图像显示在Dev build中,但在发布项目asp.net后不会显示

时间:2023-01-16 15:57:15

I am getting binary bytes from database and converting them into to png images and saving them in the /Images folder of the project and displaying them through tags. the files are created and used in the Developer environment but as soon as I publish it only the files are created in the images folder but it is not being read or being displayed in the IMG tag.

我从数据库获取二进制字节并将它们转换为png图像并将它们保存在项目的/ Images文件夹中并通过标签显示它们。这些文件是在Developer环境中创建和使用的,但是一旦我发布它,只有文件在images文件夹中创建,但它没有被读取或显示在IMG标签中。

public string Image_Binary(string pic_id)
        var imagepath=ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ImagePath"];
        string picstring;
        string pid = pic_id;
        string path = imagepath+ pid + ".Png";
        if (pid != null && pid != "")
             if (File.Exists(Server.MapPath(path)))
                    picstring = imagepath + pid + ".Png";


                 DataSet picds = DB.fetchdata("select PictureBinary FROM Picture where Id=" + pic_id);
                 byte[] picbin = (byte[])picds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0];
                 ImageConverter ic = new ImageConverter();
                 System.Drawing.Image img = (System.Drawing.Image)ic.ConvertFrom(picbin);
                 img.Save(Server.MapPath(imagepath + pid + ".Png"), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
                 picstring = imagepath + pid + ".Png";

            //picstring = null;
            picstring = "#";
        return picstring;

Web.config entry

  <add key="ImagePath" value="~/ProductImages/"

1 个解决方案


if your images are not stored in the default Images folder then after publishing the new folder will not be included. its not the code fault. as much as i can see the code is correct. check your image path if the folder is created after build.



if your images are not stored in the default Images folder then after publishing the new folder will not be included. its not the code fault. as much as i can see the code is correct. check your image path if the folder is created after build.
