首先,我得在ubuntu下打开bin镜像文件 ,在linux下试了好多种方法,最后,时间花了不少,还是没办成,于是我只好在windows下用 winmount解决。
其次,我的电脑是6年前的老笔记本,p3,997MHz,384MB内存,20G硬盘,说来惭愧啊。还装了windows,ubuntu , matlab , mathematica ,ctex ,实在是没地方再装占地1G多的mathematica了,怎么办呢,于是我琢磨着在移动硬盘上装。
winwin@winwin-laptop:~$ sudo /media/wayne/mma-linux/Unix/Installer/MathInstaller
[sudo] password for winwin:
Wolfram Mathematica 6 Installer
Copyright (c) 1988-2008 Wolfram Research, Inc. All rights reserved.
WARNING: Wolfram Mathematica is protected by copyright law and international
treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution may result in severe
civil and criminal penalties and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent
possible under law.
Enter the installation directory, or press ENTER to select
> /media/wayne/mma(注释:我是把mathematica安装在指定目录的,如果你的硬盘空间够,直接按Enter进行默认安装)
Create directory (y/n)?
> y
Now installing...
Type the directory path in which the Wolfram Mathematica script(s) will be
created, or press ENTER to select /usr/local/bin:
> /media/wayne/mma/scripts
Create directory (y/n)?
> y
Error: The installer was unable to check for a valid password file. Your
Mathematica installation may be incomplete or corrupted.
Installation failed. See /media/wayne/mma/InstallErrors.
但我感觉mathematica该装的文件应该是安装完成了,毕竟我可是盯着上面的表示安装进度的"**"盯了半个小时, :)
winwin@winwin-laptop:~$ cd /media/wayne/mma/Executables/
winwin@winwin-laptop:/media/wayne/mma/Executables$ ls
math mathematica Mathematica MathKernel mcc
winwin@winwin-laptop:/media/wayne/mma/Executables$ ./MathKernel
/media/wayne/mma/SystemFiles/Kernel/Binaries/Linux/MathKernel: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
sudo apt-get install build-essential libstdc++5
接下来,再在安装目录下执行./MathKernel ,发现,前面我们被中止的程序可以继续了:
winwin@winwin-laptop:/media/wayne/mma/Executables$ ./MathKernel
Mathematica 6.0 for Linux x86 (32-bit)
Copyright 1988-2008 Wolfram Research, Inc.
You will need to get a password from your
license certificate or from Wolfram Research
Machine name: winwin-laptop
MathID: ------------
You will need a valid license ID and password in order
to proceed. Go to http://register.wolfram.com or
consult your Getting Started documentation.
Enter your name: ------
Enter the name of your organization: ----
Enter your license ID [format Lxxxx-xxxx]: ----
Enter your password: ----
Creating password file entry in
See your Getting Started documentation if you need to
set up a site-wide password file.
In[1]:= 2^45
Out[1]= 35184372088832
winwin@winwin-laptop:/media/wayne/mma/Executables$ ./Mathematica
(注意:若输入开头m小写的 ./mathematica ,貌似是启动 frontend的)

点击了叉之后,我们就可以见到我们想见到的情景了。我随便画了一个图,并把6.0.3的新特点(Standard Extra Packages)打开了,见下:

这是我第一次这么费劲的安装软件,多少有点高兴,于是我就运行了Benchmark,对mathematica6.0.3 在ubuntu下的性能作了测试,回头又在windows xp sp3 下作了同样的测试,二者对比............下篇文章我将贴出这个性能对比报告。