of it. Hence even after the thread finished doing what it was doing, the reference to the hugeList was kept alive by the NDC context Hastable, thus causing a memory leak.




I thought it was interesting that no one used the internal class examples. If you have an internal class; it inherently maintains a reference to the containing class. Of course it is not technically a memory leak because Java WILL eventually clean it up; but this can cause classes to hang around longer than anticipated.


public class Example1 {
  public Example2 getNewExample2() {
    return this.new Example2();
  public class Example2 {
    public Example2() {}

Now if you call Example1 and get an Example2 discarding Example1, you will inherently still have a link to an Example1 object.


public class Referencer {
  public static Example2 GetAnExample2() {
    Example1 ex = new Example1();
    return ex.getNewExample2();

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Example2 ex = Referencer.GetAnExample2();
    // As long as ex is reachable; Example1 will always remain in memory.

I've also heard a rumor that if you have a variable that exists for longer than a specific amount of time; Java assumes that it will always exist and will actually never try to clean it up if cannot be reached in code anymore. But that is completely unverified.




What's a memory leak:


  • It's caused by a bug or bad design.
  • 它是由错误或错误的设计引起的。
  • It's a waste of memory.
  • 这是在浪费记忆。
  • It gets worse over time.
  • 随着时间的推移,情况会变得更糟。
  • The garbage collector cannot clean it.
  • 垃圾收集器无法清理它。

Typical example:


A cache of objects is a good starting point to mess things up.


private static final Map<String, Info> myCache = new HashMap<>();

public void getInfo(String key)
    // uses cache
    Info info = myCache.get(key);
    if (info != null) return info;

    // if it's not in cache, then fetch it from the database
    info = Database.fetch(key);
    if (info == null) return null;

    // and store it in the cache
    myCache.put(key, info);
    return info;

Your cache grows and grows. And pretty soon the entire database gets sucked into memory. A better design uses an LRUMap (Only keeps recently used objects in cache).


Sure, you can make things a lot more complicated:


  • using ThreadLocal constructions.
  • 使用ThreadLocal结构。
  • adding more complex reference trees.
  • 添加更复杂的参考树。
  • or leaks caused by 3rd party libraries.
  • 或由第三方图书馆造成的泄露。

What often happens:


If this Info object has references to other objects, which again have references to other objects. In a way you could also consider this to be some kind of memory leak, (caused by bad design).




Create a static Map and keep adding hard references to it. Those will never be GC'd.


public class Leaker {
    private static final Map<String, Object> CACHE = new HashMap<String, Object>();

    // Keep adding until failure.
    public static void addToCache(String key, Object value) { Leaker.CACHE.put(key, value); }



You can create a moving memory leak by creating a new instance of a class in that class's finalize method. Bonus points if the finalizer creates multiple instances. Here's a simple program that leaks the entire heap in sometime between a few seconds and a few minutes depending on your heap size:


class Leakee {
    public void check() {
        if (depth > 2) {
    private int depth;
    public Leakee(int d) {
        depth = d;
    protected void finalize() {
        new Leakee(depth + 1).check();
        new Leakee(depth + 1).check();

public class Leaker {
    private static boolean makeMore = true;
    public static void done() {
        makeMore = false;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        // make a bunch of them until the garbage collector gets active
        while (makeMore) {
            new Leakee(0).check();
        // sit back and watch the finalizers chew through memory
        while (true) {
            System.out.println("memory=" +
                    Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() + " / " +



As a lot of people have suggested, Resource Leaks are fairly easy to cause - like the JDBC examples. Actual Memory leaks are a bit harder - especially if you aren't relying on broken bits of the JVM to do it for you...


The ideas of creating objects that have a very large footprint and then not being able to access them aren't real memory leaks either. If nothing can access it then it will be garbage collected, and if something can access it then it's not a leak...


One way that used to work though - and I don't know if it still does - is to have a three-deep circular chain. As in Object A has a reference to Object B, Object B has a reference to Object C and Object C has a reference to Object A. The GC was clever enough to know that a two deep chain - as in A <--> B - can safely be collected if A and B aren't accessible by anything else, but couldn't handle the three-way chain...

有一种方法,虽然我不知道它是否仍然有效,就是有一个三深的循环链。在对象有一个引用对象B,B的引用对象C和C对象的引用对象A GC是够聪明,知道两个深链——< - - > B - A和B可以安全地收集如果不是由其他访问,但不能处理三方链…



I came across a more subtle kind of resource leak recently. We open resources via class loader's getResourceAsStream and it happened that the input stream handles were not closed.


Uhm, you might say, what an idiot.


Well, what makes this interesting is: this way, you can leak heap memory of the underlying process, rather than from JVM's heap.


All you need is a jar file with a file inside which will be referenced from Java code. The bigger the jar file, the quicker memory gets allocated.


You can easily create such a jar with the following class:


import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
import java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream;

public class BigJarCreator {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File("big.jar")));
        zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("resource.txt"));
        zos.write("not too much in here".getBytes());
        zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("largeFile.out"));
        for (int i=0 ; i<10000000 ; i++) {
            zos.write((int) (Math.round(Math.random()*100)+20));

Just paste into a file named BigJarCreator.java, compile and run it from command line:


javac BigJarCreator.java
java -cp . BigJarCreator

Et voilà: you find a jar archive in your current working directory with two files inside.


