I have the following entries in my .gitignore:
After I git clone a fresh repo (I don't have any iml or .idea in the project), I open Android Studio (v0.2.5), import the project successfully and compile without issues. Now, if I want to edit some files, IntelliJ is showing the red wavy thing almost everywhere, because it can't find external libraries. I realized that when the iml files are regenerated, the external libraries are added like this:
在我git clone一个新的repo后(我在项目中没有任何iml或.idea),我打开Android Studio(v0.2.5),成功导入项目并编译没有问题。现在,如果我想编辑一些文件,IntelliJ几乎无处不在地显示红色波浪状的东西,因为它无法找到外部库。我意识到重新生成iml文件时,会添加外部库,如下所示:
<orderEntry type="library" exported="" scope="TEST" name="guice-3.0-no_aop" level="project" />
FYI, the build.gradle part to add external libraries:
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: '*.jar')
So now, if I bring the Project Structure pop-up and change the scope from Test to Compile, the red waves disappear, and everything is back to normal.
I'd like to know if it's something that I do wrong on my side, or if it's a bug? Also, regarding the way to handle iml files (version them or not), I couldn't find any straight answer. Everyone seem to do have their own way.
2 个解决方案
The IDEA official documentation is clear about that :
Share all the files under .idea directory in the project root except the workspace.xml and tasks.xml files which store user specific settings, also share all the .iml module files.
Source : How to manage IntelliJ IDEA projects under Version Control Systems
来源:如何在版本控制系统下管理IntelliJ IDEA项目
EDIT : But, sharing iml files seems to be wrong. Best thing is to use a similar gitignore file and to import the project in AndroidStudio for each developer.
This issue is fixed, as of Android Studio v0.2.7.
从Android Studio v0.2.7开始,此问题已修复。
The IDEA official documentation is clear about that :
Share all the files under .idea directory in the project root except the workspace.xml and tasks.xml files which store user specific settings, also share all the .iml module files.
Source : How to manage IntelliJ IDEA projects under Version Control Systems
来源:如何在版本控制系统下管理IntelliJ IDEA项目
EDIT : But, sharing iml files seems to be wrong. Best thing is to use a similar gitignore file and to import the project in AndroidStudio for each developer.
This issue is fixed, as of Android Studio v0.2.7.
从Android Studio v0.2.7开始,此问题已修复。