
时间:2022-03-06 05:39:11

We have 5mb of typical text (just plain words). We have 1000 words/phrases to use as terms to search for in this text.


What's the most efficient way to do this in .NET (ideally C#)?


Our ideas include regex's (a single one, lots of them) plus even the String.Contains stuff.


The input is a 2mb to 5mb text string - all text. Multiple hits are good, as in each term (of the 1000) that matches then we do want to know about it. Performance in terms of entire time to execute, don't care about footprint. Current algorithm gives about 60 seconds+ using naive string.contains. We don't want 'cat' to provide a match with 'category' or even 'cats' (i.e. entire term word must hit, no stemming).

输入是2mb到5mb的文本字符串 - 所有文本。多次点击是好的,因为在匹配的每个术语(1000)中我们确实想知道它。在整个执行时间方面表现,不关心足迹。当前算法使用天真的string.contains大约60秒+。我们不希望'cat'提供与'category'或甚至'cats'的匹配(即整个术语必须命中,没有词干)。

We expect a <5% hit ratio in the text. The results would ideally just be the terms that matched (dont need position or frequency just yet). We get a new 2-5mb string every 10 seconds, so can't assume we can index the input. The 1000 terms are dynamic, although have a change rate of about 1 change an hour.

我们预计文本中的命中率<5%。理想情况下,结果只是匹配的术语(暂不需要位置或频率)。我们每隔10秒就得到一个新的2-5mb字符串,所以不能假设我们可以索引输入。 1000个术语是动态的,尽管每小时变化率约为1。

9 个解决方案


A naive string.Contains with 762 words (the final page) of War and Peace (3.13MB) runs in about 10s for me. Switching to 1000 GUIDs runs in about 5.5 secs.

一个天真的字符串。包含战争与和平(3.13MB)的762个单词(最后一页)为我运行大约10秒。切换到1000 GUID大约需要5.5秒。

Regex.IsMatch found the 762 words (much of which were probably in earlier pages as well) in about .5 seconds, and ruled out the GUIDs in 2.5 seconds.


I'd suggest your problem lies elsewhere...Or you just need some decent hardware.



Why reinvent the wheel? Why not just leverage something like Lucene.NET?



have you considered the following:


  1. do you care about substring? lets say I am looking for the word "cat", nothing more or nothing less. now consider the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm, or string.contains for "concatinate". both of these will return true (or an index). is this ok?


  2. Also you will have to look into the idea of the stemmed or "Finite" state of the word. lets look for "diary" again, the test sentance is "there are many kinds of diaries". well to you and me we have the word "diaries" does this count? if so we will need to preprocess the sentance converting the words to a finite state (diaries -> diary) the sentance will become "there are many kind of diary". now we can say that Diary is in the sentance (please look at the porter Stemmer Algroithm)

    此外,您还必须研究该词的词干或“有限”状态。让我们再次寻找“日记”,测试结果是“有很多种日记”。对你和我来说,我们有“日记”这个词吗?如果是这样,我们将需要预处理将单词转换为有限状态的日期(日记 - >日记),这些日期将变成“有很多种日记”。现在我们可以说日记是在发送中的(请看看搬运工Stemmer Algroithm)

  3. Also when it comes to processing text (aka Natrual Langauge Processing) you can remove some words as noise, take for example "a, have, you, I, me, some, to" <- these could be considered as useless words, and can then be removed before any processing takes place? for example

    此外,当处理文本(也称为Natrual Langauge处理)时,你可以删除一些单词作为噪音,例如“a,have,you,I,me,some,to”< - 这些可以被认为是无用的单词,并且然后可以在进行任何处理之前将其删除?例如

"I have written some C# today", if i have 10,000 key works to look for I would have to scan the entire sentance 10,000 x the number of words in the sentance. removing noise before hand will shorting the processing time

“我今天写了一些C#”,如果我有10,000个关键作品需要查找,我将需要扫描整个发送数量10,000 x发送数量的单词。手前去除噪音会缩短处理时间

"written C# today" <- removed noise, now there are lots less to look throught.

