通过远程Eclipse RCP应用程序修改Spring MVC应用程序以进行访问

时间:2023-01-19 11:00:08

I would like to ask what would be the best wa to modify a Spring MVC to be accessed via remoting from Eclipse RCP application? What approach would you choose and why?

我想问一下,通过从Eclipse RCP应用程序进行远程处理来修改要访问的Spring MVC最好的是什么?你会选择什么方法?为什么?

And is there any tutorial regarding Eclipse RCP remoting on the web?

网上有关于Eclipse RCP远程处理的任何教程吗?

Any advices and recommendations are appreciated.


1 个解决方案



My approach would be to have the Spring MVC app split in layers:

我的方法是将Spring MVC应用程序拆分为多层:

  • the presentation layer is where Spring MVC is used. It contains the presentation logic and calls the service layer
  • 表示层是使用Spring MVC的地方。它包含表示逻辑并调用服务层

  • the service layer is where the business logic is. It calls the data access layer
  • 服务层是业务逻辑的所在。它调用数据访问层

  • the data access layer is where the persistence logic is.
  • 数据访问层是持久性逻辑所在的位置。

I would thus have to make some or all of the services of the service layer remotely accessible (using Spring HttpInvoker, web services or whatever), and potentially add some more dedicated to the specifics of the RCP app.

因此,我必须远程访问服务层的部分或全部服务(使用Spring HttpInvoker,Web服务或其他),并可能添加更多专用于RCP应用程序的细节。



My approach would be to have the Spring MVC app split in layers:

我的方法是将Spring MVC应用程序拆分为多层:

  • the presentation layer is where Spring MVC is used. It contains the presentation logic and calls the service layer
  • 表示层是使用Spring MVC的地方。它包含表示逻辑并调用服务层

  • the service layer is where the business logic is. It calls the data access layer
  • 服务层是业务逻辑的所在。它调用数据访问层

  • the data access layer is where the persistence logic is.
  • 数据访问层是持久性逻辑所在的位置。

I would thus have to make some or all of the services of the service layer remotely accessible (using Spring HttpInvoker, web services or whatever), and potentially add some more dedicated to the specifics of the RCP app.

因此,我必须远程访问服务层的部分或全部服务(使用Spring HttpInvoker,Web服务或其他),并可能添加更多专用于RCP应用程序的细节。