Let's create a second class:


public class MemLeak {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        int ITERATIONS=100000;
        for (int i=0 ; i<ITERATIONS ; i++) {
        System.out.println("finished creation of streams, now waiting to be killed");



This class basically does nothing, but create unreferenced InputStream objects. Those objects will be garbage collected immediately and thus, do not contribute to heap size. It is important for our example to load an existing resource from a jar file, and size does matter here!


If you're doubtful, try to compile and start the class above, but make sure to chose a decent heap size (2 MB):

如果您有疑问,请尝试编译并启动上面的类,但是一定要选择适当的堆大小(2 MB):

javac MemLeak.java
java -Xmx2m -classpath .:big.jar MemLeak

You will not encounter an OOM error here, as no references are kept, the application will keep running no matter how large you chose ITERATIONS in the above example. The memory consumption of your process (visible in top (RES/RSS) or process explorer) grows unless the application gets to the wait command. In the setup above, it will allocate around 150 MB in memory.

在这里,您将不会遇到OOM错误,因为没有保存任何引用,应用程序将继续运行,无论您在上面的示例中选择了多大的迭代。除非应用程序到达等待命令,否则进程的内存消耗(在top (RES/RSS)或进程浏览器中可见)增长。在上面的设置中,它将在内存中分配大约150 MB。

If you want the application to play safe, close the input stream right where it's created:



and your process will not exceed 35 MB, independent of the iteration count.

并且您的进程不会超过35 MB,独立于迭代计数。

Quite simple and surprising.




I don't think anyone has said this yet: you can resurrect an object by overriding the finalize() method such that finalize() stores a reference of this somewhere. The garbage collector will only be called once on the object so after that the object will never destroyed.




Everyone always forgets the native code route. Here's a simple formula for a leak:


  1. Declare native method.
  2. 声明本机方法。
  3. In native method, call malloc. Don't call free.
  4. 在本机方法中,调用malloc。别叫*。
  5. Call the native method.
  6. 调用本机方法。

Remember, memory allocations in native code come from the JVM heap.




Threads are not collected until they terminate. They serve as roots of garbage collection. They are one of the few objects that won't be reclaimed simply by forgetting about them or clearing references to them.


Consider: the basic pattern to terminate a worker thread is to set some condition variable seen by the thread. The thread can check the variable periodically and use that as a signal to terminate. If the variable is not declared volatile, then the change to the variable might not be seen by the thread, so it won't know to terminate. Or imagine if some threads want to update a shared object, but deadlock while trying to lock on it.


If you only have a handful of threads these bugs will probably be obvious because your program will stop working properly. If you have a thread pool that creates more threads as needed, then the obsolete/stuck threads might not be noticed, and will accumulate indefinitely, causing a memory leak. Threads are likely to use other data in your application, so will also prevent anything they directly reference from ever being collected.


As a toy example:


static void leakMe(final Object object) {
    new Thread() {
        public void run() {
            Object o = object;
            for (;;) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {}

Call System.gc() all you like, but the object passed to leakMe will never die.



(* *)编辑



there are many different situations memory will leak. One i encountered, which expose a map that should not be exposed and used in other place.


public class ServiceFactory {

private Map<String, Service> services;

private static ServiceFactory singleton;

private ServiceFactory() {
    services = new HashMap<String, Service>();

public static synchronized ServiceFactory getDefault() {

    if (singleton == null) {
        singleton = new ServiceFactory();
    return singleton;

public void addService(String name, Service serv) {
    services.put(name, serv);

public void removeService(String name) {

public Service getService(String name, Service serv) {
    return services.get(name);

// the problematic api, which expose the map.
//and user can do quite a lot of thing from this api.
//for example, create service reference and forget to dispose or set it null
//in all this is a dangerous api, and should not expose 
public Map<String, Service> getAllServices() {
    return services;


// resource class is a heavy class
class Service {




The interviewer was probably looking for a circular reference like the code below (which incidentally only leak memory in very old JVMs that used reference counting, which isn't the case any more). But it's a pretty vague question, so it's a prime opportunity to show off your understanding of JVM memory management.


class A {
    B bRef;

class B {
    A aRef;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        A myA = new A();
        B myB = new B();
        myA.bRef = myB;
        myB.aRef = myA;
        /* at this point, there is no access to the myA and myB objects, */
        /* even though both objects still have active references. */
    } /* main */

Then you can explain that with reference counting, the above code would leak memory. But most modern JVMs don't use reference counting any longer, most use a sweep garbage collector, which will in fact collect this memory.


Next you might explain creating an Object that has an underlying native resource, like this:


public class Main {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        Socket s = new Socket(InetAddress.getByName("google.com"),80);
        /* at this point, because you didn't close the socket properly, */
        /* you have a leak of a native descriptor, which uses memory. */

Then you can explain this is technically a memory leak, but really the leak is caused by native code in the JVM allocating underlying native resources, which weren't freed by your Java code.


At the end of the day, with a modern JVM, you need to write some Java code that allocates a native resource outside the normal scope of the JVM's awareness.




I think that a valid example could be using ThreadLocal variables in an environment where threads are pooled.


For instance, using ThreadLocal variables in Servlets to communicate with other web components, having the threads being created by the container and maintaining the idle ones in a pool. ThreadLocal variables, if not correctly cleaned up, will live there until, possibly, the same web component overwrites their values.


Of course, once identified, the problem can be solved easily.




The interviewer might have be looking for a circular reference solution:


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        while (true) {
            Element first = new Element();
            first.next = new Element();
            first.next.next = first;

This is a classic problem with reference counting garbage collectors. You would then politely explain that JVMs use a much more sophisticated algorithm that doesn't have this limitation.


