I'm working on project, which should extract data from JSON files(contains information about polish deputies) and do a few calculations just using these data.
Code is executing properly, but one method drastically slows down everything. Im not the best in describing, so let's show my Jsonreader class
Gist link
(Method was used in 17th,43th,50th line) Code looks kinda messy, but it works fine, excluding fragments using jsonparser.parse method. It tooks unacceptable ~2sec per envoy. I have to change that few lines, but I don't know how. I was thinking about prescribing json file to map object and then working on it, but im not sure if it is a good option.
(Sorry for my poor grammar)
代码正在执行,但是一种方法会大大减慢一切。我不是最好的描述,所以让我们展示我的Jsonreader类Gist链接(方法用于第17,43,50行)代码看起来有点混乱,但它工作正常,使用jsonparser.parse方法排除片段。每位特使花了不可接受的约2秒。我必须改变这几行,但我不知道如何。我正在考虑将json文件指定为映射对象,然后对其进行处理,但我不确定它是否是一个不错的选择。 (抱歉我的语法很差)
1 个解决方案
How can i check if problem lies in taht getContent method?
You can prove it indirectly: just check your service API performance in your web browser network debugger tab, or measure the time for simple wget like time wget YOUR_URL
您可以间接证明它:只需在Web浏览器网络调试器选项卡中检查您的服务API性能,或者测量简单wget的时间,例如时间wget YOUR_URL。
I agree with Andreas having doubt that the parse
method is the root of the evil. Actually it's not. If you look at your gist closer, you can see that the parse
method accepts a delegated reader that actually uses the underlying input stream that's "connected" with the remote host. I/O usually are very time-consuming operations, especially networking. Also, establishing an HTTP connection is an expensive thing here. At my machine I've ended up with the following average timing:
我同意安德烈亚斯怀疑解析方法是邪恶的根源。实际上并非如此。如果你仔细看看你的要点,你会发现parse方法接受一个委托读者,它实际上使用了与远程主机“连接”的基础输入流。 I / O通常是非常耗时的操作,尤其是网络。此外,建立HTTP连接在这里是一件昂贵的事情。在我的机器上,我最终得到了以下平均时间:
- making HTTP requests: ~1.50..2.00s at the very first request, and 0.50..1.00s for the consecutive ones;
- reading data: ~0.80s (either dumb reading until the end, or JSON parsing -- does not really matter, Gson is really very fast; also you can profile the performance even in your browser with a network debugger or
time wget URL
if you use a Unix terminal).
发出HTTP请求:第一次请求时为~1.50 ... 2.00s,连续请求为0.50..1.00s;
读取数据:~0.80s(直到最后都是哑读,或者是JSON解析 - 并不重要,Gson真的非常快;你甚至可以在浏览器中用网络调试器或时间wget URL来分析性能使用Unix终端)。
Another point suggested by Andreas is use of multiple threads in order to run independent tasks in parallel. This can speed the things up, but it won't make super change to you since your service access is not that fast, unfortunately.
Executing SingleThreadedDemo...
Executing SingleThreadedDemo took 1063935ms = ~17:43
Executing MultiThreadedDemo...
Executing MultiThreadedDemo took 353044ms = ~5:53
Running the demo later gave the following results (approximately 3 times faster, no idea what's the real cause of the previous slowdown)
Executing SingleThreadedDemo...
Executing SingleThreadedDemo took 382249ms = ~6:22
Executing MultiThreadedDemo...
Executing MultiThreadedDemo took 130502ms = ~2:11
Executing MultiThreadedDemo...
