I get an exception while executing following piece of code
bool FieldValueMessage::Get(const std::string &field, double & value)
string text;
std::stringstream sstr(text);
sstr >> value;
return false;
return true;
return false;
Get function is as below
bool HashMapMessage::Get(const std::string &field, std::string & value)
Field2Value::iterator i = f2v.find(field);
return false;
} else {
value = i->second;
return true;
caller of Get function. I don't see any issue here.
if (msg->Get((*i).c_str(),tmp)){
if(tmp>0 && x->staging_data[j+1]!=tmp){
x->staging_data[j+1] = tmp;
has_update = true;
Call Stack is
ntdll.dll!_RtlpCoalesceFreeBlocks@16() + 0x35 bytes
ntdll.dll!_RtlFreeHeap@12() + 0x91f bytes
msvcr90.dll!_free() + 0xcd bytes
msvcp90.dll!std::locale::`scalar deleting destructor'() + 0x19 bytes
msvcp90.dll!std::ios_base::_Ios_base_dtor() + 0x39 bytes
msvcp90.dll!std::basic_stringstream<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::`vbase destructor'() + 0x19 bytes
asapGeneric.dll!asap::FieldValueMessage::Get(const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > & field="ASK", double & value=0.055000000000000000) Line 33 + 0x17 bytes C++
_hdf.pyd!asap::TradeAndQuoteNormalizer::ParseQuote(asap::FieldValueMessage * msg=0x027194c0, asap::TAQ * taq=0x02716908) Line 84 + 0x36 bytes C++
value of field is "ASK".
This code has been running fine without any issues, but now i am getting exception on "return true" statement.
这段代码运行良好,没有任何问题,但是现在我在“return true”语句中得到了异常。
when i debug though the program... sstr.fail()
returns false
. The pointer comes on return true;
statement. At this point when i do a single step, suddenly I get Unhandled exception: Access violation reading from location xxxxx. I have never seen an exception on a return statement. What is incorrect in this case? This c++ program is called from a python script.
1 个解决方案
Answer to above post is really an collections of comments on the question. more than one replies helped me find the solution. The problem in above case was that I did not initialize the staging data properly. It was expected to be an array of size same as quote_fields but it was initialized to length 1. So first element was updated correctly but during the second element in quote_fields array is bring read, i was getting above exception. Apparantly exception is not raised as soon as i try to access incorrect element. Exception is comin from stringstream destructor. As per Retired Ninja, the exception is not raised immediately but only until heap tries to merge 2 free blocks at a later point as shown in the call stack.
对以上文章的回答实际上是对这个问题的一系列评论。不止一个人的回答帮助我找到了解决方案。上面的问题是我没有正确地初始化staging数据。它应该是一个大小与quote_fields相同的数组,但初始化为length 1。第一个元素得到了正确的更新但是在quote_fields数组中的第二个元素带来读取时,我得到了上面的异常。当我试图访问不正确的元素时,显然不会引发异常。异常来自stringstream析构函数。就像每个退休的忍者一样,这个异常不会立即被提升,除非堆尝试在稍后的点上合并两个空闲块,就像调用堆栈中显示的那样。
Answer to above post is really an collections of comments on the question. more than one replies helped me find the solution. The problem in above case was that I did not initialize the staging data properly. It was expected to be an array of size same as quote_fields but it was initialized to length 1. So first element was updated correctly but during the second element in quote_fields array is bring read, i was getting above exception. Apparantly exception is not raised as soon as i try to access incorrect element. Exception is comin from stringstream destructor. As per Retired Ninja, the exception is not raised immediately but only until heap tries to merge 2 free blocks at a later point as shown in the call stack.
对以上文章的回答实际上是对这个问题的一系列评论。不止一个人的回答帮助我找到了解决方案。上面的问题是我没有正确地初始化staging数据。它应该是一个大小与quote_fields相同的数组,但初始化为length 1。第一个元素得到了正确的更新但是在quote_fields数组中的第二个元素带来读取时,我得到了上面的异常。当我试图访问不正确的元素时,显然不会引发异常。异常来自stringstream析构函数。就像每个退休的忍者一样,这个异常不会立即被提升,除非堆尝试在稍后的点上合并两个空闲块,就像调用堆栈中显示的那样。