
时间:2023-01-16 19:55:22

I define a project as an SVN directory containing trunk, branches, tags sub dirs.


What criteria do you use when determining when to split a project into two or consolidate several projects into one? - One App per "Project" with a shared projects for common source and resources? - One big "project" containing all source and resources for the app?

在确定何时将项目拆分为两个或将多个项目合并为一个时,您使用什么标准? - 每个“项目”一个应用程序,共享源和资源共享项目? - 一个包含应用程序所有源和资源的大“项目”?

Single project or multi project both have their pluses and minus. We are heading more towards a single project and I'm trying to figure out if this s the right approach.


Split projects allow greater ability to control how different parts of the suite incorporate a change. The common library can be version and different applications can chose to use a specific version (maven dep management approach).

拆分项目可以更好地控制套件的不同部分如何包含更改。公共库可以是版本,不同的应用程序可以选择使用特定版本(maven dep管理方法)。

Split project also create multiple class hierarchies making the code more difficult to understand as a whole and potentially leading to code duplication. I would assume that proper design of the overall structure and the relationships between components would be key to managing this cost.


A unified project approach will make it easier on the developer in terms of setting up a workspace, and provide a single class hierarchy. This is a double edged sword as it will also throw much more information at the developer (too many classes to comprehend).


So, when you are trying to decide where to combine and where to split, what rules of thumb do you use?


10 个解决方案


We put all the projects related to a single app within one SVN Rep simply for the sake of ease of maintenance, centralizing the app's code base in one repository only and also ability to manage the interdependencies between different resources of the app.

我们将与单个应用程序相关的所有项目放在一个SVN Rep中仅仅是为了便于维护,仅将应用程序的代码库集中在一个存储库中,并且还能够管理应用程序的不同资源之间的相互依赖性。

we generally categorize our resources into different folders within trunk. that categorization is primarily based on the functional /modular grouping or layered grouping [DAL, BLL, GUI, etc.]. that is completely upto how you have structured the code. Hope this helps.



The SVN Book has a good discussion on both approaches.

SVN Book对这两种方法都有很好的讨论。

In the end I would choose whatever feels more natural to repository users.


Personally, I've favoured a single SVN trunk/tags/branches approach with all my actual code projects in their own folders inside those.


However, for a larger code-base (I've only managed 3-4 small projects which were part of a single solution), I would highly consider changing to a split approach.



I use both separate projects and combined projects depending on project size. For our large projects, each one is in a separate repository, and has independent build and deployment procedures. For our smaller projects we have a "tools" repository to contain them, with each sub-project as a subdirectory of the root.


I also maintain a "personal" repository where people can store their test programs one-off utilities, or other things that could benefit from source control and centralized backups, but does not belong as an independent project.



I use separate projects and combine them to form a solution through svn:externals.



One app / module that is deployed independently per project. Using a single project makes it difficult to introduce release cycles if you ever find out you need Maven -ish dependency management with a module depending on stable implementations of other modules. It can also lead to people just using random useful-looking code from other apps directly instead of factoring it out to keep the dependency graph Sane (tm).

每个项目独立部署的一个应用程序/模块。如果您发现需要Maven -ish依赖关系管理与模块取决于其他模块的稳定实现,则使用单个项目会导致很难引入发布周期。它还可以导致人们直接使用来自其他应用程序的随机有用的代码,而不是将其分解以保持依赖关系图Sane(tm)。

You should do integration testing using proper test suites and CI practices at clearly defined , not by relying on half your code failing all of a sudden if one part breaks.


Another problem with having a single uber-project is that it's rather onerous for git-svn users that only work on a single module.



Grow organically. Pre optimization is the root of all evil, Dijkstra once said. Also keep YANGI (you ain't gonna need it) in mind.

有机地成长。 Dijkstra曾经说过,预先优化是所有邪恶的根源。还要记住YANGI(你不需要它)。

Every application gets its own folder with trunk/tag/branches. If the a project within an application gets really big, then it gets pushed to it's own separate folder and can be linked to the application at build time (or even svn:externals).