“今天写的C#”< - 删除了噪音,现在有很多东西要看。

A great article on NLP can be found here. Sentance comparing

关于NLP的一篇很棒的文章可以在这里找到。 Sentance比较




A modified Suffix tree would be very fast, though it would take up a lot of memory and I don't know how fast it would be to build it. After that however every search would take O(1).



Here's another idea: Make a class something like this:


class Word
    string Word;
    List<int> Positions;

For every unique word in your text you create an instance of this class. Positions array will store positions (counted in words, not characters) from the start of the text where this word was found.


Then make another two lists which will serve as indexes. One will store all these classes sorted by their texts, the other - by their positions in the text. In essence, the text index would probably be a SortedDictionary, while the position index would be a simple List<Word>.

然后创建另外两个将作为索引的列表。一个将按照文本排序所有这些类,另一个 - 按文本中的位置排序。本质上,文本索引可能是SortedDictionary,而位置索引是一个简单的List

Then to search for a phrase, you split that phrase into words. Look up the first word in the Dictionary (that's O(log(n))). From there you know what are the possible words that follow it in the text (you have them from the Positions array). Look at those words (use the position index to find them in O(1)) and go on, until you've found one or more full matches.



Are you trying to achieve a list of matched words or are you trying to highlight them in the text getting the start and length of the match position? If all you're trying to do is find out if the words exist, then you could use subset theory to fairly efficiently perform this.


However, I expect you're trying to each match's start position in the text... in which case this approach wouldn't work.


The most efficient approach I can think is to dynamically build a match pattern using a list and then use regex. It's far easier to maintain a list of 1000 items than it is to maintain a regex pattern based on those same 1000 items.


It is my understanding that Regex uses the same KMP algorithm suggested to efficiently process large amounts of data - so unless you really need to dig through and understand the minutiae of how it works (which might be beneficial for personal growth), then perhaps regex would be ok.

我的理解是,Regex使用相同的KMP算法建议有效处理大量数据 - 所以除非你真的需要深入了解并了解它的工作原理(这可能对个人成长有利),那么也许正则表达式会好的

There's quite an interesting paper on search algorithms for many patterns in large files here: http://webglimpse.net/pubs/TR94-17.pdf



Is this a bottleneck? How long does it take? 5 MiB isn't actually a lot of data to search in. Regular expressions might do just fine, especially if you encode all the search strings into one pattern using alternations. This basically amortizes the overall cost of the search to O(n + m) where n is the length of your text and m is the length of all patterns, combined. Notice that this is a very good performance.

这是瓶颈吗?多久时间? 5 MiB实际上并不是要搜索的大量数据。正则表达式可能会很好,特别是如果使用替换将所有搜索字符串编码为一个模式。这基本上将搜索的总成本摊销到O(n + m),其中n是文本的长度,m是所有模式的长度,合并。请注意,这是一个非常好的表现。

An alternative that's well suited for many patterns is the Wu Manber algorithm. I've already posted a very simplistic C++ implementation of the algorithm.

一种非常适合许多模式的替代方案是Wu Manber算法。我已经发布了一个非常简单的算法C ++实现。


Ok, current rework shows this as fastest (psuedocode):


foreach (var term in allTerms)
    string pattern = term.ToWord(); // Use /b word boundary regex
    Regex regex = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
    if (regex.IsMatch(bigTextToSearchForTerms))

What was surprising (to me at least!) is that running the regex 1000 times was faster that a single regex with 1000 alternatives, i.e. "/b term1 /b | /b term2 /b | /b termN /b" and then trying to use regex.Matches.Count

令人惊讶的是(至少对我来说!)是运行正则表达式1000次比使用1000个替代品的单个正则表达式更快,即“/ b term1 / b | / b term2 / b | / b termN / b”然后尝试使用regex.Matches.Count


How does this perform in comparison? It uses LINQ, so it may be a little slower, not sure...


