
时间:2023-01-16 17:53:41

Do you use risk analyse methods when starting new projects?


I love when fresh ppl start working at the company, they have so much theory they learn and want to implement when they start to work. Risk analysing, project management, coding standards, documentation standards and so on. (Then the reality hits them, most customers will not pay for all this) ;) But still, i really love the fresh winds and new knowledge they carry with them!

我喜欢当新鲜的人们开始在公司工作时,他们有很多理论,他们学习并希望在他们开始工作时实施。风险分析,项目管理,编码标准,文档标准等。 (然后现实打击了他们,大多数顾客都不会为此付出代价);)但是,我仍然非常喜欢他们携带的新风和新知识!

The car industry and i assume a LOT of other industys use risk analysis on daily basis when implementing a new feature or whatever they do.


My experience is that the "risk analysing" I have done in the past was to say "this part is a tricky one, I dont know if it gonna work or not" and "If it does not work this way, we can try that way".


Today I used a risk analyse protocol belonging to the car industry, and I was impressed that it after the meeting singled out the one thing in the project that was most vulnerable. And gave a number of how much attention we should give that feature in the program against all other.


Of course we have done this earlier in projects but then its just called, "What can go wrong in this project" or "What is the obstacles in the project?" not a part of a protocoll that can be meassured between projects and analysed with nubers.


So.. I want to know everything you know about risk analysing. Enlight me!


4 个解决方案


I do risk analysis all the time - both formally and informally (when assessing, for instance, if a bug needs to be fixed).

我一直在做风险分析 - 正式和非正式(例如,在评估时,是否需要修复错误)。

It's an excellent tool to give appropriate attention to the appropriate issues, avoid paranoia about some aspects of the project (sometimes, we lose perspective and worry about the wrong things), and make difficult decisions when you have limited resources.


It doesn't have to be extremely formal or time-consuming. When you get down to it, our method is simply to ask:


  • "what's the probability of this occurring?"
  • “发生这种情况的概率是多少?”

  • "what's the impact if this occurs?"
  • “如果发生这种情况会有什么影响?”

  • "how well will we be able to handle the problem?"
  • “我们能够多好地处理这个问题?”

You give a score from 1 to 10 to all criteria, multiply them, and take preventive care of risks in decreasing order (we also have a threshold above which a risk is considered unacceptable and must be mitigated).


You might also add a fourth question on how much it costs to reduce the risk at the source (being in the medical industry, we don't: a risk that's considered unacceptable for the patient's health must be lowered, regardless of the cost, or that feature must be dropped)



I've never been involved in a project that did much formal risk analysis. However; we do slightly less formal risk analysis all the time - we're constantly making lists of things that could blow up in our faces, what we're planning to do to prevent the explosion, and what we will do if we're unsuccessful in preventing it, and it happens.

我从未参与过进行过多正式风险分析的项目。然而;我们总是做一些不那么正式的风险分析 - 我们不断列出可能在我们面前爆炸的事情,我们计划采取哪些措施来防止爆炸,以及如果我们不成功,我们将采取的措施防止它,它发生了。

I've been very impressed with the material in Waltzing With Bears: Managing Risk with Software Projects. They offer a very formal risk analysis process, but their analysis and insights are valuable on much less formal risk analysis, as well.

我对Waltzing With Bears:使用软件项目管理风险的材料印象深刻。它们提供了非常正式的风险分析过程,但是他们的分析和见解对于更不正式的风险分析也是有价值的。


There are several types of risk that should be taken into account when approaching a project:


  • Risk of not implementing - The risk posed if the project fails, or if the project is terminated
  • 未实施的风险 - 项目失败或项目终止时产生的风险

  • Risk of missed requirements - The risk that requirements will be missed
  • 错过要求的风险 - 错过要求的风险

  • Organizational risk - The risk created by any organizational changes caused by the change
  • 组织风险 - 由变更引起的任何组织变更所产生的风险

Additionally, there are feature specific risks:


  • Integration risk - The risk that integrating a feature will cause the system to stop functioning properly
  • 集成风险 - 集成功能的风险将导致系统停止正常运行

  • Regression risk - The risk that the feature will cause other features to not work
  • 回归风险 - 该功能将导致其他功能无法工作的风险

  • Security risk - The risk that a feature will not provide adequate protection to the system (introduce an exploit)
  • 安全风险 - 功能无法为系统提供足够保护的风险(引入漏洞)

In terms of analysis, it is important to identify the project risks qualitatively so that the team is aware of these. They are primarily mitigated by communication plans. For the feature specific risks, it is important to identify the specific risks quantitatively. Typically, the architect should document integration and security risks, and the QA team should be responsible for regression risk. I have found that there really are no tools that can do this as well as a good team that communicates well.