每个应用程序都有自己的文件夹与trunk / tag / branches。如果应用程序中的项目变得非常大,那么它会被推送到它自己的单独文件夹,并且可以在构建时链接到应用程序(甚至是svn:externals)。

That said, if your project requirements are to develop a complex application written by 10 developers and you are the gatekeeper or build master then you can consider more complex alternatives.



Keep separate SVN repositories for separate projects. The last thing you want is to have a Merge Day



You might want to check out Subversion revision number across multiple projects.



Thanks for the input. I won't "choose" an answer because I think all have valuable points in them. Avoiding premature optimization does seem key as does keeping the layout as simple as possible for the time being. We are moving to a single project containing the apps because 90% of the time we release ALL together. Therefore, to complicate matters with a one-apps-per-project doesn't seem to make sense. Even when we go to maven it is likely that all maven artifacts for a given version will be made from the same branch. We can always change it later if need be using SVN history and fisheye to keep us sane.


We'll refactor the source layout just like we'd refactor the source. When a project starts to "smell bad" from a girth and dependency situation we'll break it up, but not before that. I'll probably use girth in time not girth in space: time to build & test, time to checkout. If I have a 1GB tree that I can checkout in < 10 minutes and build/test in < 30 minutes I don't really need to break it up unless I am required to release parts of it frequently.


So, thanks for the input. It was really helpful in my framing the question for me team and evaluating options.



there's no 'good' answer here, but I think there should be a distinction made between SVN repos that contain 1 or 2 projects, and others that contain 100.

这里没有“好”的答案,但我认为在包含1或2个项目的SVN repos与包含100个项目的其他项目之间应该有区别。

I maintain a SVN repo that was migrated from VSS, it has several hundred "projects" in it, none of them have been organised along the trunk/branch/tag structure (in fact I think that structure is really unnecessary and unhelpful after I've used SVN for a while, it certainly doesn't help when you have to tag 2 or 3 projects as a single change).


We maintain a project directory for all our maintained software, under that we have subdirs for configuration and another for source. Under those we have product version numbers - so effectively we are throwing away the concept of trunk, we only have tag directories - the highest number being the trunk (we have to do this as we have to support several versions of the projects simultaneously). Merging happens as needed, so if I update a bug in project A, version 3.0; I'll merge those changes to version 4.0 and v5.0.

我们为所有维护的软件维护一个项目目录,在该目录下我们有用于配置的子目录和用于源的另一个子目录。在那些我们有产品版本号的情况下 - 所以我们有效地抛弃了trunk的概念,我们只有标签目录 - 最高的数字是主干(我们必须这样做,因为我们必须同时支持多个版本的项目)。根据需要进行合并,因此如果我更新项目A中的错误,版本3.0;我将这些更改合并到版本4.0和v5.0。

If I were to do a repo with just 1 or 2 projects, I may be tempted to keep the branch/tag structure, but on the other hand - I'd probably keep the directories explicit in the main tree (assuming I didn't release often enough to tag regularly)(I use the revision number as a 'tag' BTW, and I store binaries in there. So if I need to get a particular old revision, I can grab the right binary from looking at the log)

如果我只用1或2个项目进行回购,我可能会想要保留分支/标记结构,但另一方面 - 我可能会在主树中保持目录显式(假设我没有经常发布以定期标记)(我使用版本号作为'标签'BTW,我在那里存储二进制文件。所以如果我需要获得特定的旧版本,我可以从查看日志中获取正确的二进制文件)

Its surprisingly easy to manage considering I have a 10Gb repo with a revnum currently up past 300,000 with lots of old code in there as well as newer. I would recommend the structure to others and will use it again.


Incidentally, one other reason tags dir wouldn't work for us is because we release every time there is a bug or change request, no matter how tiny. Our tags directory would be unmanageable after a while, this is why we use the revnum as a tag - we can associate it with the bug tracker to keep it more human readable too.

