I want to suppress Cut, Copy and Paste operations in Text Box.
I don't want user to do any of these operations through keyboard or from default context menu in the text box .
Please let me know how can I restrict these operations?
1 个解决方案
You can do this pretty easily using the CommandManager.PreviewCanExecute routed event. In your XAML, you would put the following on your TextBox element. This will apply to CTL+V, etc as well as the context menu or any buttons that you may have mapped to those commands so it's very effective.
您可以使用CommandManager.PreviewCanExecute路由事件轻松完成此操作。在您的XAML中,您将把以下内容放在TextBox元素上。这将适用于CTL + V等,以及上下文菜单或您可能已映射到这些命令的任何按钮,因此它非常有效。
<TextBox CommandManager.PreviewCanExecute="HandleCanExecute" />
Then in your code-behind, add a HandleCanExecute method that disables the commands.
private void HandleCanExecute(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e) {
if ( e.Command == ApplicationCommands.Cut ||
e.Command == ApplicationCommands.Copy ||
e.Command == ApplicationCommands.Paste ) {
e.CanExecute = false;
e.Handled = true;
You can do this pretty easily using the CommandManager.PreviewCanExecute routed event. In your XAML, you would put the following on your TextBox element. This will apply to CTL+V, etc as well as the context menu or any buttons that you may have mapped to those commands so it's very effective.
您可以使用CommandManager.PreviewCanExecute路由事件轻松完成此操作。在您的XAML中,您将把以下内容放在TextBox元素上。这将适用于CTL + V等,以及上下文菜单或您可能已映射到这些命令的任何按钮,因此它非常有效。
<TextBox CommandManager.PreviewCanExecute="HandleCanExecute" />
Then in your code-behind, add a HandleCanExecute method that disables the commands.
private void HandleCanExecute(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e) {
if ( e.Command == ApplicationCommands.Cut ||
e.Command == ApplicationCommands.Copy ||
e.Command == ApplicationCommands.Paste ) {
e.CanExecute = false;
e.Handled = true;