-Wes Tarle




Here's a good way to create a true memory leak (objects inaccessible by running code but still stored in memory) in pure Java:


  1. The application creates a long-running thread (or use a thread pool to leak even faster).
  2. 应用程序创建一个长时间运行的线程(或者使用线程池来更快地泄漏)。
  3. The thread loads a class via an (optionally custom) ClassLoader.
  4. 线程通过一个(可选自定义的)类装入器装入一个类。
  5. The class allocates a large chunk of memory (e.g. new byte[1000000]), stores a strong reference to it in a static field, and then stores a reference to itself in a ThreadLocal. Allocating the extra memory is optional (leaking the Class instance is enough), but it will make the leak work that much faster.
  6. 类分配了大量内存(例如,new byte[1000000]),在静态字段中存储强引用,然后在ThreadLocal中存储对自身的引用。分配额外内存是可选的(泄漏类实例就足够了),但是它会使泄漏工作更快。
  7. The thread clears all references to the custom class or the ClassLoader it was loaded from.
  8. 该线程清除所有对自定义类或其加载的类加载器的引用。
  9. Repeat.
  10. 重复。

This works because the ThreadLocal keeps a reference to the object, which keeps a reference to its Class, which in turn keeps a reference to its ClassLoader. The ClassLoader, in turn, keeps a reference to all the Classes it has loaded.


(It was worse in many JVM implementations, especially prior to Java 7, because Classes and ClassLoaders were allocated straight into permgen and were never GC'd at all. However, regardless of how the JVM handles class unloading, a ThreadLocal will still prevent a Class object from being reclaimed.)

(在许多JVM实现中,尤其是在Java 7之前,情况更糟,因为类和类加载器被直接分配到permgen中,而从来没有GC。然而,不管JVM如何处理类卸载,ThreadLocal仍然会阻止类对象被回收。

A variation on this pattern is why application containers (like Tomcat) can leak memory like a sieve if you frequently redeploy applications that happen to use ThreadLocals in any way. (Since the application container uses Threads as described, and each time you redeploy the application a new ClassLoader is used.)


Update: Since lots of people keep asking for it, here's some example code that shows this behavior in action.




Static field holding object reference [esp final field]

静态字段保存对象引用[esp final字段]

class MemorableClass {
    static final ArrayList list = new ArrayList(100);

Calling String.intern() on lengthy String


String str=readString(); // read lengthy string any source db,textbox/jsp etc..
// This will place the string in memory pool from which you can't remove

(Unclosed) open streams ( file , network etc... )


try {
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFile));
} catch (Exception e) {

Unclosed connections


try {
    Connection conn = ConnectionFactory.getConnection();
} catch (Exception e) {

Areas that are unreachable from JVM's garbage collector, such as memory allocated through native methods


In web applications, some objects are stored in application scope until the application is explicitly stopped or removed.


getServletContext().setAttribute("SOME_MAP", map);

Incorrect or inappropriate JVM options, such as the noclassgc option on IBM JDK that prevents unused class garbage collection

不正确或不适当的JVM选项,例如IBM JDK上的noclassgc选项,可以防止未使用的类垃圾收集。

See IBM jdk settings.

看到IBM jdk设置。



A simple thing to do is to use a HashSet with an incorrect (or non-existent) hashCode() or equals(), and then keep adding "duplicates". Instead of ignoring duplicates as it should, the set will only ever grow and you won't be able to remove them.


If you want these bad keys/elements to hang around you can use a static field like


class BadKey {
   // no hashCode or equals();
   public final String key;
   public BadKey(String key) { this.key = key; }

Map map = System.getProperties();
map.put(new BadKey("key"), "value"); // Memory leak even if your threads die.



Below there will be a non-obvious case where Java leaks, besides the standard case of forgotten listeners, static references, bogus/modifiable keys in hashmaps, or just threads stuck without any chance to end their life-cycle.


  • File.deleteOnExit() - always leaks the string, if the string is a substring, the leak is even worse (the underlying char[] is also leaked) - in Java 7 substring also copies the char[], so the later doesn't apply; @Daniel, no needs for votes, though.
  • File.deleteOnExit()—总是泄漏字符串,如果字符串是子字符串,则泄漏更严重(底层的char[]也被泄漏)——在Java 7子字符串中也会复制char[],因此后面不应用;但是,丹尼尔,不需要投票。

I'll concentrate on threads to show the danger of unmanaged threads mostly, don't wish to even touch swing.


  • Runtime.addShutdownHook and not remove... and then even with removeShutdownHook due to a bug in ThreadGroup class regarding unstarted threads it may not get collected, effectively leak the ThreadGroup. JGroup has the leak in GossipRouter.


  • Creating, but not starting, a Thread goes into the same category as above.


  • Creating a thread inherits the ContextClassLoader and AccessControlContext, plus the ThreadGroup and any InheritedThreadLocal, all those references are potential leaks, along with the entire classes loaded by the classloader and all static references, and ja-ja. The effect is especially visible with the entire j.u.c.Executor framework that features a super simple ThreadFactory interface, yet most developers have no clue of the lurking danger. Also a lot of libraries do start threads upon request (way too many industry popular libraries).


  • ThreadLocal caches; those are evil in many cases. I am sure everyone has seen quite a bit of simple caches based on ThreadLocal, well the bad news: if the thread keeps going more than expected the life the context ClassLoader, it is a pure nice little leak. Do not use ThreadLocal caches unless really needed.


