sql71501 sql参数具有未解析的内置类型Visual Studio 2012 DB项目的引用

时间:2023-01-17 10:41:53

I am getting the following error with my database project in VS2012. The problem started when I added a custom type in my Database project in VS2012.


CREATE TYPE [dbo].[DestAttractions] AS TABLE(
[TAAttractionId] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,
[TARatingImgUrl] [varchar](256) NULL,
[TAReviewCount] [int] NULL,
[TAReviewUrl] [varchar](256) NULL)

When I try to reference the type in stored procedure which is also part of the database project


CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spupd_DestinationTripAdvisorData]
@DestinationId INT,
@TAAwardImgUrl VARCHAR(256),
@Attractions dbo.DestAttractions READONLY


And build the database project I keep on getting the following error which is quite annoying since the stored procedure works flawlessly and there is no problem with the type.


SQL71501: Parameter: [dbo].[spupd_DestinationTripAdvisorData].[@Attractions] has an unresolved reference to Built-in Type [dbo].[DestAttractions]. Any pointers or help will be much appreciated.

SQL71501:参数:[dbo]。[spupd_DestinationTripAdvisorData]。[@ Attractions]有一个未解析的内置类型[dbo]的引用。[DestAttractions]。任何指针或帮助将不胜感激。

1 个解决方案



In my case the solution was to change the Build Action of file what contains the type definition to Build.

在我的例子中,解决方案是将包含类型定义的文件的Build Action更改为Build。



In my case the solution was to change the Build Action of file what contains the type definition to Build.

在我的例子中,解决方案是将包含类型定义的文件的Build Action更改为Build。