顺便说一句,标签dir对我们不起作用的另一个原因是因为我们每次都有错误或变更请求时发布,无论多么微小。我们的标签目录在一段时间后将无法管理,这就是为什么我们将revnum用作标签 - 我们可以将它与bug跟踪器相关联,以使其更具人性化。

So to summarise in rough, we have a directory structure like this where v1 and v2 are product versions:



obviously, we could put a branch dir under 'source', and a branch/tag under each subproject too but that would become tricky if we needed to release 2 subprojects as a single change request (as we do quite often). Putting a tag subdir under the source dir would mean we tag everything, when only a single subproject got changed (doesn't fit with our requirement to track each subproject individually)



We put all the projects related to a single app within one SVN Rep simply for the sake of ease of maintenance, centralizing the app's code base in one repository only and also ability to manage the interdependencies between different resources of the app.

我们将与单个应用程序相关的所有项目放在一个SVN Rep中仅仅是为了便于维护,仅将应用程序的代码库集中在一个存储库中,并且还能够管理应用程序的不同资源之间的相互依赖性。

we generally categorize our resources into different folders within trunk. that categorization is primarily based on the functional /modular grouping or layered grouping [DAL, BLL, GUI, etc.]. that is completely upto how you have structured the code. Hope this helps.



The SVN Book has a good discussion on both approaches.

SVN Book对这两种方法都有很好的讨论。

In the end I would choose whatever feels more natural to repository users.


Personally, I've favoured a single SVN trunk/tags/branches approach with all my actual code projects in their own folders inside those.


However, for a larger code-base (I've only managed 3-4 small projects which were part of a single solution), I would highly consider changing to a split approach.



I use both separate projects and combined projects depending on project size. For our large projects, each one is in a separate repository, and has independent build and deployment procedures. For our smaller projects we have a "tools" repository to contain them, with each sub-project as a subdirectory of the root.


I also maintain a "personal" repository where people can store their test programs one-off utilities, or other things that could benefit from source control and centralized backups, but does not belong as an independent project.



I use separate projects and combine them to form a solution through svn:externals.



One app / module that is deployed independently per project. Using a single project makes it difficult to introduce release cycles if you ever find out you need Maven -ish dependency management with a module depending on stable implementations of other modules. It can also lead to people just using random useful-looking code from other apps directly instead of factoring it out to keep the dependency graph Sane (tm).

每个项目独立部署的一个应用程序/模块。如果您发现需要Maven -ish依赖关系管理与模块取决于其他模块的稳定实现,则使用单个项目会导致很难引入发布周期。它还可以导致人们直接使用来自其他应用程序的随机有用的代码,而不是将其分解以保持依赖关系图Sane(tm)。

You should do integration testing using proper test suites and CI practices at clearly defined , not by relying on half your code failing all of a sudden if one part breaks.


Another problem with having a single uber-project is that it's rather onerous for git-svn users that only work on a single module.



Grow organically. Pre optimization is the root of all evil, Dijkstra once said. Also keep YANGI (you ain't gonna need it) in mind.

有机地成长。 Dijkstra曾经说过,预先优化是所有邪恶的根源。还要记住YANGI(你不需要它)。

Every application gets its own folder with trunk/tag/branches. If the a project within an application gets really big, then it gets pushed to it's own separate folder and can be linked to the application at build time (or even svn:externals).

每个应用程序都有自己的文件夹与trunk / tag / branches。如果应用程序中的项目变得非常大,那么它会被推送到它自己的单独文件夹,并且可以在构建时链接到应用程序(甚至是svn:externals)。

That said, if your project requirements are to develop a complex application written by 10 developers and you are the gatekeeper or build master then you can consider more complex alternatives.



Keep separate SVN repositories for separate projects. The last thing you want is to have a Merge Day



You might want to check out Subversion revision number across multiple projects.