  • Calling ThreadGroup.destroy() when the ThreadGroup has no threads itself, but it still keeps child ThreadGroups. A bad leak that will prevent the ThreadGroup to remove from its parent, but all the children become un-enumerateable.


  • Using WeakHashMap and the value (in)directly references the key. This is a hard one to find without a heap dump. That applies to all extended Weak/SoftReference that might keep a hard reference back to the guarded object.


  • Using java.net.URL with the HTTP(S) protocol and loading the resource from(!). This one is special, the KeepAliveCache creates a new thread in the system ThreadGroup which leaks the current thread's context classloader. The thread is created upon the first request when no alive thread exists, so either you may get lucky or just leak. The leak is already fixed in Java 7 and the code that creates thread properly removes the context classloader. There are few more cases (like ImageFetcher, also fixed) of creating similar threads.

    使用java.net.URL与HTTP(S)协议并从(!)加载资源。这个是特殊的,KeepAliveCache在系统ThreadGroup中创建一个新线程,该线程会泄漏当前线程的上下文类加载器。线程是在没有生命线程存在时创建的,因此您可能会幸运或只是泄漏。泄漏已经在Java 7中修复了,而创建线程的代码将正确地删除上下文类加载器。在创建类似的线程时,很少有其他的情况(像ImageFetcher,同样是固定的)。

  • Using InflaterInputStream passing new java.util.zip.Inflater() in the constructor (PNGImageDecoder for instance) and not calling end() of the inflater. Well, if you pass in the constructor with just new, no chance... And yes, calling close() on the stream does not close the inflater if it's manually passed as constructor parameter. This is not a true leak since it'd be released by the finalizer... when it deems it necessary. Till that moment it eats native memory so badly it can cause Linux oom_killer to kill the process with impunity. The main issue is that finalization in Java is very unreliable and G1 made it worse till 7.0.2. Moral of the story: release native resources as soon as you can; the finalizer is just too poor.

    使用InflaterInputStream在构造函数(例如PNGImageDecoder)中传递新的java.util.zip.Inflater(),而不是调用膨胀器的end()。好吧,如果你在构造函数中使用新的,没有机会……是的,如果手动传递为构造函数参数,那么在流上调用close()不会关闭该扩展器。这不是一个真正的泄漏,因为它将由终结器发布……当它认为有必要时。直到那一刻,它严重地吞噬了本机内存,它会导致Linux oom_killer在不受惩罚的情况下杀死进程。主要的问题是,在Java中终结是非常不可靠的,G1使它变得更糟,直到7.0.2。故事的寓意:尽可能快地释放本地资源;终结器太穷了。

  • The same case with java.util.zip.Deflater. This one is far worse since Deflater is memory hungry in Java, i.e. always uses 15 bits (max) and 8 memory levels (9 is max) allocating several hundreds KB of native memory. Fortunately, Deflater is not widely used and to my knowledge JDK contains no misuses. Always call end() if you manually create a Deflater or Inflater. The best part of the last two: you can't find them via normal profiling tools available.


(I can add some more time wasters I have encountered upon request.)


Good luck and stay safe; leaks are evil!




Most examples here are "too complex". They are edge cases. With these examples, the programmer made a mistake (like don't redefining equals/hashcode), or has been bitten by a corner case of the JVM/JAVA (load of class with static...). I think that's not the type of example an interviewer want or even the most common case.


But there are really simpler cases for memory leaks. The garbage collector only frees what is no longer referenced. We as Java developers don't care about memory. We allocate it when needed and let it be freed automatically. Fine.


But any long-lived application tend to have shared state. It can be anything, statics, singletons... Often non-trivial applications tend to make complex objects graphs. Just forgetting to set a reference to null or more often forgetting to remove one object from a collection is enough to make a memory leak.


Of course all sort of listeners (like UI listeners), caches, or any long-lived shared state tend to produce memory leak if not properly handled. What shall be understood is that this is not a Java corner case, or a problem with the garbage collector. It is a design problem. We design that we add a listener to a long-lived object, but we don't remove the listener when no longer needed. We cache objects, but we have no strategy to remove them from the cache.


We maybe have a complex graph that store the previous state that is needed by a computation. But the previous state is itself linked to the state before and so on.


Like we have to close SQL connections or files. We need to set proper references to null and remove elements from the collection. We shall have proper caching strategies (maximum memory size, number of elements, or timers). All objects that allow a listener to be notified must provide both a addListener and removeListener method. And when these notifiers are no longer used, they must clear their listener list.


A memory leak is indeed truly possible and is perfectly predictable. No need for special language features or corner cases. Memory leaks are either an indicator that something is maybe missing or even of design problems.




The answer depends entirely on what the interviewer thought they were asking.


Is it possible in practice to make Java leak? Of course it is, and there are plenty of examples in the other answers.


But there are multiple meta-questions that may have been being asked?


  • Is a theoretically "perfect" Java implementation vulnerable to leaks?
  • 从理论上说,“完美”的Java实现容易被泄露吗?
  • Does the candidate understand the difference between theory and reality?
  • 候选人是否了解理论与现实的区别?
  • Does the candidate understand how garbage collection works?
  • 候选人是否了解垃圾收集的工作原理?
  • Or how garbage collection is supposed to work in an ideal case?
  • 或者垃圾收集在理想情况下应该如何工作?
  • Do they know they can call other languages through native interfaces?
  • 他们知道他们可以通过本地接口调用其他语言吗?
  • Do they know to leak memory in those other languages?
  • 他们知道用其他语言泄露内存吗?
  • Does the candidate even know what memory management is, and what is going on behind the scene in Java?
  • 这位候选人是否知道什么是内存管理,以及在Java的幕后发生了什么?

