
时间:2023-01-17 11:52:08

As I was writing up this question I managed to solve it so repeat it here for the benefit of others. Here is the initial problem:


I have created a very simple library project which I want to reference in another project. I have done this previously with no problems so not really sure why it is not working this time. I have:


  1. Flagged the library project via project properties. The default.properties file has this set : android.library=true


  2. In my other project added reference to my library project via project properties. The default.properties file has the reference added as expected ie android.library.reference.1=K:/android_test_ws/applicationRegistrar

    在我的另一个项目中,通过项目属性增加了对我的库项目的引用。默认值。属性文件的引用被添加到预期的ie android.library.reference.1=K:/android_test_ws/applicationRegistrar。

  3. The green tick against the referenced library project starts off green and then changes to a red cross.


This implies that there must be something wrong / missing from the library project but I don't know what. My library project on this occasion is MUCH simpler than the previous one I created.


18 个解决方案



OK Here is the solution which I found when I was looking for the default.properies file of the referencing project (not the library) in my file system. Although the referencing project was in the same eclipse workspace as the library project, the actual files were somewhere else in the file system ie they were'nt in the same parent folder of the library project. As soon as I placed the referencing project in the same physical folder as the library project it all went fine.


I guess that this must be something to do with android using ant underneath the covers.


Edit: The project name needs match the folder name on the file system. What you are seeing in the Project Properties->Android->Library Reference is a relative file system path.




Make Sure both the projects are present in same work space. To Do it, while importing the projects make sure "copy project into work space" check box is checked.




the same problem will occur if your library project is in different partition from your current workspace. I have the same problem just now. My git source is in C: and I just move my workspace to D: and everything start to collapse.




Simplest way to get the library paths paths correct is to use the GUI from Eclipse to add the library as shown in the following screenshot and let Eclipse take care of putting the correct relative paths in project.properties. Its a common setup to have your library projects hosted at directories vastly different than your main projects that uses the library. This method will work if the "libary project" and the project using it are in the same eclipse "workspace" (they "need not" be in same parent folder): 在eclipse中,无法在另一个android项目中引用android库项目。




Please ensure that the library project is marked as "Is Library" - right click on the library project - properties - Android - mark the "Is Library" checkbox - in project.properties of the library project you should have a new entry:"android.library=true. Now add it into the project you want as described in the post below.(the post with image integrated - from Nilesh Pawar).

请确保图书馆项目被标记为“图书馆”-右击图书馆项目-属性- Android -标记“是图书馆”复选框-在项目中。库项目的属性应该有一个新条目:“android.library=true”。现在将其添加到您想要的项目中,如下所示。(由Nilesh Pawar提供图像集成的帖子)。



This bug is referenced several times here 27199, 35786, 36460 & 38052


Maybe by voting for them, it will be fixed one day...




Yet another observation on the same issue.


For me the two projects where on the same parent folder, and were both local inside the workspace. Even then the issue was still happening.


The I edited the "project.properties" file and put the absolute path(with forward slashes '/' for seperator) of the library project. Saved and closed it. Then went to the project properties dialog, removed the library(which was still showing the cross icon but with abs path) and added it back as usual. Surprisingly the issue is resolved, and the project compiles and runs.


This is really strange and must be a bug with the ADT. I am using ADT version 20.0.2




when developer referencing the facebook or any other library project then first of all clean the project from eclipse->project->clean project. that want allow the error of red cross in referencing screen.




For me, I just restart the eclipse and the added library works fine.


I mean first time it showing red marks after adding the library project. Though eclipse main project and library project are in same workspace folder and no resources files are in outside of the project folder.


So, you can try with to restart your eclipse. Happy coding....




Workaround for me was to


  1. Create a new workspace
  2. 创建一个新的工作区
  3. Import Library Project in that workspace
  4. 在该工作区中导入库项目。
  5. Import The desired project in that workspace
  6. 在该工作区中导入所需的项目。
  7. Having both project and library project the same target Android OS version
  8. 项目和库项目都有相同的目标Android OS版本。
  9. Reference library project in my project
  10. 在我的项目中参考图书馆项目。

solved my problem




i had the same problem there when i try to change my workspace so this my solution:


  1. import and copy all project data including library project into workspace
  2. 导入和复制所有项目数据,包括库项目到工作区。
  3. delete the old project reference by Right-click on the project-->Properties-->Android-->Library, and select corrupted library(so that waht i call it) and choose Remove
  4. 删除旧的项目引用,右键单击项目——>属性——>Android——>库,并选择损坏的库(我称之为waht),然后选择Remove。
  5. clean project first (to refresh ur project properties)
  6. 清洁项目优先(刷新ur项目属性)
  7. go to library project Properties-->Android-->Library and check the is library if it does'nt click Apply then OK
  8. 转到库项目属性——>Android——>库,如果它不点击应用程序,就检查它的库。
  9. if the library project is library is already checked, first Unchecked it then Clean the library project after that do the Step 4 again
  10. 如果库项目已经被选中,首先检查它,然后在完成第4步之后清理库项目。
  11. go to project that u want the library are in then Right-click on the project-->Properties-->Android-->Library, Add then choose the library project (it should be there) and click Apply then OK
  12. 去到你想要图书馆的项目,然后右击项目——>属性——>Android——>库,然后选择库项目(它应该在那里),然后点击应用。
  13. if still doesn't appear clean the project once more time and that should do
  14. 如果仍然没有出现清理项目的时间和应该做的事情。