Executing MultiThreadedDemo took 110119ms = ~1:50
The following class violates some good OOP design concepts, but in order not to bloat the total number of classes, let its stuff just be here.
abstract class AbstractDemo
implements Callable<List<EnvoyData>> {
// Gson is thread-safe
private static final Gson gson = new Gson();
// JsonParser is thread-safe: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/google-gson/u6hq2OVpszc
private static final JsonParser jsonParser = new JsonParser();
interface IPointsAndYearbooksConsumer {
void acceptPointsAndYearbooks(SerializedDataPoints points, SerializedDataYears yearbooks);
interface ITripsConsumer {
void acceptTrips(SerializedDataTrips trips);
AbstractDemo() {
protected abstract List<EnvoyData> doCall()
throws Exception;
// This implementation measures time (in milliseconds) taken for each demo call
public final List<EnvoyData> call()
throws Exception {
final String name = getClass().getSimpleName();
final long start = currentTimeMillis();
try {
out.printf("Executing %s...\n", name);
final List<EnvoyData> result = doCall();
out.printf("Executing %s took %dms\n", name, currentTimeMillis() - start);
return result;
} catch ( final Exception ex ) {
err.printf("Executing %s took %dms\n", name, currentTimeMillis() - start);
throw ex;
// This is a generic method that encapsulates generic pagination and lets you to iterate over the service pages in for-each style manner
static Iterable<JsonElement> jsonRequestsAt(final URL startUrl, final Function<? super JsonObject, URL> nextLinkExtrator, final JsonParser jsonParser) {
return () -> new Iterator<JsonElement>() {
private URL nextUrl = startUrl;
public boolean hasNext() {
return nextUrl != null;
public JsonElement next() {
if ( nextUrl == null ) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
try ( final Reader reader = readFrom(nextUrl) ) {
final JsonElement root = jsonParser.parse(reader);
nextUrl = nextLinkExtrator.apply(root.getAsJsonObject());
return root;
} catch ( final IOException ex ) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
// Just a helper method to iterate over the start response
static Iterable<JsonElement> getAfterwords()
throws MalformedURLException {
return jsonRequestsAt(
root -> {
try {
final JsonElement next = root.get("Links").getAsJsonObject().get("next");
return next != null ? new URL(next.getAsString()) : null;
} catch ( final MalformedURLException ex ) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
// Just extract points and yearbooks.
// You can return a custom data holder class, but this one uses consuming-style passing the results via its parameter consumer
static void extractPointsAndYearbooks(final Reader reader, final IPointsAndYearbooksConsumer consumer) {
final JsonObject expensesJsonObject = jsonParser.parse(reader)
final SerializedDataPoints points = gson.fromJson(expensesJsonObject.get("punkty").getAsJsonArray(), SerializedDataPoints.class);
final SerializedDataYears yearbooks = gson.fromJson(expensesJsonObject.get("roczniki").getAsJsonArray(), SerializedDataYears.class);
consumer.acceptPointsAndYearbooks(points, yearbooks);
// The same as above but for another type of response
static void extractTrips(final Reader reader, final ITripsConsumer consumer) {
final JsonElement tripsJsonElement = jsonParser.parse(reader)
final SerializedDataTrips trips = tripsJsonElement.isJsonArray()
? gson.fromJson(tripsJsonElement.getAsJsonArray(), SerializedDataTrips.class)
: null;
// It might be a constant field, but the next methods are dynamic (parameter-dependent), so let them all be similar
// Checked exceptions are not that evil, and let the call-site decide what to do with them
static URL afterwordsUrl()
throws MalformedURLException {
return new URL("https://api-v3.mojepanstwo.pl/dane/poslowie.json");
// The same as above
static URL afterwordsUrl(final int page)
throws MalformedURLException {
return new URL("https://api-v3.mojepanstwo.pl/dane/poslowie.json?_type=objects&page=" + page);
// The same as above
static URL tripsUrl(final int envoyId)
throws MalformedURLException {
return new URL("https://api-v3.mojepanstwo.pl/dane/poslowie/" + envoyId + ".json?layers[]=wyjazdy");
// The same as above
static URL expensesUrl(final int envoyId)
throws MalformedURLException {
return new URL("https://api-v3.mojepanstwo.pl/dane/poslowie/" + envoyId + ".json?layers[]=wydatki");
// Since jsonParser is encapsulated
static JsonElement parseJsonElement(final Reader reader) {
return jsonParser.parse(reader);
// A helper method to return a reader for the given URL
static Reader readFrom(final URL url)
throws IOException {
final HttpURLConnection request = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
return new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader((InputStream) request.getContent()));
// Waits for all futures used in multi-threaded demo
// Not sure how good this method is since I'm not an expert in concurrent programming unfortunately
static void waitForAllFutures(final Iterable<? extends Future<?>> futures)
throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
final Iterator<? extends Future<?>> iterator = futures.iterator();
while ( iterator.hasNext() ) {
final Future<?> future = iterator.next();
The simplest demo. Entire data pulling is executed in a single thread, so it tends to be the slowest demo here. This one is totally thread-safe having no fields and can be declared as a singleton.