I'm reading your meta-question as "What's an answer I could have used in this interview situation". And hence, I'm going to focus on interview skills instead of Java. I believe your more likely to repeat the situation of not knowing the answer to a question in an interview than you are to be in a place of needing to know how to make Java leak. So, hopefully, this will help.


One of the most important skills you can develop for interviewing is learning to actively listen to the questions and working with the interviewer to extract their intent. Not only does this let you answer their question the way they want, but also shows that you have some vital communication skills. And when it comes down to a choice between many equally talented developers, I'll hire the one who listens, thinks, and understands before they respond every time.




The following is a pretty pointless example, if you do not understand JDBC. Or at least how JDBC expects a developer to close Connection, Statement and ResultSet instances before discarding them or losing references to them, instead of relying on the implementation of finalize.


void doWork()
       Connection conn = ConnectionFactory.getConnection();
       PreparedStatement stmt = conn.preparedStatement("some query"); // executes a valid query
       ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
          ... process the result set
   catch(SQLException sqlEx)

The problem with the above is that the Connection object is not closed, and hence the physical connection will remain open, until the garbage collector comes around and sees that it is unreachable. GC will invoke the finalize method, but there are JDBC drivers that do not implement the finalize, at least not in the same way that Connection.close is implemented. The resulting behavior is that while memory will be reclaimed due to unreachable objects being collected, resources (including memory) associated with the Connection object might simply not be reclaimed.


In such an event where the Connection's finalize method does not clean up everything, one might actually find that the physical connection to the database server will last several garbage collection cycles, until the database server eventually figures out that the connection is not alive (if it does), and should be closed.


Even if the JDBC driver were to implement finalize, it is possible for exceptions to be thrown during finalization. The resulting behavior is that any memory associated with the now "dormant" object will not be reclaimed, as finalize is guaranteed to be invoked only once.


The above scenario of encountering exceptions during object finalization is related to another other scenario that could possibly lead to a memory leak - object resurrection. Object resurrection is often done intentionally by creating a strong reference to the object from being finalized, from another object. When object resurrection is misused it will lead to a memory leak in combination with other sources of memory leaks.


There are plenty more examples that you can conjure up - like


  • Managing a List instance where you are only adding to the list and not deleting from it (although you should be getting rid of elements you no longer need), or
  • 管理一个列表实例,其中您只添加到列表中,而不是从它中删除(尽管您应该删除不再需要的元素),或者。
  • Opening Sockets or Files, but not closing them when they are no longer needed (similar to the above example involving the Connection class).
  • 打开套接字或文件,但在不再需要时关闭它们(类似于上面的连接类示例)。
  • Not unloading Singletons when bringing down a Java EE application. Apparently, the Classloader that loaded the singleton class will retain a reference to the class, and hence the singleton instance will never be collected. When a new instance of the application is deployed, a new class loader is usually created, and the former class loader will continue to exist due to the singleton.
  • 在引入Java EE应用程序时,不卸载单例。显然,加载单例类的类加载器将保留对类的引用,因此不会收集singleton实例。当应用程序的新实例被部署时,通常会创建一个新的类装入器,而以前的类装入器将继续存在,因为单例。



Probably one of the simplest examples of a potential memory leak, and how to avoid it, is the implementation of ArrayList.remove(int):


public E remove(int index) {

    E oldValue = (E) elementData[index];

    int numMoved = size - index - 1;
    if (numMoved > 0)
        System.arraycopy(elementData, index + 1, elementData, index,
    elementData[--size] = null; // (!) Let gc do its work

    return oldValue;

If you were implementing it yourself, would you have thought to clear the array element that is no longer used (elementData[--size] = null)? That reference might keep a huge object alive ...

如果您自己正在实现它,您是否想要清除已不再使用的数组元素(elementData[- size] = null)?这个引用可能会让一个巨大的对象存活……



Any time you keep references around to objects that you no longer need you have a memory leak. See Handling memory leaks in Java programs for examples of how memory leaks manifest themselves in Java and what you can do about it.




You are able to make memory leak with sun.misc.Unsafe class. In fact this service class is used in different standard classes (for example in java.nio classes). You can't create instance of this class directly, but you may use reflection to do that.


Code doesn't compile in Eclipse IDE - compile it using command javac (during compilation you'll get warnings)

代码不能在Eclipse IDE中编译—使用命令javac编译它(在编译期间您将得到警告)

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import sun.misc.Unsafe;

public class TestUnsafe {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
        Class unsafeClass = Class.forName("sun.misc.Unsafe");
        Field f = unsafeClass.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe");
        Unsafe unsafe = (Unsafe) f.get(null);
        } catch(Error e) {
            System.out.println("Boom :)");




I can copy my answer from here: Easiest way to cause memory leak in Java?


"A memory leak, in computer science (or leakage, in this context), occurs when a computer program consumes memory but is unable to release it back to the operating system." (Wikipedia)


The easy answer is: You can't. Java does automatic memory management and will free resources that are not needed for you. You can't stop this from happening. It will ALWAYS be able to release the resources. In programs with manual memory management, this is different. You cann get some memory in C using malloc(). To free the memory, you need the pointer that malloc returned and call free() on it. But if you don't have the pointer anymore (overwritten, or lifetime exceeded), then you are unfortunately incapable of freeing this memory and thus you have a memory leak.