List<String> allTerms = new List<String>(new String(){"string1", "string2", "string3", "string4"});
List<String> matches = allTerms.Where(item => Regex.IsMatch(bigTextToSearchForTerms, item, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase));

This uses classic predicates to implement the FIND method, so it should be quicker than LINQ:


static bool Match(string checkItem)
  return Regex.IsMatch(bigTextToSearchForTerms, checkItem, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

static void Main(string[] args)
  List<String> allTerms = new List<String>(new String(){"string1", "string2", "string3", "string4"});
  List<String> matches = allTerms.Find(Match);

Or this uses the lambda syntax to implement the classic predicate, which again should be faster than the LINQ, but is more readable than the previous syntax:


List<String> allTerms = new List<String>(new String(){"string1", "string2", "string3", "string4"});
List<String> matches = allTerms.Find(checkItem => Regex.IsMatch(bigTextToSearchForTerms, checkItem, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase));

I haven't tested any of them for performance, but they all implement your idea of iteration through the search list using the regex. It's just different methods of implementing it.



A naive string.Contains with 762 words (the final page) of War and Peace (3.13MB) runs in about 10s for me. Switching to 1000 GUIDs runs in about 5.5 secs.

一个天真的字符串。包含战争与和平(3.13MB)的762个单词(最后一页)为我运行大约10秒。切换到1000 GUID大约需要5.5秒。

Regex.IsMatch found the 762 words (much of which were probably in earlier pages as well) in about .5 seconds, and ruled out the GUIDs in 2.5 seconds.


I'd suggest your problem lies elsewhere...Or you just need some decent hardware.



Why reinvent the wheel? Why not just leverage something like Lucene.NET?



have you considered the following:


  1. do you care about substring? lets say I am looking for the word "cat", nothing more or nothing less. now consider the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm, or string.contains for "concatinate". both of these will return true (or an index). is this ok?


  2. Also you will have to look into the idea of the stemmed or "Finite" state of the word. lets look for "diary" again, the test sentance is "there are many kinds of diaries". well to you and me we have the word "diaries" does this count? if so we will need to preprocess the sentance converting the words to a finite state (diaries -> diary) the sentance will become "there are many kind of diary". now we can say that Diary is in the sentance (please look at the porter Stemmer Algroithm)

    此外,您还必须研究该词的词干或“有限”状态。让我们再次寻找“日记”,测试结果是“有很多种日记”。对你和我来说,我们有“日记”这个词吗?如果是这样,我们将需要预处理将单词转换为有限状态的日期(日记 - >日记),这些日期将变成“有很多种日记”。现在我们可以说日记是在发送中的(请看看搬运工Stemmer Algroithm)

  3. Also when it comes to processing text (aka Natrual Langauge Processing) you can remove some words as noise, take for example "a, have, you, I, me, some, to" <- these could be considered as useless words, and can then be removed before any processing takes place? for example

    此外,当处理文本(也称为Natrual Langauge处理)时,你可以删除一些单词作为噪音,例如“a,have,you,I,me,some,to”< - 这些可以被认为是无用的单词,并且然后可以在进行任何处理之前将其删除?例如

"I have written some C# today", if i have 10,000 key works to look for I would have to scan the entire sentance 10,000 x the number of words in the sentance. removing noise before hand will shorting the processing time

“我今天写了一些C#”,如果我有10,000个关键作品需要查找,我将需要扫描整个发送数量10,000 x发送数量的单词。手前去除噪音会缩短处理时间

"written C# today" <- removed noise, now there are lots less to look throught.

“今天写的C#”< - 删除了噪音,现在有很多东西要看。

A great article on NLP can be found here. Sentance comparing

关于NLP的一篇很棒的文章可以在这里找到。 Sentance比较




A modified Suffix tree would be very fast, though it would take up a lot of memory and I don't know how fast it would be to build it. After that however every search would take O(1).



Here's another idea: Make a class something like this:


class Word
    string Word;
    List<int> Positions;

For every unique word in your text you create an instance of this class. Positions array will store positions (counted in words, not characters) from the start of the text where this word was found.


Then make another two lists which will serve as indexes. One will store all these classes sorted by their texts, the other - by their positions in the text. In essence, the text index would probably be a SortedDictionary, while the position index would be a simple List<Word>.