final class SingleThreadedDemo
extends AbstractDemo {
private static final Callable<List<EnvoyData>> singleThreadedDemo = new SingleThreadedDemo();
private SingleThreadedDemo() {
static Callable<List<EnvoyData>> getSingleThreadedDemo() {
return singleThreadedDemo;
protected List<EnvoyData> doCall()
throws IOException {
final List<EnvoyData> envoys = new ArrayList<>();
for ( final JsonElement afterwordJsonElement : getAfterwords() ) {
final JsonArray dataObjectArray = afterwordJsonElement.getAsJsonObject().get("Dataobject").getAsJsonArray();
for ( final JsonElement dataObjectElement : (Iterable<JsonElement>) dataObjectArray::iterator ) {
final int envoyId = dataObjectElement.getAsJsonObject().get("id").getAsInt();
try ( final Reader expensesReader = readFrom(expensesUrl(envoyId)) ) {
extractPointsAndYearbooks(expensesReader, (points, yearbooks) -> {
// ... consume points and yearbooks here
try ( final Reader tripsReader = readFrom(tripsUrl(envoyId)) ) {
extractTrips(tripsReader, trips -> {
// ... consume trips here
return envoys;
Unfortunately I'm really very weak in Java concurrency, and probably these multi-threaded demos can be improved dramatically. This semi-multi-threaded demo that uses both approaches:
- one thread for iterating over pages;
- multiple threads to grab points, yearbooks, and trips data.
Also note that this demo (and another multi-threaded one below) is not fail-safe: if anything throws an exception in a submitted task, the executor service background thread won't terminate properly. Thus you might want to make it fail-safe and robust yourself.
final class MultiThreadedDemo
extends AbstractDemo {
private final ExecutorService executorService;
private MultiThreadedDemo(final ExecutorService executorService) {
this.executorService = executorService;
static Callable<List<EnvoyData>> getMultiThreadedDemo(final ExecutorService executorService) {
return new MultiThreadedDemo(executorService);
protected List<EnvoyData> doCall()
throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, MalformedURLException {
final List<EnvoyData> envoys = synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>());
final Collection<Future<?>> futures = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
for ( final JsonElement afterwordJsonElement : getAfterwords() ) {
final JsonArray dataObjectArray = afterwordJsonElement.getAsJsonObject().get("Dataobject").getAsJsonArray();
for ( final JsonElement dataObjectElement : (Iterable<JsonElement>) dataObjectArray::iterator ) {
final int envoyId = dataObjectElement.getAsJsonObject().get("id").getAsJsonPrimitive().getAsInt();
submitExtractPointsAndYearbooks(futures, envoyId);
submitExtractTrips(futures, envoyId);
return envoys;
private void submitExtractPointsAndYearbooks(final Collection<? super Future<?>> futures, final int envoyId) {
futures.add(executorService.submit(() -> {
try ( final Reader expensesReader = readFrom(expensesUrl(envoyId)) ) {
extractPointsAndYearbooks(expensesReader, (points, yearbooks) -> {
// ... consume points and yearbooks here
return null;
private void submitExtractTrips(final Collection<? super Future<?>> futures, final int envoyId) {
futures.add(executorService.submit(() -> {
try ( final Reader tripsReader = readFrom(tripsUrl(envoyId)) ) {
extractTrips(tripsReader, trips -> {
// ... consume trips here
return null;
This one is somewhat more enhanced version of the previous demo. But this demo submits executor service tasks for iterating over the service pages. To achieve it, it's necessary to detect the number of pages beforehand. And having the number of pages lets to make https://...poslowie.json?...page=...
