Welcome to the CodePlex site for the Managed Extensibility and Add-In Team. This site will be the home to both samples and tools designed to help you make the best use of the new System.AddIn features in the .Net FX v3.5. We'll continue to use our blog http://blogs.msdn.com/clraddins/ for information and discussion about our work, but from now on we'll be hosting our samples here for easier access.
The initial focus will be on two things:
- Bringing over samples from the team blog to this site
- The release of the Pipeline Builder tool
For more information on our work please see our additional resources page.
Project Description: Add-in FxCop Rules
One of the common requests we get is for a way to verify that Contract and View assemblies are built using the right practices with regard to isolation and version resilience. We have developed two sets of FxCop rules for this purpose. Head over to the project page to download them: Add-in FxCop Rules
Project Description: Pipeline Builder
This has been one of the most requested features we've had since people started learning more about our model and playing with the bits. For a particular version of an application writing the code for the views and adapters can be a lot of mechanical repetitious work and generally only gets interesting when you are writing "cross-version" adapters. So what we've done is build a tool that will automatically generate the source code for the views and adapters for a given contract assembly. This tool is really just a library that can be used from various other places and our release will include a simple command line tool as well as a VS 2008 add-in that will automatically generate the projects and set references/build paths for you appropriately. For more information on this tool as well as links and descriptions of our releases please visit its wiki page: Pipeline Builder.
Project Description: Samples
Up until now we've been posting our samples to our blog but that doesn’t scale well as we add more samples and update existing ones. To make it easier for us to post samples, and you to find them, we'll start using this site. Currently we’ve just ported over all the existing samples that we’ve published (on our blog and through articles) but soon we'll start posting some of the other internal samples we've built as well as responding to requests from the community.
site: http://www.codeplex.com/clraddins