All the other answers so far are in my definition not really memory leaks. They all aim at filling the memory with pointless stuff real fast. But at any time you could still dereference the objects you created and thus freeing the memory --> NO LEAK. acconrad's answer comes pretty close though as I have to admit since his solution is effectively to just "crash" the garbage collector by forcing it in an endless loop).


The long answer is: You can get a memory leak by writing a library for Java using the JNI, which can have manual memory management and thus have memory leaks. If you call this library, your java process will leak memory. Or, you can have bugs in the JVM, so that the JVM looses memory. There are probably bugs in the JVM, there may even be some known ones since garbage collection is not that trivial, but then it's still a bug. By design this is not possible. You may be asking for some java code that is effected by such a bug. Sorry I don't know one and it might well not be a bug anymore in the next Java version anyway.




Here's a simple/sinister one via http://wiki.eclipse.org/Performance_Bloopers#String.substring.28.29.


public class StringLeaker
    private final String muchSmallerString;

    public StringLeaker()
        // Imagine the whole Declaration of Independence here
        String veryLongString = "We hold these truths to be self-evident...";

        // The substring here maintains a reference to the internal char[]
        // representation of the original string.
        this.muchSmallerString = veryLongString.substring(0, 1);

Because the substring refers to the internal representation of the original, much longer string, the original stays in memory. Thus, as long as you have a StringLeaker in play, you have the whole original string in memory, too, even though you might think you're just holding on to a single-character string.


The way to avoid storing an unwanted reference to the original string is to do something like this:


this.muchSmallerString = new String(veryLongString.substring(0, 1));

For added badness, you might also .intern() the substring:


this.muchSmallerString = veryLongString.substring(0, 1).intern();

Doing so will keep both the original long string and the derived substring in memory even after the StringLeaker instance has been discarded.




Take any web application running in any servlet container (Tomcat, Jetty, Glassfish, whatever...). Redeploy the app 10 or 20 times in a row (it may be enough to simply touch the WAR in the server's autodeploy directory.


Unless anybody has actually tested this, chances are high that you'll get an OutOfMemoryError after a couple of redeployments, because the application did not take care to clean up after itself. You may even find a bug in your server with this test.


The problem is, the lifetime of the container is longer than the lifetime of your application. You have to make sure that all references the container might have to objects or classes of your application can be garbage collected.


If there is just one reference surviving the undeployment of your web app, the corresponding classloader and by consequence all classes of your web app cannot be garbage collected.


Threads started by your application, ThreadLocal variables, logging appenders are some of the usual suspects to cause classloader leaks.




A common example of this in GUI code is when creating a widget/component and adding a listener to some static/application scoped object and then not removing the listener when the widget is destroyed. Not only do you get a memory leak, but also a performance hit as when whatever you are listening to fires events, all your old listeners are called too.




Maybe by using external native code through JNI?


With pure Java, it is almost impossible.


But that is about a "standard" type of memory leak, when you cannot access the memory anymore, but it is still owned by the application. You can instead keep references to unused objects, or open streams without closing them afterwards.




I have had a nice "memory leak" in relation to PermGen and XML parsing once. The XML parser we used (I can't remember which one it was) did a String.intern() on tag names, to make comparison faster. One of our customers had the great idea to store data values not in XML attributes or text, but as tagnames, so we had a document like:



In fact, they did not use numbers but longer textual IDs (around 20 characters), which were unique and came in at a rate of 10-15 million a day. That makes 200 MB of rubbish a day, which is never needed again, and never GCed (since it is in PermGen). We had permgen set to 512 MB, so it took around two days for the out-of-memory exception (OOME) to arrive...

事实上,他们没有使用数字,而是使用了更长的文本id(大约20个字符),这是唯一的,并且以每天10-15万的速度出现。这使得每天有200 MB的垃圾,再也不需要了,而且从来没有GCed(因为它在PermGen中)。我们将permgen设置为512 MB,因此内存溢出异常(OOME)在大约2天内到达……



I recently encountered a memory leak situation caused in a way by log4j.


Log4j has this mechanism called Nested Diagnostic Context(NDC) which is an instrument to distinguish interleaved log output from different sources. The granularity at which NDC works is threads, so it distinguishes log outputs from different threads separately.


In order to store thread specific tags, log4j's NDC class uses a Hashtable which is keyed by the Thread object itself (as opposed to say the thread id), and thus till the NDC tag stays in memory all the objects that hang off of the thread object also stay in memory. In our web application we use NDC to tag logoutputs with a request id to distinguish logs from a single request separately. The container that associates the NDC tag with a thread, also removes it while returning the response from a request. The problem occurred when during the course of processing a request, a child thread was spawned, something like the following code:

为了存储线程特定标记,log4j NDC类使用一个哈希表的键控的线程对象本身(而不是说线程id),因此直到NDC标签保持在内存中所有挂起的线程对象的对象也保持在内存中。在我们的web应用程序中,我们使用NDC来标记带有请求id的日志输出,以分别从单个请求中区分日志。将NDC标记与一个线程关联的容器,在返回请求的响应时也删除它。问题发生在处理请求的过程中,生成了一个子线程,类似以下代码:

pubclic class RequestProcessor {
    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RequestProcessor.class);
    public void doSomething()  {
        final List<String> hugeList = new ArrayList<String>(10000);
        new Thread() {
           public void run() {
               logger.info("Child thread spawned")
               for(String s:hugeList) {

So an NDC context was associated with inline thread that was spawned. The thread object that was the key for this NDC context, is the inline thread which has the hugeList object hanging off of it. Hence even after the thread finished doing what it was doing, the reference to the hugeList was kept alive by the NDC context Hastable, thus causing a memory leak.