URLs processing parallel. Note that if there are more than 1 page found, the next iteration starts from the 2nd page, not making a duplicate request.
这个是前一个演示的一些更强大的版本。但是这个演示提交了执行者服务任务,用于迭代服务页面。为了实现它,有必要事先检测页数。并且有多少页面可以使https://...poslowie.json?... page = ... URL并行处理。请注意,如果找到的页面超过1,则下一次迭代从第2页开始,而不是重复请求。
final class MultiThreadedEstimatedPagesDemo
extends AbstractDemo {
private final ExecutorService executorService;
private MultiThreadedEstimatedPagesDemo(final ExecutorService executorService) {
this.executorService = executorService;
static Callable<List<EnvoyData>> getMultiThreadedEstimatedPagesDemo(final ExecutorService executorService) {
return new MultiThreadedEstimatedPagesDemo(executorService);
protected List<EnvoyData> doCall()
throws IOException, JsonIOException, JsonSyntaxException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
final List<EnvoyData> envoys = synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>());
final JsonObject page1RootJsonObject;
final int totalPages;
try ( final Reader page1Reader = readFrom(afterwordsUrl()) ) {
page1RootJsonObject = parseJsonElement(page1Reader).getAsJsonObject();
totalPages = estimateTotalPages(page1RootJsonObject);
final Collection<Future<?>> futures = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
futures.add(executorService.submit(() -> {
final JsonArray dataObjectArray = page1RootJsonObject.getAsJsonObject().get("Dataobject").getAsJsonArray();
for ( final JsonElement dataObjectElement : (Iterable<JsonElement>) dataObjectArray::iterator ) {
final int envoyId = dataObjectElement.getAsJsonObject().get("id").getAsInt();
submitExtractPointsAndYearbooks(futures, envoyId);
submitExtractTrips(futures, envoyId);
return null;
for ( int page = 2; page <= totalPages; page++ ) {
final int finalPage = page;
futures.add(executorService.submit(() -> {
try ( final Reader reader = readFrom(afterwordsUrl(finalPage)) ) {
final JsonElement afterwordJsonElement = parseJsonElement(reader);
final JsonArray dataObjectArray = afterwordJsonElement.getAsJsonObject().get("Dataobject").getAsJsonArray();
for ( final JsonElement dataObjectElement : (Iterable<JsonElement>) dataObjectArray::iterator ) {
final int envoyId = dataObjectElement.getAsJsonObject().get("id").getAsInt();
submitExtractPointsAndYearbooks(futures, envoyId);
submitExtractTrips(futures, envoyId);
return null;
return envoys;
private static int estimateTotalPages(final JsonObject rootJsonObject) {
final int elementsPerPage = rootJsonObject.get("Dataobject").getAsJsonArray().size();
final int totalElements = rootJsonObject.get("Count").getAsInt();
return (int) ceil((double) totalElements / elementsPerPage);
private void submitExtractPointsAndYearbooks(final Collection<? super Future<?>> futures, final int envoyId) {
futures.add(executorService.submit(() -> {
try ( final Reader expensesReader = readFrom(expensesUrl(envoyId)) ) {
extractPointsAndYearbooks(expensesReader, (points, yearbooks) -> {
// ... consume points and yearbooks here
return null;
private void submitExtractTrips(final Collection<? super Future<?>> futures, final int envoyId) {
futures.add(executorService.submit(() -> {
try ( final Reader tripsReader = readFrom(tripsUrl(envoyId)) ) {
extractTrips(tripsReader, trips -> {
// ... consume trips here
return null;
And the demo itself:
public final class Test {
private Test() {
public static void main(final String... args)
throws Exception {
private static void runSingleThreadedDemo()
throws Exception {
final Callable<?> singleThreadedDemo = getSingleThreadedDemo();
private static void runMultiThreadedDemo()
throws Exception {
final ExecutorService executorService = newFixedThreadPool(getRuntime().availableProcessors());
final Callable<?> demo = getMultiThreadedDemo(executorService);
private static void runMultiThreadedEstimatedPagesDemo()
throws Exception {
final ExecutorService executorService = newFixedThreadPool(getRuntime().availableProcessors());
final Callable<?> demo = getMultiThreadedEstimatedPagesDemo(executorService);
How can i check if problem lies in taht getContent method?
