为什么“成功”安装了Visual Studio 2012的vsix模板(在扩展和更新中显示)未出现在项目模板中

时间:2023-01-17 15:08:11

Why is “Successfully” installed vsix Template for Visual Studio 2012 (appears in extension and update ) not appearing in Project Template. I can see only in tool menu (extension and update ) and cannot see any where else.. So no use for me as I cannot use the new template...

为什么“成功”安装了Visual Studio 2012的vsix模板(在扩展和更新中显示)未出现在项目模板中。我只能在工具菜单中看到(扩展和更新)并且看不到任何其他地方..所以对我没用,因为我无法使用新模板...

Log file below


20/06/2013 12:44:02 - Microsoft VSIX Installer
20/06/2013 12:44:02 - -------------------------------------------
20/06/2013 12:44:02 - Initializing Install...
20/06/2013 12:44:02 - Extension Details...
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -   Identifier      : VSIXProject8.Microsoft.4b7ebf96-1706-45f7-81a9-
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -   Name            : VSIXProject8
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -   Author          : Microsoft
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -   Version         : 1.0
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -   Description     : custom project template
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -   Locale          : en-US
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -   MoreInfoURL     : 
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -   InstalledByMSI  : False
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -   SupportedFrameworkVersionRange : 4.5
20/06/2013 12:44:02 - 
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -   Supported Products : 
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -       Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -           Version : 11.0
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -       Microsoft.VisualStudio.VWDExpress
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -           Version : [11.0,12.0)
20/06/2013 12:44:02 - 
20/06/2013 12:44:02 -   References      : 
20/06/2013 12:44:02 - 
20/06/2013 12:44:02 - Searching for applicable products...
20/06/2013 12:44:02 - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional
20/06/2013 12:44:02 - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012
20/06/2013 12:44:03 - The extension with ID 'VSIXProject8.Microsoft.4b7ebf96-1706-45f7-81a9-
7599e03b57fd' is not installed to Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012.
20/06/2013 12:44:03 - Found installed product - Microsoft LightSwitch for Visual Studio 2012
20/06/2013 12:44:03 - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Shell (Integrated)
20/06/2013 12:44:03 - Found installed product - Global Location
20/06/2013 12:44:11 - The following target products have been selected...
20/06/2013 12:44:11 -   Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012
20/06/2013 12:44:11 - 
20/06/2013 12:44:11 - Beginning to install extension to Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012...
20/06/2013 12:44:12 - Install to Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012 completed successfully. 
The extension has been installed to C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO 11.0\\COMMON7

1 个解决方案



I fix this by Installing ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 update,

我通过安装ASP.NET和Web Tools 2012.2更新解决了这个问题,

Click on the link install this update and then reopen Visual Studio 2012 Again, It will resolve your issue

单击链接安装此更新,然后重新打开Visual Studio 2012再次,它将解决您的问题



I fix this by Installing ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 update,

我通过安装ASP.NET和Web Tools 2012.2更新解决了这个问题,

Click on the link install this update and then reopen Visual Studio 2012 Again, It will resolve your issue

单击链接安装此更新,然后重新打开Visual Studio 2012再次,它将解决您的问题