I thought it was interesting that no one used the internal class examples. If you have an internal class; it inherently maintains a reference to the containing class. Of course it is not technically a memory leak because Java WILL eventually clean it up; but this can cause classes to hang around longer than anticipated.


public class Example1 {
  public Example2 getNewExample2() {
    return this.new Example2();
  public class Example2 {
    public Example2() {}

Now if you call Example1 and get an Example2 discarding Example1, you will inherently still have a link to an Example1 object.


public class Referencer {
  public static Example2 GetAnExample2() {
    Example1 ex = new Example1();
    return ex.getNewExample2();

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Example2 ex = Referencer.GetAnExample2();
    // As long as ex is reachable; Example1 will always remain in memory.

I've also heard a rumor that if you have a variable that exists for longer than a specific amount of time; Java assumes that it will always exist and will actually never try to clean it up if cannot be reached in code anymore. But that is completely unverified.




What's a memory leak:


  • It's caused by a bug or bad design.
  • 它是由错误或错误的设计引起的。
  • It's a waste of memory.
  • 这是在浪费记忆。
  • It gets worse over time.
  • 随着时间的推移,情况会变得更糟。
  • The garbage collector cannot clean it.
  • 垃圾收集器无法清理它。

Typical example:


A cache of objects is a good starting point to mess things up.


private static final Map<String, Info> myCache = new HashMap<>();

public void getInfo(String key)
    // uses cache
    Info info = myCache.get(key);
    if (info != null) return info;

    // if it's not in cache, then fetch it from the database
    info = Database.fetch(key);
    if (info == null) return null;

    // and store it in the cache
    myCache.put(key, info);
    return info;

Your cache grows and grows. And pretty soon the entire database gets sucked into memory. A better design uses an LRUMap (Only keeps recently used objects in cache).


Sure, you can make things a lot more complicated:


  • using ThreadLocal constructions.
  • 使用ThreadLocal结构。
  • adding more complex reference trees.
  • 添加更复杂的参考树。
  • or leaks caused by 3rd party libraries.
  • 或由第三方图书馆造成的泄露。

What often happens:


If this Info object has references to other objects, which again have references to other objects. In a way you could also consider this to be some kind of memory leak, (caused by bad design).




Create a static Map and keep adding hard references to it. Those will never be GC'd.


public class Leaker {
    private static final Map<String, Object> CACHE = new HashMap<String, Object>();

    // Keep adding until failure.
    public static void addToCache(String key, Object value) { Leaker.CACHE.put(key, value); }



You can create a moving memory leak by creating a new instance of a class in that class's finalize method. Bonus points if the finalizer creates multiple instances. Here's a simple program that leaks the entire heap in sometime between a few seconds and a few minutes depending on your heap size:


class Leakee {
    public void check() {
        if (depth > 2) {
    private int depth;
    public Leakee(int d) {
        depth = d;
    protected void finalize() {
        new Leakee(depth + 1).check();
        new Leakee(depth + 1).check();

public class Leaker {
    private static boolean makeMore = true;
    public static void done() {
        makeMore = false;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        // make a bunch of them until the garbage collector gets active
        while (makeMore) {
            new Leakee(0).check();
        // sit back and watch the finalizers chew through memory
        while (true) {
            System.out.println("memory=" +
                    Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() + " / " +



As a lot of people have suggested, Resource Leaks are fairly easy to cause - like the JDBC examples. Actual Memory leaks are a bit harder - especially if you aren't relying on broken bits of the JVM to do it for you...


The ideas of creating objects that have a very large footprint and then not being able to access them aren't real memory leaks either. If nothing can access it then it will be garbage collected, and if something can access it then it's not a leak...


One way that used to work though - and I don't know if it still does - is to have a three-deep circular chain. As in Object A has a reference to Object B, Object B has a reference to Object C and Object C has a reference to Object A. The GC was clever enough to know that a two deep chain - as in A <--> B - can safely be collected if A and B aren't accessible by anything else, but couldn't handle the three-way chain...

有一种方法,虽然我不知道它是否仍然有效,就是有一个三深的循环链。在对象有一个引用对象B,B的引用对象C和C对象的引用对象A GC是够聪明,知道两个深链——< - - > B - A和B可以安全地收集如果不是由其他访问,但不能处理三方链…



I came across a more subtle kind of resource leak recently. We open resources via class loader's getResourceAsStream and it happened that the input stream handles were not closed.


Uhm, you might say, what an idiot.


Well, what makes this interesting is: this way, you can leak heap memory of the underlying process, rather than from JVM's heap.


All you need is a jar file with a file inside which will be referenced from Java code. The bigger the jar file, the quicker memory gets allocated.


You can easily create such a jar with the following class:


import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
import java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream;

public class BigJarCreator {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File("big.jar")));
        zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("resource.txt"));
        zos.write("not too much in here".getBytes());
        zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("largeFile.out"));
        for (int i=0 ; i<10000000 ; i++) {
            zos.write((int) (Math.round(Math.random()*100)+20));

Just paste into a file named BigJarCreator.java, compile and run it from command line:


javac BigJarCreator.java
java -cp . BigJarCreator

Et voilà: you find a jar archive in your current working directory with two files inside.