You can prove it indirectly: just check your service API performance in your web browser network debugger tab, or measure the time for simple wget like time wget YOUR_URL
您可以间接证明它:只需在Web浏览器网络调试器选项卡中检查您的服务API性能,或者测量简单wget的时间,例如时间wget YOUR_URL。
I agree with Andreas having doubt that the parse
method is the root of the evil. Actually it's not. If you look at your gist closer, you can see that the parse
method accepts a delegated reader that actually uses the underlying input stream that's "connected" with the remote host. I/O usually are very time-consuming operations, especially networking. Also, establishing an HTTP connection is an expensive thing here. At my machine I've ended up with the following average timing:
我同意安德烈亚斯怀疑解析方法是邪恶的根源。实际上并非如此。如果你仔细看看你的要点,你会发现parse方法接受一个委托读者,它实际上使用了与远程主机“连接”的基础输入流。 I / O通常是非常耗时的操作,尤其是网络。此外,建立HTTP连接在这里是一件昂贵的事情。在我的机器上,我最终得到了以下平均时间:
- making HTTP requests: ~1.50..2.00s at the very first request, and 0.50..1.00s for the consecutive ones;
- reading data: ~0.80s (either dumb reading until the end, or JSON parsing -- does not really matter, Gson is really very fast; also you can profile the performance even in your browser with a network debugger or
time wget URL
if you use a Unix terminal).
发出HTTP请求:第一次请求时为~1.50 ... 2.00s,连续请求为0.50..1.00s;
读取数据:~0.80s(直到最后都是哑读,或者是JSON解析 - 并不重要,Gson真的非常快;你甚至可以在浏览器中用网络调试器或时间wget URL来分析性能使用Unix终端)。
Another point suggested by Andreas is use of multiple threads in order to run independent tasks in parallel. This can speed the things up, but it won't make super change to you since your service access is not that fast, unfortunately.
Executing SingleThreadedDemo...
Executing SingleThreadedDemo took 1063935ms = ~17:43
Executing MultiThreadedDemo...
Executing MultiThreadedDemo took 353044ms = ~5:53
Running the demo later gave the following results (approximately 3 times faster, no idea what's the real cause of the previous slowdown)
Executing SingleThreadedDemo...
Executing SingleThreadedDemo took 382249ms = ~6:22
Executing MultiThreadedDemo...
Executing MultiThreadedDemo took 130502ms = ~2:11
Executing MultiThreadedDemo...
Executing MultiThreadedDemo took 110119ms = ~1:50
The following class violates some good OOP design concepts, but in order not to bloat the total number of classes, let its stuff just be here.
