
时间:2023-01-15 18:20:19

Cocoa uses delegates extensively to provide (among other things) callback methods for asynchronous operations. However, I personally hate the delegate model and how it pollutes the current class with handlers for very specific child operations. UIAlertView is a perfect example.

Cocoa广泛使用委托来提供(除其他外)异步操作的回调方法。但是,我个人讨厌委托模型以及它如何使用处理程序对非常特定的子操作污染当前类。 UIAlertView就是一个很好的例子。

Therefore, I'm wondering if it's possible to simply create an anonymous delegate object that meets the requirements of a delegate protocol (such as UIAlertViewDelegate) via blocks and pass this anonymous object wherever a delegate reference is expected.


I imagine something like so:


id myDelegate = @{
    alertView:alertView didDismissWithButtonIndex:index = ^ {

UIAlertView* alertView = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:... message:... delegate:myDelegate cancelButtonTitle:... otherButtonTitles:...;
[alertView show];

I've heard Objective-C has some good dynamic language features but I don't know how to simply add a method/selector to an object. Can this be done in a relatively straightforward manner?


4 个解决方案



Yes, the language features you mention are exposed via the objective-c runtime, although there's no built-in facility to dynamically create delegate classes and the runtime api is not the friendliest of things.


There is a library called A2DynamicDelegate, which does exactly what you're talking about. I haven't used it, but it may be worth investigating.


EDIT: A problem with this approach is that delegates are not retained, so you'll need to either keep a strong reference somewhere else, or an add an associative reference to the UIAlertView. You may find that all this fuss isn't worth it and just adding an extra method to your view controller works better (you can conform to the delegate protocol in a class extension to avoid polluting your interface).




One option is to write a class which wraps your blocks for the individual methods of the delegate protocol into a delegate object. For details see this answer.




You should consider using a category that adds block support to UIAlertView, which seems to address your use case. UIAlertView-Blocks is my favorite one although there are many others.

您应该考虑使用一个为UIAlertView添加块支持的类别,这似乎可以解决您的用例。 UIAlertView-Blocks是我最喜欢的,虽然还有很多其他的。



If you want to use blocks with a delegate-based API, you'll have to do some subclassing. For example, see PSAlertView, which subclasses UIAlertView to provide a block-based API.




Yes, the language features you mention are exposed via the objective-c runtime, although there's no built-in facility to dynamically create delegate classes and the runtime api is not the friendliest of things.


There is a library called A2DynamicDelegate, which does exactly what you're talking about. I haven't used it, but it may be worth investigating.


EDIT: A problem with this approach is that delegates are not retained, so you'll need to either keep a strong reference somewhere else, or an add an associative reference to the UIAlertView. You may find that all this fuss isn't worth it and just adding an extra method to your view controller works better (you can conform to the delegate protocol in a class extension to avoid polluting your interface).




One option is to write a class which wraps your blocks for the individual methods of the delegate protocol into a delegate object. For details see this answer.




You should consider using a category that adds block support to UIAlertView, which seems to address your use case. UIAlertView-Blocks is my favorite one although there are many others.

您应该考虑使用一个为UIAlertView添加块支持的类别,这似乎可以解决您的用例。 UIAlertView-Blocks是我最喜欢的,虽然还有很多其他的。



If you want to use blocks with a delegate-based API, you'll have to do some subclassing. For example, see PSAlertView, which subclasses UIAlertView to provide a block-based API.