Thanks for the input. I won't "choose" an answer because I think all have valuable points in them. Avoiding premature optimization does seem key as does keeping the layout as simple as possible for the time being. We are moving to a single project containing the apps because 90% of the time we release ALL together. Therefore, to complicate matters with a one-apps-per-project doesn't seem to make sense. Even when we go to maven it is likely that all maven artifacts for a given version will be made from the same branch. We can always change it later if need be using SVN history and fisheye to keep us sane.


We'll refactor the source layout just like we'd refactor the source. When a project starts to "smell bad" from a girth and dependency situation we'll break it up, but not before that. I'll probably use girth in time not girth in space: time to build & test, time to checkout. If I have a 1GB tree that I can checkout in < 10 minutes and build/test in < 30 minutes I don't really need to break it up unless I am required to release parts of it frequently.


So, thanks for the input. It was really helpful in my framing the question for me team and evaluating options.



there's no 'good' answer here, but I think there should be a distinction made between SVN repos that contain 1 or 2 projects, and others that contain 100.

这里没有“好”的答案,但我认为在包含1或2个项目的SVN repos与包含100个项目的其他项目之间应该有区别。

I maintain a SVN repo that was migrated from VSS, it has several hundred "projects" in it, none of them have been organised along the trunk/branch/tag structure (in fact I think that structure is really unnecessary and unhelpful after I've used SVN for a while, it certainly doesn't help when you have to tag 2 or 3 projects as a single change).


We maintain a project directory for all our maintained software, under that we have subdirs for configuration and another for source. Under those we have product version numbers - so effectively we are throwing away the concept of trunk, we only have tag directories - the highest number being the trunk (we have to do this as we have to support several versions of the projects simultaneously). Merging happens as needed, so if I update a bug in project A, version 3.0; I'll merge those changes to version 4.0 and v5.0.

我们为所有维护的软件维护一个项目目录,在该目录下我们有用于配置的子目录和用于源的另一个子目录。在那些我们有产品版本号的情况下 - 所以我们有效地抛弃了trunk的概念,我们只有标签目录 - 最高的数字是主干(我们必须这样做,因为我们必须同时支持多个版本的项目)。根据需要进行合并,因此如果我更新项目A中的错误,版本3.0;我将这些更改合并到版本4.0和v5.0。

If I were to do a repo with just 1 or 2 projects, I may be tempted to keep the branch/tag structure, but on the other hand - I'd probably keep the directories explicit in the main tree (assuming I didn't release often enough to tag regularly)(I use the revision number as a 'tag' BTW, and I store binaries in there. So if I need to get a particular old revision, I can grab the right binary from looking at the log)

如果我只用1或2个项目进行回购,我可能会想要保留分支/标记结构,但另一方面 - 我可能会在主树中保持目录显式(假设我没有经常发布以定期标记)(我使用版本号作为'标签'BTW,我在那里存储二进制文件。所以如果我需要获得特定的旧版本,我可以从查看日志中获取正确的二进制文件)

Its surprisingly easy to manage considering I have a 10Gb repo with a revnum currently up past 300,000 with lots of old code in there as well as newer. I would recommend the structure to others and will use it again.


Incidentally, one other reason tags dir wouldn't work for us is because we release every time there is a bug or change request, no matter how tiny. Our tags directory would be unmanageable after a while, this is why we use the revnum as a tag - we can associate it with the bug tracker to keep it more human readable too.

顺便说一句,标签dir对我们不起作用的另一个原因是因为我们每次都有错误或变更请求时发布,无论多么微小。我们的标签目录在一段时间后将无法管理,这就是为什么我们将revnum用作标签 - 我们可以将它与bug跟踪器相关联,以使其更具人性化。

So to summarise in rough, we have a directory structure like this where v1 and v2 are product versions:



obviously, we could put a branch dir under 'source', and a branch/tag under each subproject too but that would become tricky if we needed to release 2 subprojects as a single change request (as we do quite often). Putting a tag subdir under the source dir would mean we tag everything, when only a single subproject got changed (doesn't fit with our requirement to track each subproject individually)