abstract class AbstractDemo
implements Callable<List<EnvoyData>> {
// Gson is thread-safe
private static final Gson gson = new Gson();
// JsonParser is thread-safe: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/google-gson/u6hq2OVpszc
private static final JsonParser jsonParser = new JsonParser();
interface IPointsAndYearbooksConsumer {
void acceptPointsAndYearbooks(SerializedDataPoints points, SerializedDataYears yearbooks);
interface ITripsConsumer {
void acceptTrips(SerializedDataTrips trips);
AbstractDemo() {
protected abstract List<EnvoyData> doCall()
throws Exception;
// This implementation measures time (in milliseconds) taken for each demo call
public final List<EnvoyData> call()
throws Exception {
final String name = getClass().getSimpleName();
final long start = currentTimeMillis();
try {
out.printf("Executing %s...\n", name);
final List<EnvoyData> result = doCall();
out.printf("Executing %s took %dms\n", name, currentTimeMillis() - start);
return result;
} catch ( final Exception ex ) {
err.printf("Executing %s took %dms\n", name, currentTimeMillis() - start);
throw ex;
// This is a generic method that encapsulates generic pagination and lets you to iterate over the service pages in for-each style manner
static Iterable<JsonElement> jsonRequestsAt(final URL startUrl, final Function<? super JsonObject, URL> nextLinkExtrator, final JsonParser jsonParser) {
return () -> new Iterator<JsonElement>() {
private URL nextUrl = startUrl;
public boolean hasNext() {
return nextUrl != null;
public JsonElement next() {
if ( nextUrl == null ) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
try ( final Reader reader = readFrom(nextUrl) ) {
final JsonElement root = jsonParser.parse(reader);
nextUrl = nextLinkExtrator.apply(root.getAsJsonObject());
return root;
} catch ( final IOException ex ) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
// Just a helper method to iterate over the start response
static Iterable<JsonElement> getAfterwords()
throws MalformedURLException {
return jsonRequestsAt(
root -> {
try {
final JsonElement next = root.get("Links").getAsJsonObject().get("next");
return next != null ? new URL(next.getAsString()) : null;
} catch ( final MalformedURLException ex ) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
// Just extract points and yearbooks.
// You can return a custom data holder class, but this one uses consuming-style passing the results via its parameter consumer
static void extractPointsAndYearbooks(final Reader reader, final IPointsAndYearbooksConsumer consumer) {
final JsonObject expensesJsonObject = jsonParser.parse(reader)
final SerializedDataPoints points = gson.fromJson(expensesJsonObject.get("punkty").getAsJsonArray(), SerializedDataPoints.class);
final SerializedDataYears yearbooks = gson.fromJson(expensesJsonObject.get("roczniki").getAsJsonArray(), SerializedDataYears.class);
consumer.acceptPointsAndYearbooks(points, yearbooks);
// The same as above but for another type of response
static void extractTrips(final Reader reader, final ITripsConsumer consumer) {
final JsonElement tripsJsonElement = jsonParser.parse(reader)
final SerializedDataTrips trips = tripsJsonElement.isJsonArray()
? gson.fromJson(tripsJsonElement.getAsJsonArray(), SerializedDataTrips.class)
: null;
// It might be a constant field, but the next methods are dynamic (parameter-dependent), so let them all be similar
// Checked exceptions are not that evil, and let the call-site decide what to do with them
static URL afterwordsUrl()
throws MalformedURLException {
return new URL("https://api-v3.mojepanstwo.pl/dane/poslowie.json");
// The same as above
static URL afterwordsUrl(final int page)
throws MalformedURLException {
return new URL("https://api-v3.mojepanstwo.pl/dane/poslowie.json?_type=objects&page=" + page);
// The same as above
static URL tripsUrl(final int envoyId)
throws MalformedURLException {
return new URL("https://api-v3.mojepanstwo.pl/dane/poslowie/" + envoyId + ".json?layers[]=wyjazdy");
// The same as above
static URL expensesUrl(final int envoyId)
throws MalformedURLException {
return new URL("https://api-v3.mojepanstwo.pl/dane/poslowie/" + envoyId + ".json?layers[]=wydatki");
// Since jsonParser is encapsulated
static JsonElement parseJsonElement(final Reader reader) {
return jsonParser.parse(reader);
// A helper method to return a reader for the given URL
static Reader readFrom(final URL url)
throws IOException {
final HttpURLConnection request = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
return new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader((InputStream) request.getContent()));
// Waits for all futures used in multi-threaded demo
// Not sure how good this method is since I'm not an expert in concurrent programming unfortunately
static void waitForAllFutures(final Iterable<? extends Future<?>> futures)
throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
final Iterator<? extends Future<?>> iterator = futures.iterator();
while ( iterator.hasNext() ) {
final Future<?> future = iterator.next();
The simplest demo. Entire data pulling is executed in a single thread, so it tends to be the slowest demo here. This one is totally thread-safe having no fields and can be declared as a singleton.