Just restart your eclipse. It's solve my problem




When you have a look at the reference-path before and after, it comes from i.e. "C:/workspace/mylib" and goes to "../../mylib" when copied to the correct location, quite interesting.






What worked for me was to delete the 'library' projects (the actual projects) from my workspace (without deleting the files), and then re-importing them using the wizard (import existing android project from source code).




Thanks for posting the question. I had exactly the same problem while integrating Facebook with my Android application. I fixed the issue by moving my development project to the same Windows drive in which library project was located. Somehow Eclipse is unable to read the library project's location properly from default.properties file if it is in a different drive.




Similar to Sufi Khan's post I also solved this issue with a reboot. My case differed in that when I first accessed Properties->Android and added the library I got a lovely green checkmark. When I closed the dialog Eclipse was still showing class-not-found type errors. When I checked the properties again I saw the red X. But Mr. Kahn's solution (delete the bad lib, restart Eclipse, add the lib again) worked fine.

与Sufi Khan的帖子类似,我也通过重启来解决这个问题。当我第一次访问Properties->Android并添加了一个漂亮的绿色标记时,我的情况就不同了。当我关闭对话时,Eclipse仍然显示类未发现的类型错误。当我再次检查属性时,我看到了红色x,但是Kahn先生的解决方案(删除坏的lib,重新启动Eclipse,再添加lib)运行良好。

I'm using the 0702 version of the ADT bundle (starts with "cluster", rhymes with "duck").

我使用的是0702版本的ADT bundle(以“集群”开头,与“duck”押韵)。



I followed the accepted answer but also had to make sure my "project.properties" file was readable.


If the file is readonly (checked into source control) eclipse will not edit it. Adding the library reference will succeed, but the change won't be persisted after hitting OK.


If closing the preferences window and reopening in again removes the library you just added, this may be your solution.




In case your library project still doesn't show up try adding library flag in your library project properties


Add android.library=true

添加android.library = true



# This file is automatically generated by Android Tools.
# Do not modify this file -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE ERASED!
# This file must be checked in Version Control Systems.
# To customize properties used by the Ant build system edit
# "ant.properties", and override values to adapt the script to your
# project structure.
# To enable ProGuard to shrink and obfuscate your code, uncomment this (available properties: sdk.dir, user.home):

# Project target.



OK Here is the solution which I found when I was looking for the default.properies file of the referencing project (not the library) in my file system. Although the referencing project was in the same eclipse workspace as the library project, the actual files were somewhere else in the file system ie they were'nt in the same parent folder of the library project. As soon as I placed the referencing project in the same physical folder as the library project it all went fine.


I guess that this must be something to do with android using ant underneath the covers.


Edit: The project name needs match the folder name on the file system. What you are seeing in the Project Properties->Android->Library Reference is a relative file system path.




Make Sure both the projects are present in same work space. To Do it, while importing the projects make sure "copy project into work space" check box is checked.




the same problem will occur if your library project is in different partition from your current workspace. I have the same problem just now. My git source is in C: and I just move my workspace to D: and everything start to collapse.




Simplest way to get the library paths paths correct is to use the GUI from Eclipse to add the library as shown in the following screenshot and let Eclipse take care of putting the correct relative paths in project.properties. Its a common setup to have your library projects hosted at directories vastly different than your main projects that uses the library. This method will work if the "libary project" and the project using it are in the same eclipse "workspace" (they "need not" be in same parent folder): 在eclipse中,无法在另一个android项目中引用android库项目。




Please ensure that the library project is marked as "Is Library" - right click on the library project - properties - Android - mark the "Is Library" checkbox - in project.properties of the library project you should have a new entry:"android.library=true. Now add it into the project you want as described in the post below.(the post with image integrated - from Nilesh Pawar).

请确保图书馆项目被标记为“图书馆”-右击图书馆项目-属性- Android -标记“是图书馆”复选框-在项目中。库项目的属性应该有一个新条目:“android.library=true”。现在将其添加到您想要的项目中,如下所示。(由Nilesh Pawar提供图像集成的帖子)。



This bug is referenced several times here 27199, 35786, 36460 & 38052


Maybe by voting for them, it will be fixed one day...




Yet another observation on the same issue.


For me the two projects where on the same parent folder, and were both local inside the workspace. Even then the issue was still happening.


