
时间:2023-01-18 18:27:44

I have an app with a UIWebView in a UIView.


URL to image


At this picture I see all my websites I visited. If I open Safari -> Developer -> Name of testing iPhone -> listed content of the picture. Are these visited sites different UIWebView instances?

在这张照片中,我看到了我访问过的所有网站。如果我打开Safari - >开发人员 - >测试iPhone的名称 - >列出的图片内容。这些访问过的网站是否有不同的UIWebView实例?

Is my suspicious correct or what is there shown?


-(void)createWebView {
    //[[self webView] removeFromSuperview];
    //[[self view] willRemoveSubview:[self webView]];
    [self setWebView:[[UIWebView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.height)]];
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        [[self view] addSubview:[self webView]];
    [[self webView] setScalesPageToFit:YES];
    [[self webView] setDelegate:self];


webView is a variable in my header file of type UIWebView and at every new entered URL the webview should be overwritten every time.


1 个解决方案



Every Instance of UIWebView holds its own history. General Safari history is restricted to be accessed. And even if you managed to get them, i doubt your app will be accepted by Apple review team.


So the solution i think is to create NSMutableArray and loop on your UIWebViews and add their history into a single place -your created array-. By so you will have all your local history in that array and do whatever you want with it.

因此,我认为解决方案是在UIWebViews上创建NSMutableArray并循环,并将它们的历史记录添加到一个地方 - 您创建的数组 - 。通过这样,您将拥有该阵列中的所有本地历史记录,并随心所欲地执行任何操作。



Every Instance of UIWebView holds its own history. General Safari history is restricted to be accessed. And even if you managed to get them, i doubt your app will be accepted by Apple review team.


So the solution i think is to create NSMutableArray and loop on your UIWebViews and add their history into a single place -your created array-. By so you will have all your local history in that array and do whatever you want with it.

因此,我认为解决方案是在UIWebViews上创建NSMutableArray并循环,并将它们的历史记录添加到一个地方 - 您创建的数组 - 。通过这样,您将拥有该阵列中的所有本地历史记录,并随心所欲地执行任何操作。