final class SingleThreadedDemo
extends AbstractDemo {
private static final Callable<List<EnvoyData>> singleThreadedDemo = new SingleThreadedDemo();
private SingleThreadedDemo() {
static Callable<List<EnvoyData>> getSingleThreadedDemo() {
return singleThreadedDemo;
protected List<EnvoyData> doCall()
throws IOException {
final List<EnvoyData> envoys = new ArrayList<>();
for ( final JsonElement afterwordJsonElement : getAfterwords() ) {
final JsonArray dataObjectArray = afterwordJsonElement.getAsJsonObject().get("Dataobject").getAsJsonArray();
for ( final JsonElement dataObjectElement : (Iterable<JsonElement>) dataObjectArray::iterator ) {
final int envoyId = dataObjectElement.getAsJsonObject().get("id").getAsInt();
try ( final Reader expensesReader = readFrom(expensesUrl(envoyId)) ) {
extractPointsAndYearbooks(expensesReader, (points, yearbooks) -> {
// ... consume points and yearbooks here
try ( final Reader tripsReader = readFrom(tripsUrl(envoyId)) ) {
extractTrips(tripsReader, trips -> {
// ... consume trips here
return envoys;
Unfortunately I'm really very weak in Java concurrency, and probably these multi-threaded demos can be improved dramatically. This semi-multi-threaded demo that uses both approaches:
- one thread for iterating over pages;
- multiple threads to grab points, yearbooks, and trips data.
Also note that this demo (and another multi-threaded one below) is not fail-safe: if anything throws an exception in a submitted task, the executor service background thread won't terminate properly. Thus you might want to make it fail-safe and robust yourself.
final class MultiThreadedDemo
extends AbstractDemo {
private final ExecutorService executorService;
private MultiThreadedDemo(final ExecutorService executorService) {
this.executorService = executorService;
static Callable<List<EnvoyData>> getMultiThreadedDemo(final ExecutorService executorService) {
return new MultiThreadedDemo(executorService);
protected List<EnvoyData> doCall()
throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, MalformedURLException {
final List<EnvoyData> envoys = synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>());
final Collection<Future<?>> futures = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
for ( final JsonElement afterwordJsonElement : getAfterwords() ) {
final JsonArray dataObjectArray = afterwordJsonElement.getAsJsonObject().get("Dataobject").getAsJsonArray();
for ( final JsonElement dataObjectElement : (Iterable<JsonElement>) dataObjectArray::iterator ) {
final int envoyId = dataObjectElement.getAsJsonObject().get("id").getAsJsonPrimitive().getAsInt();
submitExtractPointsAndYearbooks(futures, envoyId);
submitExtractTrips(futures, envoyId);
return envoys;
private void submitExtractPointsAndYearbooks(final Collection<? super Future<?>> futures, final int envoyId) {
futures.add(executorService.submit(() -> {
try ( final Reader expensesReader = readFrom(expensesUrl(envoyId)) ) {
extractPointsAndYearbooks(expensesReader, (points, yearbooks) -> {
// ... consume points and yearbooks here
return null;
private void submitExtractTrips(final Collection<? super Future<?>> futures, final int envoyId) {
futures.add(executorService.submit(() -> {
try ( final Reader tripsReader = readFrom(tripsUrl(envoyId)) ) {
extractTrips(tripsReader, trips -> {
// ... consume trips here
return null;
This one is somewhat more enhanced version of the previous demo. But this demo submits executor service tasks for iterating over the service pages. To achieve it, it's necessary to detect the number of pages beforehand. And having the number of pages lets to make https://...poslowie.json?...page=...
URLs processing parallel. Note that if there are more than 1 page found, the next iteration starts from the 2nd page, not making a duplicate request.