Let's create a second class:


public class MemLeak {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        int ITERATIONS=100000;
        for (int i=0 ; i<ITERATIONS ; i++) {
        System.out.println("finished creation of streams, now waiting to be killed");



This class basically does nothing, but create unreferenced InputStream objects. Those objects will be garbage collected immediately and thus, do not contribute to heap size. It is important for our example to load an existing resource from a jar file, and size does matter here!


If you're doubtful, try to compile and start the class above, but make sure to chose a decent heap size (2 MB):

如果您有疑问,请尝试编译并启动上面的类,但是一定要选择适当的堆大小(2 MB):

javac MemLeak.java
java -Xmx2m -classpath .:big.jar MemLeak

You will not encounter an OOM error here, as no references are kept, the application will keep running no matter how large you chose ITERATIONS in the above example. The memory consumption of your process (visible in top (RES/RSS) or process explorer) grows unless the application gets to the wait command. In the setup above, it will allocate around 150 MB in memory.

在这里,您将不会遇到OOM错误,因为没有保存任何引用,应用程序将继续运行,无论您在上面的示例中选择了多大的迭代。除非应用程序到达等待命令,否则进程的内存消耗(在top (RES/RSS)或进程浏览器中可见)增长。在上面的设置中,它将在内存中分配大约150 MB。

If you want the application to play safe, close the input stream right where it's created:



and your process will not exceed 35 MB, independent of the iteration count.

并且您的进程不会超过35 MB,独立于迭代计数。

Quite simple and surprising.




I don't think anyone has said this yet: you can resurrect an object by overriding the finalize() method such that finalize() stores a reference of this somewhere. The garbage collector will only be called once on the object so after that the object will never destroyed.




Everyone always forgets the native code route. Here's a simple formula for a leak:


  1. Declare native method.
  2. 声明本机方法。
  3. In native method, call malloc. Don't call free.
  4. 在本机方法中,调用malloc。别叫*。
  5. Call the native method.
  6. 调用本机方法。

Remember, memory allocations in native code come from the JVM heap.




Threads are not collected until they terminate. They serve as roots of garbage collection. They are one of the few objects that won't be reclaimed simply by forgetting about them or clearing references to them.


Consider: the basic pattern to terminate a worker thread is to set some condition variable seen by the thread. The thread can check the variable periodically and use that as a signal to terminate. If the variable is not declared volatile, then the change to the variable might not be seen by the thread, so it won't know to terminate. Or imagine if some threads want to update a shared object, but deadlock while trying to lock on it.


If you only have a handful of threads these bugs will probably be obvious because your program will stop working properly. If you have a thread pool that creates more threads as needed, then the obsolete/stuck threads might not be noticed, and will accumulate indefinitely, causing a memory leak. Threads are likely to use other data in your application, so will also prevent anything they directly reference from ever being collected.


As a toy example:


static void leakMe(final Object object) {
    new Thread() {
        public void run() {
            Object o = object;
            for (;;) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {}

Call System.gc() all you like, but the object passed to leakMe will never die.



(* *)编辑



there are many different situations memory will leak. One i encountered, which expose a map that should not be exposed and used in other place.


public class ServiceFactory {

private Map<String, Service> services;

private static ServiceFactory singleton;

private ServiceFactory() {
    services = new HashMap<String, Service>();

public static synchronized ServiceFactory getDefault() {

    if (singleton == null) {
        singleton = new ServiceFactory();
    return singleton;

public void addService(String name, Service serv) {
    services.put(name, serv);

public void removeService(String name) {

public Service getService(String name, Service serv) {
    return services.get(name);

// the problematic api, which expose the map.
//and user can do quite a lot of thing from this api.
//for example, create service reference and forget to dispose or set it null
//in all this is a dangerous api, and should not expose 
public Map<String, Service> getAllServices() {
    return services;


// resource class is a heavy class
class Service {




The interviewer was probably looking for a circular reference like the code below (which incidentally only leak memory in very old JVMs that used reference counting, which isn't the case any more). But it's a pretty vague question, so it's a prime opportunity to show off your understanding of JVM memory management.


class A {
    B bRef;

class B {
    A aRef;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        A myA = new A();
        B myB = new B();
        myA.bRef = myB;
        myB.aRef = myA;
        /* at this point, there is no access to the myA and myB objects, */
        /* even though both objects still have active references. */
    } /* main */

Then you can explain that with reference counting, the above code would leak memory. But most modern JVMs don't use reference counting any longer, most use a sweep garbage collector, which will in fact collect this memory.


Next you might explain creating an Object that has an underlying native resource, like this:


public class Main {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        Socket s = new Socket(InetAddress.getByName("google.com"),80);
        /* at this point, because you didn't close the socket properly, */
        /* you have a leak of a native descriptor, which uses memory. */

Then you can explain this is technically a memory leak, but really the leak is caused by native code in the JVM allocating underlying native resources, which weren't freed by your Java code.


At the end of the day, with a modern JVM, you need to write some Java code that allocates a native resource outside the normal scope of the JVM's awareness.




I think that a valid example could be using ThreadLocal variables in an environment where threads are pooled.


For instance, using ThreadLocal variables in Servlets to communicate with other web components, having the threads being created by the container and maintaining the idle ones in a pool. ThreadLocal variables, if not correctly cleaned up, will live there until, possibly, the same web component overwrites their values.


Of course, once identified, the problem can be solved easily.




The interviewer might have be looking for a circular reference solution:


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        while (true) {
            Element first = new Element();
            first.next = new Element();
            first.next.next = first;

This is a classic problem with reference counting garbage collectors. You would then politely explain that JVMs use a much more sophisticated algorithm that doesn't have this limitation.


-Wes Tarle
