
时间:2023-01-15 22:47:16

I am in process of outlining a architecture of a fairly complex application based on angular. So I started with the angular-seed project and it seems to be a good starting point. What bothers me is that angular apps by nature involves loading everything upfront. With script loaders, there doesn't seems to be a clean way around.


I came from a backbone.js background and there it was quiet straight to use the require.js for lazy loading based on the router callbacks. In angular routes are somewhat defined like the below:


// Declare app level module which depends on views, and components
angular.module('myApp', [
config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
.otherwise({redirectTo: '/view1'});

now here, $routeProvider.when({templateURL:'../tmpl.html',controller:'view1Ctrl'}) I would like to lazily load the controller and the template. I was tempted to use something like:

现在这里,$ routeProvider.when({templateURL:'.. / tmpl.html',controller:'view1Ctrl'})我想懒洋洋地加载控制器和模板。我很想使用类似的东西:


using browserify but then it doesn't seems to be clean and not even with require. I know this question has been asked several times on SO some way or the other but i haven't found a emphatic answer to this.


My preference here is to use the browserify as it supports the much loved cjs modules in browser.


1 个解决方案



I'm not sure how to do this with Browserify, as I've never tried it myself but I would strongly recommend you look into ocLazyLoad.


As a standalone service, it works wonders with loading files (json, css, js, templates - you name it) and injecting it into your already running angular application.

作为一个独立的服务,它可以创建加载文件(json,css,js,模板 - 您的名字)并将其注入已经运行的角度应用程序中。

With that said, it works even better(imo) coupled with a router (the default angular one, or ui-router).


There are some 'seed projects' that showcase how one could do it with ocLazyLoad coupled with SystemJS.


But you don't even need that.


If you go with ui-router, ui-router-extras and ocLazyLoad you can put something like this together to lazy load states:



 * Inject the needed dependencies into our main module.
var main = angular.module('main', [ 'ui.router', 'ct.ui.router.extras.future', 'oc.lazyLoad' ]);

 * Define the lazy loaded states.
main.constant('lazyLoadedStates', [
    name: 'about',
    url:  '/about',
    type: 'lazy',
    src: [

 * Setup the behaviour for when we hit a futureState with the 'lazy'
 * type. 
 * 1. Setup a deferred object.
 * 2. Resolve the promise when every file defined in the futureState.src has been loaded.
 * 3. Return the promise.
main.config(function ($futureStateProvider, lazyLoadedStates) {
  $futureStateProvider.stateFactory('lazy', function ($q, $ocLazyLoad, futureState) {
    var deferred = $q.defer();

    $ocLazyLoad.load(futureState.src).then(function () {

    return deferred.promise;


That's the 'framework' out of the way - now you just need to keep adding more modules, with more code, and match a real state definition with the dummy one in the lazyLoadedStates constant.

这就是“框架” - 现在您只需要继续添加更多模块,使用更多代码,并将实际状态定义与lazyLoadedStates常量中的虚拟定义相匹配。


 * Setup the _real_ '/about' state in this lazy loaded file.
angular.module('about', []).config(function ($stateProvider) {
  $stateProvider.state('about', {
    url: '/about',
    controller: 'AboutController',
    template: 'some_template.html'


 * Register the AboutController in a lazy loaded file. This could be done in about.module.js aswell,
 * but we'll do it here to separate stuff and showcase loading of multiple files. 
angular.module('about').controller('AboutController', function ($state) {
  console.log('Im on a lazy loaded state!', $state.current);

I hope that gives you the rough idea of how to setup lazy loaded states in Angular. I have yet to find an easier way to do this, but I'm sure there are articles out there on how to couple ui-router (or the default angular router) with some other 'lazy-loader'.


Doc links:



I'm not sure how to do this with Browserify, as I've never tried it myself but I would strongly recommend you look into ocLazyLoad.


As a standalone service, it works wonders with loading files (json, css, js, templates - you name it) and injecting it into your already running angular application.

作为一个独立的服务,它可以创建加载文件(json,css,js,模板 - 您的名字)并将其注入已经运行的角度应用程序中。

With that said, it works even better(imo) coupled with a router (the default angular one, or ui-router).


There are some 'seed projects' that showcase how one could do it with ocLazyLoad coupled with SystemJS.


But you don't even need that.


If you go with ui-router, ui-router-extras and ocLazyLoad you can put something like this together to lazy load states:



 * Inject the needed dependencies into our main module.
var main = angular.module('main', [ 'ui.router', 'ct.ui.router.extras.future', 'oc.lazyLoad' ]);

 * Define the lazy loaded states.
main.constant('lazyLoadedStates', [
    name: 'about',
    url:  '/about',
    type: 'lazy',
    src: [

 * Setup the behaviour for when we hit a futureState with the 'lazy'
 * type. 
 * 1. Setup a deferred object.
 * 2. Resolve the promise when every file defined in the futureState.src has been loaded.
 * 3. Return the promise.
main.config(function ($futureStateProvider, lazyLoadedStates) {
  $futureStateProvider.stateFactory('lazy', function ($q, $ocLazyLoad, futureState) {
    var deferred = $q.defer();

    $ocLazyLoad.load(futureState.src).then(function () {

    return deferred.promise;


That's the 'framework' out of the way - now you just need to keep adding more modules, with more code, and match a real state definition with the dummy one in the lazyLoadedStates constant.

这就是“框架” - 现在您只需要继续添加更多模块,使用更多代码,并将实际状态定义与lazyLoadedStates常量中的虚拟定义相匹配。


 * Setup the _real_ '/about' state in this lazy loaded file.
angular.module('about', []).config(function ($stateProvider) {
  $stateProvider.state('about', {
    url: '/about',
    controller: 'AboutController',
    template: 'some_template.html'


 * Register the AboutController in a lazy loaded file. This could be done in about.module.js aswell,
 * but we'll do it here to separate stuff and showcase loading of multiple files. 
angular.module('about').controller('AboutController', function ($state) {
  console.log('Im on a lazy loaded state!', $state.current);

I hope that gives you the rough idea of how to setup lazy loaded states in Angular. I have yet to find an easier way to do this, but I'm sure there are articles out there on how to couple ui-router (or the default angular router) with some other 'lazy-loader'.


Doc links: