覆盆子圆周率2 -在人像模式下移动物体时失真

时间:2023-01-19 20:57:38

I am currently working on a Kiosk system based on the Raspberry Pi 2 running Raspbian which runs a Java app. Everything works perfectly well, except for a distortion on the screen which appears while objects are moving. Normally, this wouldn’t be a problem, but I have a list on the Java app which will be extensively used by the users. The distortion is visible while scrolling on this list.


The link below shows this in action:


A GIF showing the distortion


What I know so far:


  • This only occurs while the screen is rotated. I have rotated the screen by 270* by setting “display_rotate=3” in /boot/config.txt
  • 这只在屏幕旋转时发生。通过在/boot/config.txt中设置“display_rotate=3”,我将屏幕旋转了270*
  • It is not dependent on the screen resolution or the “hdmi_group"
  • 它不依赖于屏幕分辨率或“hdmi_group”
  • This doesn’t happen only on the GUI, the distortion is also visible during boot time
  • 这并不仅仅发生在GUI上,在引导期间,失真也是可见的
  • Overlocking doesn’t affect the distortion
  • 超锁不会影响失真
  • It always appearson the right-bottom side of the screen
  • 它总是出现在屏幕的右下角
  • This issue was also present in Ubuntu Mate
  • 这个问题也出现在Ubuntu伙伴中

1 个解决方案



I'm not a specialist in Linux or anything like that but hear me out,


You say that you rotate your screen in the config file. Could you put it back to the default? Why do you need it to be rotated? Because this rotation could cause it to off align parts of the screen. I would first for your problem look at experimenting with that variable and see how it changes. :)




I'm not a specialist in Linux or anything like that but hear me out,


You say that you rotate your screen in the config file. Could you put it back to the default? Why do you need it to be rotated? Because this rotation could cause it to off align parts of the screen. I would first for your problem look at experimenting with that variable and see how it changes. :)