这个是前一个演示的一些更强大的版本。但是这个演示提交了执行者服务任务,用于迭代服务页面。为了实现它,有必要事先检测页数。并且有多少页面可以使https://...poslowie.json?... page = ... URL并行处理。请注意,如果找到的页面超过1,则下一次迭代从第2页开始,而不是重复请求。
final class MultiThreadedEstimatedPagesDemo
extends AbstractDemo {
private final ExecutorService executorService;
private MultiThreadedEstimatedPagesDemo(final ExecutorService executorService) {
this.executorService = executorService;
static Callable<List<EnvoyData>> getMultiThreadedEstimatedPagesDemo(final ExecutorService executorService) {
return new MultiThreadedEstimatedPagesDemo(executorService);
protected List<EnvoyData> doCall()
throws IOException, JsonIOException, JsonSyntaxException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
final List<EnvoyData> envoys = synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>());
final JsonObject page1RootJsonObject;
final int totalPages;
try ( final Reader page1Reader = readFrom(afterwordsUrl()) ) {
page1RootJsonObject = parseJsonElement(page1Reader).getAsJsonObject();
totalPages = estimateTotalPages(page1RootJsonObject);
final Collection<Future<?>> futures = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
futures.add(executorService.submit(() -> {
final JsonArray dataObjectArray = page1RootJsonObject.getAsJsonObject().get("Dataobject").getAsJsonArray();
for ( final JsonElement dataObjectElement : (Iterable<JsonElement>) dataObjectArray::iterator ) {
final int envoyId = dataObjectElement.getAsJsonObject().get("id").getAsInt();
submitExtractPointsAndYearbooks(futures, envoyId);
submitExtractTrips(futures, envoyId);
return null;
for ( int page = 2; page <= totalPages; page++ ) {
final int finalPage = page;
futures.add(executorService.submit(() -> {
try ( final Reader reader = readFrom(afterwordsUrl(finalPage)) ) {
final JsonElement afterwordJsonElement = parseJsonElement(reader);
final JsonArray dataObjectArray = afterwordJsonElement.getAsJsonObject().get("Dataobject").getAsJsonArray();
for ( final JsonElement dataObjectElement : (Iterable<JsonElement>) dataObjectArray::iterator ) {
final int envoyId = dataObjectElement.getAsJsonObject().get("id").getAsInt();
submitExtractPointsAndYearbooks(futures, envoyId);
submitExtractTrips(futures, envoyId);
return null;
return envoys;
private static int estimateTotalPages(final JsonObject rootJsonObject) {
final int elementsPerPage = rootJsonObject.get("Dataobject").getAsJsonArray().size();
final int totalElements = rootJsonObject.get("Count").getAsInt();
return (int) ceil((double) totalElements / elementsPerPage);
private void submitExtractPointsAndYearbooks(final Collection<? super Future<?>> futures, final int envoyId) {
futures.add(executorService.submit(() -> {
try ( final Reader expensesReader = readFrom(expensesUrl(envoyId)) ) {
extractPointsAndYearbooks(expensesReader, (points, yearbooks) -> {
// ... consume points and yearbooks here
return null;
private void submitExtractTrips(final Collection<? super Future<?>> futures, final int envoyId) {
futures.add(executorService.submit(() -> {
try ( final Reader tripsReader = readFrom(tripsUrl(envoyId)) ) {
extractTrips(tripsReader, trips -> {
// ... consume trips here
return null;
And the demo itself:
public final class Test {
private Test() {
public static void main(final String... args)
throws Exception {
private static void runSingleThreadedDemo()
throws Exception {
final Callable<?> singleThreadedDemo = getSingleThreadedDemo();
private static void runMultiThreadedDemo()
throws Exception {
final ExecutorService executorService = newFixedThreadPool(getRuntime().availableProcessors());
final Callable<?> demo = getMultiThreadedDemo(executorService);
private static void runMultiThreadedEstimatedPagesDemo()
throws Exception {
final ExecutorService executorService = newFixedThreadPool(getRuntime().availableProcessors());
final Callable<?> demo = getMultiThreadedEstimatedPagesDemo(executorService);