Risk analysis is a fancy way of saying "covering my arse when things go tits up", and as such is an excellent way of dodging blame when things don't work out as planned (which, in software engineering, is pretty much always).


Risk Analysis: Point out all the things that can go wrong, write them up in a pretty .pdf, and send them to your pointy haired bosses.



I do risk analysis all the time - both formally and informally (when assessing, for instance, if a bug needs to be fixed).

我一直在做风险分析 - 正式和非正式(例如,在评估时,是否需要修复错误)。

It's an excellent tool to give appropriate attention to the appropriate issues, avoid paranoia about some aspects of the project (sometimes, we lose perspective and worry about the wrong things), and make difficult decisions when you have limited resources.


It doesn't have to be extremely formal or time-consuming. When you get down to it, our method is simply to ask:


  • "what's the probability of this occurring?"
  • “发生这种情况的概率是多少?”

  • "what's the impact if this occurs?"
  • “如果发生这种情况会有什么影响?”

  • "how well will we be able to handle the problem?"
  • “我们能够多好地处理这个问题?”

You give a score from 1 to 10 to all criteria, multiply them, and take preventive care of risks in decreasing order (we also have a threshold above which a risk is considered unacceptable and must be mitigated).


You might also add a fourth question on how much it costs to reduce the risk at the source (being in the medical industry, we don't: a risk that's considered unacceptable for the patient's health must be lowered, regardless of the cost, or that feature must be dropped)



I've never been involved in a project that did much formal risk analysis. However; we do slightly less formal risk analysis all the time - we're constantly making lists of things that could blow up in our faces, what we're planning to do to prevent the explosion, and what we will do if we're unsuccessful in preventing it, and it happens.

我从未参与过进行过多正式风险分析的项目。然而;我们总是做一些不那么正式的风险分析 - 我们不断列出可能在我们面前爆炸的事情,我们计划采取哪些措施来防止爆炸,以及如果我们不成功,我们将采取的措施防止它,它发生了。

I've been very impressed with the material in Waltzing With Bears: Managing Risk with Software Projects. They offer a very formal risk analysis process, but their analysis and insights are valuable on much less formal risk analysis, as well.

我对Waltzing With Bears:使用软件项目管理风险的材料印象深刻。它们提供了非常正式的风险分析过程,但是他们的分析和见解对于更不正式的风险分析也是有价值的。


There are several types of risk that should be taken into account when approaching a project:


  • Risk of not implementing - The risk posed if the project fails, or if the project is terminated
  • 未实施的风险 - 项目失败或项目终止时产生的风险

  • Risk of missed requirements - The risk that requirements will be missed
  • 错过要求的风险 - 错过要求的风险

  • Organizational risk - The risk created by any organizational changes caused by the change
  • 组织风险 - 由变更引起的任何组织变更所产生的风险

Additionally, there are feature specific risks:


  • Integration risk - The risk that integrating a feature will cause the system to stop functioning properly
  • 集成风险 - 集成功能的风险将导致系统停止正常运行

  • Regression risk - The risk that the feature will cause other features to not work
  • 回归风险 - 该功能将导致其他功能无法工作的风险

  • Security risk - The risk that a feature will not provide adequate protection to the system (introduce an exploit)
  • 安全风险 - 功能无法为系统提供足够保护的风险(引入漏洞)

In terms of analysis, it is important to identify the project risks qualitatively so that the team is aware of these. They are primarily mitigated by communication plans. For the feature specific risks, it is important to identify the specific risks quantitatively. Typically, the architect should document integration and security risks, and the QA team should be responsible for regression risk. I have found that there really are no tools that can do this as well as a good team that communicates well.



Risk analysis is a fancy way of saying "covering my arse when things go tits up", and as such is an excellent way of dodging blame when things don't work out as planned (which, in software engineering, is pretty much always).


Risk Analysis: Point out all the things that can go wrong, write them up in a pretty .pdf, and send them to your pointy haired bosses.