然后创建另外两个将作为索引的列表。一个将按照文本排序所有这些类,另一个 - 按文本中的位置排序。本质上,文本索引可能是SortedDictionary,而位置索引是一个简单的List

Then to search for a phrase, you split that phrase into words. Look up the first word in the Dictionary (that's O(log(n))). From there you know what are the possible words that follow it in the text (you have them from the Positions array). Look at those words (use the position index to find them in O(1)) and go on, until you've found one or more full matches.



Are you trying to achieve a list of matched words or are you trying to highlight them in the text getting the start and length of the match position? If all you're trying to do is find out if the words exist, then you could use subset theory to fairly efficiently perform this.


However, I expect you're trying to each match's start position in the text... in which case this approach wouldn't work.


The most efficient approach I can think is to dynamically build a match pattern using a list and then use regex. It's far easier to maintain a list of 1000 items than it is to maintain a regex pattern based on those same 1000 items.


It is my understanding that Regex uses the same KMP algorithm suggested to efficiently process large amounts of data - so unless you really need to dig through and understand the minutiae of how it works (which might be beneficial for personal growth), then perhaps regex would be ok.

我的理解是,Regex使用相同的KMP算法建议有效处理大量数据 - 所以除非你真的需要深入了解并了解它的工作原理(这可能对个人成长有利),那么也许正则表达式会好的

There's quite an interesting paper on search algorithms for many patterns in large files here: http://webglimpse.net/pubs/TR94-17.pdf



Is this a bottleneck? How long does it take? 5 MiB isn't actually a lot of data to search in. Regular expressions might do just fine, especially if you encode all the search strings into one pattern using alternations. This basically amortizes the overall cost of the search to O(n + m) where n is the length of your text and m is the length of all patterns, combined. Notice that this is a very good performance.

这是瓶颈吗?多久时间? 5 MiB实际上并不是要搜索的大量数据。正则表达式可能会很好,特别是如果使用替换将所有搜索字符串编码为一个模式。这基本上将搜索的总成本摊销到O(n + m),其中n是文本的长度,m是所有模式的长度,合并。请注意,这是一个非常好的表现。

An alternative that's well suited for many patterns is the Wu Manber algorithm. I've already posted a very simplistic C++ implementation of the algorithm.

一种非常适合许多模式的替代方案是Wu Manber算法。我已经发布了一个非常简单的算法C ++实现。


Ok, current rework shows this as fastest (psuedocode):


foreach (var term in allTerms)
    string pattern = term.ToWord(); // Use /b word boundary regex
    Regex regex = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
    if (regex.IsMatch(bigTextToSearchForTerms))

What was surprising (to me at least!) is that running the regex 1000 times was faster that a single regex with 1000 alternatives, i.e. "/b term1 /b | /b term2 /b | /b termN /b" and then trying to use regex.Matches.Count

令人惊讶的是(至少对我来说!)是运行正则表达式1000次比使用1000个替代品的单个正则表达式更快,即“/ b term1 / b | / b term2 / b | / b termN / b”然后尝试使用regex.Matches.Count


How does this perform in comparison? It uses LINQ, so it may be a little slower, not sure...


List<String> allTerms = new List<String>(new String(){"string1", "string2", "string3", "string4"});
List<String> matches = allTerms.Where(item => Regex.IsMatch(bigTextToSearchForTerms, item, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase));

This uses classic predicates to implement the FIND method, so it should be quicker than LINQ:


static bool Match(string checkItem)
  return Regex.IsMatch(bigTextToSearchForTerms, checkItem, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

static void Main(string[] args)
  List<String> allTerms = new List<String>(new String(){"string1", "string2", "string3", "string4"});
  List<String> matches = allTerms.Find(Match);

Or this uses the lambda syntax to implement the classic predicate, which again should be faster than the LINQ, but is more readable than the previous syntax:


List<String> allTerms = new List<String>(new String(){"string1", "string2", "string3", "string4"});
List<String> matches = allTerms.Find(checkItem => Regex.IsMatch(bigTextToSearchForTerms, checkItem, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase));

I haven't tested any of them for performance, but they all implement your idea of iteration through the search list using the regex. It's just different methods of implementing it.
