Does anyone know if the JBoss 4.2.3 release that is compiled for Java 6 still supports EJB 2? I'm having issues where it can't cast a class to a certain interface where I never had this problem before and the code hasn't changed.
有谁知道为Java 6编译的JBoss 4.2.3版本是否仍然支持EJB 2?我遇到的问题是它无法将类强制转换为某个接口,而我之前从未遇到过这个问题且代码没有改变。
1 个解决方案
EJB2-style beans should still work in the 4.2 release. What interface do you want to cast to? Maybe that particular interface was renamed or moved. You should try not to use container-specific classes.
EJB2-style beans should still work in the 4.2 release. What interface do you want to cast to? Maybe that particular interface was renamed or moved. You should try not to use container-specific classes.