The I edited the "project.properties" file and put the absolute path(with forward slashes '/' for seperator) of the library project. Saved and closed it. Then went to the project properties dialog, removed the library(which was still showing the cross icon but with abs path) and added it back as usual. Surprisingly the issue is resolved, and the project compiles and runs.


This is really strange and must be a bug with the ADT. I am using ADT version 20.0.2




when developer referencing the facebook or any other library project then first of all clean the project from eclipse->project->clean project. that want allow the error of red cross in referencing screen.




For me, I just restart the eclipse and the added library works fine.


I mean first time it showing red marks after adding the library project. Though eclipse main project and library project are in same workspace folder and no resources files are in outside of the project folder.


So, you can try with to restart your eclipse. Happy coding....




Workaround for me was to


  1. Create a new workspace
  2. 创建一个新的工作区
  3. Import Library Project in that workspace
  4. 在该工作区中导入库项目。
  5. Import The desired project in that workspace
  6. 在该工作区中导入所需的项目。
  7. Having both project and library project the same target Android OS version
  8. 项目和库项目都有相同的目标Android OS版本。
  9. Reference library project in my project
  10. 在我的项目中参考图书馆项目。

solved my problem




i had the same problem there when i try to change my workspace so this my solution:


  1. import and copy all project data including library project into workspace
  2. 导入和复制所有项目数据,包括库项目到工作区。
  3. delete the old project reference by Right-click on the project-->Properties-->Android-->Library, and select corrupted library(so that waht i call it) and choose Remove
  4. 删除旧的项目引用,右键单击项目——>属性——>Android——>库,并选择损坏的库(我称之为waht),然后选择Remove。
  5. clean project first (to refresh ur project properties)
  6. 清洁项目优先(刷新ur项目属性)
  7. go to library project Properties-->Android-->Library and check the is library if it does'nt click Apply then OK
  8. 转到库项目属性——>Android——>库,如果它不点击应用程序,就检查它的库。
  9. if the library project is library is already checked, first Unchecked it then Clean the library project after that do the Step 4 again
  10. 如果库项目已经被选中,首先检查它,然后在完成第4步之后清理库项目。
  11. go to project that u want the library are in then Right-click on the project-->Properties-->Android-->Library, Add then choose the library project (it should be there) and click Apply then OK
  12. 去到你想要图书馆的项目,然后右击项目——>属性——>Android——>库,然后选择库项目(它应该在那里),然后点击应用。
  13. if still doesn't appear clean the project once more time and that should do
  14. 如果仍然没有出现清理项目的时间和应该做的事情。



Just restart your eclipse. It's solve my problem




When you have a look at the reference-path before and after, it comes from i.e. "C:/workspace/mylib" and goes to "../../mylib" when copied to the correct location, quite interesting.






What worked for me was to delete the 'library' projects (the actual projects) from my workspace (without deleting the files), and then re-importing them using the wizard (import existing android project from source code).




Thanks for posting the question. I had exactly the same problem while integrating Facebook with my Android application. I fixed the issue by moving my development project to the same Windows drive in which library project was located. Somehow Eclipse is unable to read the library project's location properly from default.properties file if it is in a different drive.




Similar to Sufi Khan's post I also solved this issue with a reboot. My case differed in that when I first accessed Properties->Android and added the library I got a lovely green checkmark. When I closed the dialog Eclipse was still showing class-not-found type errors. When I checked the properties again I saw the red X. But Mr. Kahn's solution (delete the bad lib, restart Eclipse, add the lib again) worked fine.

与Sufi Khan的帖子类似,我也通过重启来解决这个问题。当我第一次访问Properties->Android并添加了一个漂亮的绿色标记时,我的情况就不同了。当我关闭对话时,Eclipse仍然显示类未发现的类型错误。当我再次检查属性时,我看到了红色x,但是Kahn先生的解决方案(删除坏的lib,重新启动Eclipse,再添加lib)运行良好。

I'm using the 0702 version of the ADT bundle (starts with "cluster", rhymes with "duck").

我使用的是0702版本的ADT bundle(以“集群”开头,与“duck”押韵)。



I followed the accepted answer but also had to make sure my "project.properties" file was readable.


If the file is readonly (checked into source control) eclipse will not edit it. Adding the library reference will succeed, but the change won't be persisted after hitting OK.


If closing the preferences window and reopening in again removes the library you just added, this may be your solution.




In case your library project still doesn't show up try adding library flag in your library project properties


Add android.library=true

添加android.library = true



# This file is automatically generated by Android Tools.
# Do not modify this file -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE ERASED!
# This file must be checked in Version Control Systems.
# To customize properties used by the Ant build system edit
# "ant.properties", and override values to adapt the script to your
# project structure.
# To enable ProGuard to shrink and obfuscate your code, uncomment this (available properties: sdk.dir, user.home):

# Project target.